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March - a month of stress!

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Well,the month of March is filled with music and stress.
At Friday,12th of March,I have a music theory competition and I can say that I'm pretty much nervous. Wait,"pretty much" isn't the right word. REALLY nervous.
I've practiced with my MT (music theory) teacher 3 months so I think she taught me enough. She thinks that too,so I can say that I am ready (?). The competition will say the truth.
But that's not all. Tuesday is maybe a peaceful day for most people,but I have a violin competition in a city called Arandjelovac and I can say that I'm not ready. I need more practicing and improvements in my sound quality and...well...practicing! Yesterday I had an audition and it went horrible! I had a temperature (!) a bad cough (!!) plus I made thousand mistakes while I was playing the piece called: "Romansa Andaluza" (!!!). Well,the temperature and cough aren't the only ones to blame,I didn't practice violin yesterday and the "non-practicing" affected my play. To make the things worse,I came back home and slept 4 hours (!),then woke up and opened violin to practice,and noticed that my bow greaser is missing! Me and my dad circled the whole city to search for a new greaser but no luck. But that's not the ending!! After I came home,I've noticed that my bows strings are dirty and dark of the house dust. I became mad (!!!) and wanted just to cry of the sadness. My dad went to my violin teachers house to borrow his greaser. And then,the whole world crushed on my back. My violin teacher wasn't at home!!!!!!! Then,after a day full of stresses,I've started to cry like a baby and cried for the whole hour! Yesterday was a day of hell (!) for me... I didn't have a worse day than that in ages.
State competitions awaits me in 25th of March,so I'm just hoping that things will work out to be better soon.

For now,all I need from all PSFC friends is big luck wishes! This thread is also explaining why are 3 of my comps closed. I will get my internet back in April (I hope so) and I will become pretty much active again.

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omg .. im so sorry for you !!!!!!!! wow that would have been tough , if that was me i would have cried too Sad

best of wishes to you xxx i hope you do well in your music theory comp and your violin comp

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awwwww lazar!!! we all get those days ... i just wish they wer'nt as often.

im sure you will do amazing then the competitions comes. make us proud!!!!

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Thank you both for the prayers. Yesterday was the day I will never forget!

hannahbananaa wrote:
i just looked for that song... its so beautiful!

I know,but it's not beautiful when I play it. I need to practice.

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that's horrible Laz!!!! hope that you get well soon and calm down and everything will turn ot alright! just be positve and optimistic!

my best wishes! :leppy: GOOD LUCK :leppy:

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Yesterday,my violin teacher and me practiced for 2 whole hours and managed to get trough all problems.
Today,the day was even better. So all I can say is - Thank you for your support and kindness

The music theory comp starts in 2 days,and my violin comp in 6 days.
The state violin competition starts at 25th of March and I just can't wait!

And big hugs for all supporters and Yvette for the giant lolly!

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That is really horrible! I think I will be very very stressed out if I were you.
Well, Good Luck! And Romansa Andaluza is an amazing piece! I'm sure you will do the best at the competition! Smile

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wish you the best of Luck Laz!!!!!! :leppy:

tell us how it was at the end! but i'm sure you'll be great! congratulations

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