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Things We Learned from Gremlins [Chrismas Movie Topic]

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Its that time of the year again! Christmas is coming and its time to roll out the Christmas movies like Gremlins! So yeah enjoy. 

Don't give strange unkown things to scientists

When you give creatures like that to scientists most likely it will mutate and then break free to rage havoc on the city. Its been a cliche in horror movies for a long time. I gotta be honest though it wasn't that smart to give a gremlin to a science teacher.

Don't buy weird creatures from old Chinese men

Who wouldn't trust a half blind Chinese man smoking a pipe? 

The highest suicide rates happen during the holidays

In the movie she says "You know the highest suicide rate happens during the holidays." I was thinking about that myself and its probably the worst time to die as well... Because on Christmas if you died your family would get double the stress and not just from presents and decorations. Really you should be happy during Christmas even if its stressful take a break! It's the HOLIDAYS.

Midnight snaking is never the answer

Never midnight snack!!! When gremlins midnight snack they turn into gross green monsters. Really just wait for breakfast >:I 

Anyway hope you liked this topic but if you haven't seen Gremlins you probably won't understand this topic if not then go see it!!!

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fire_crafter100 wrote:

The highest suicide rates happen during the holidays
Really you should be happy during Christmas even if its stressful take a break! It's the HOLIDAYS.
People can't turn happy in just a snap of a finger. And I think the main reason for the spike in suicide rates in christmas time is loneliness rather than stress.

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