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Everything posted by yunyunpetsociety

  1. i need them all.... how much? i mean for the trees.... I dont know please offer how many do u have? i can offer 2x4999 each or i can swap with my rose pot plants
  2. payments sent pls check loading both apps now ok pls dont delete me cos i will open my cs after 1 hour... i need to do some work tq for the trade All sent, please check when you can. All recieved too! Thanks for the trade! Rep added. all received ... rep added! thx
  3. payments sent pls check loading both apps now ok pls dont delete me cos i will open my cs after 1 hour... i need to do some work tq for the trade
  4. i have the common apple tree already... looking for other tree but tq for the offer
  5. f/r sent btw... will send the payments after 45 minutes... i will send 1st will let u know. brb
  6. yea... interested with stick and stones and fertilizers too... how many do u have? 230xLevel 1 Fertilizers 10xLevel 2 Fertilizers 4xLevel 3 Fertilizers 764xSticks 429xStones And a bunch of crops that sell for 103197 coins. Be back in an hour. ok how much for all? I'm not sure....I usually don't trade CS to PS. :o I have no idea of the exchange rate cause I left the game in August. usually i rate 500 sticks + 500stones for 1x 4999 items on ps and the crop resells 35k for 1x 4999 items on ps.... can i buy them for 3x 4999 + 4x 999 items on ps... i think i dont need the fertilizers... coz i dont use them i will send 1st the payments.... but i will trade after an hour... cos i'm in shop right now will be back home after an hour
  7. yea... interested with stick and stones and fertilizers too... how many do u have? 230xLevel 1 Fertilizers 10xLevel 2 Fertilizers 4xLevel 3 Fertilizers 764xSticks 429xStones And a bunch of crops that sell for 103197 coins. Be back in an hour. ok how much for all?
  8. how many do u need? for rose pot plant... i can sell for 1x4999 each for pink rose decor... its fine with me for 4x999 each... how many each do you have I want all!!!! i have 10x pink rose decor and 15x rose pot plant... we can trade after one hour.. u can send me f/r btw i have1x merpet statue and 2x elegant rose... 2x elegant iris for 1x4999 each.... all together will be 26x4999.... do let me know if i calculate them wrong... i rate 6x999 : 1x4999 for now I want 1 merpet statue and 8 rose pot plant for 9x4999 and 2 pink rose decor for 8x999 already send f/r ok ready to trade now? p.s loading now... my p.s kinda slow... pls wait.. i will send 1st
  9. yea... interested with stick and stones and fertilizers too... how many do u have?
  10. yes... i pay with 4999 items on ps ah right thought i had some trees but i havent lol its ok tq for helping... i'm also looking for peach tree... green apple tree... green pretty tree bonsai
  11. payments sent .... pink tree received thx for the trade rep added!
  12. how many do u need? for rose pot plant... i can sell for 1x4999 each for pink rose decor... its fine with me for 4x999 each... how many each do you have I want all!!!! i have 10x pink rose decor and 15x rose pot plant... we can trade after one hour.. u can send me f/r btw i have1x merpet statue and 2x elegant rose... 2x elegant iris for 1x4999 each.... all together will be 26x4999.... do let me know if i calculate them wrong... i rate 6x999 : 1x4999
  13. how many do u need? for rose pot plant... i can sell for 1x4999 each for pink rose decor... its fine with me for 4x999 each...
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