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I can give you 20*4999 for all of this item
pleaseeeeeee TTT^TTT

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things from the cash shop you can not send someone after purchase, unless immediately be bought as a gift for someone else. Can I buy you something blue for 10 coins. Unless you suggest instead?

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kindness wrote:
I can give you 20*4999 for all of this item
pleaseeeeeee TTT^TTT

things from the cash shop you can not send someone after purchase, unless immediately be bought as a gift for someone else. Can I buy you something for 10 blue coins- wig or floor. Unless you suggest instead? I propose 7*4999

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So sorry I dont have lot of 4999
so i want to buy all of them in 20*4999

thank you Smile for you good hope SmileSmile

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iF you say 20*4999 for all.........,( you mean 1*4999=5*999? )?

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It means Now I have only 20*4999 for buying all of list
I don't want separate the item, I want only one person can buy it all

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yes, I know. I can also buy for you a complet

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you have piano also. so make a deal:)

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