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4 Mysterious Valentine Gift for 52*4999

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i wanna buy 4 Mysterious Valentine Gift in cash shop for 52*4999





or 13x4999 for each

plz help me i really really want it

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u can use trade referre because the 4999s amount is huge so as to have a safe trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! referees are people with green colour and all moderators

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esperia wrote:
use trade referreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
if u need me im her

I will...that is the only way I would do this trade.

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um... CC aren't giftable after purchase..
be carefull with that :S
esp, you won't be able to gift it to strawberizz after tcarnagie sends the mover to you...

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1st : Strawberriiz send me the 4999's.
2nd : Once i have them i tell Tcarnagie that i have them and she can send the cash shop item [b]directly to strawberriiz
3rd : Once Srawberriiz has received the cash shop item i send the 4999's to tcarnagie..

Just donttcarnagie send the cash shop item to me as i cant send it on![/b]

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start receiving 4999s from strawberiiz when i collected all i will post there so as tcarnagie send her cc item

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Strawberriiz wrote:
i wanna buy 4 Mysterious Valentine Gift in cash shop for 52*4999





or 13x4999 for each

plz help me i really really want it

Just sent F/R....which item did you want?

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Also wanted to say that what will be coming will be in a pink bag and won't be able to be opened until the 14th.

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sorry but i have to go strawberizz u will talk with tamara so as to send u the cc item!!!!!!!when u receive it please post there so as to send he 13x4999s!!!!!!!!!
btw i think i can give u also 1 cc box for 13x4999s

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Thanks Esperia. As soon as I hear something I will let you know. I will be on and off all day today.

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I am still waiting for f/r to be accepted. Don't know what to do. I will still be on the computer for another 9 hours before my day will end. LOL Hopefully we will get it done today for her.

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hope so!!!!!!!!!!!but dont have a problem !!!!!!if u have news pm at facebook

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ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!when ur cc item been sent post it there so as to send her 4999s

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Your on.....Let me log into him and I will send it now. Which item did you want for this trade???

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ok strawberizz told me at chat that received it so start sending 4999s

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13x4999s sent to tamara
my 1st trade as trade referee was sucesfull and im soooooooooo happy
safe trader and safe buyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i will add rep to both of u

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esperia wrote:
13x4999s sent to tamara
my 1st trade as trade referee was sucesfull and im soooooooooo happy
safe trader and safe buyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i will add rep to both of u

You did a wonderful job and I add rep for you!!

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Tcarnagie wrote:
esperia wrote:
13x4999s sent to tamara
my 1st trade as trade referee was sucesfull and im soooooooooo happy
safe trader and safe buyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i will add rep to both of u

You did a wonderful job and I add rep for you!!

hohoho THANK u too both!!!!!!!!!!!!!

btw i had individually with strawberizz trade!!!!!!!!!!she sent me 13x4999s and i sent to her cc box!!!!!!!!she is so safe in my opinion so added rep !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!she deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Second trade was done and all items sent and received. Rep added. Great person to work with.

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