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Everything posted by Tuttsfruts

  1. Im Ordering! I want my pet: (Naked/Clothed) Type: Forum Name: Facebook Name: Pet Name: Level: Pet Pic: Others: Give a tip: (Yes/No/Maybe) Undressed Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Dressed Type 1 Type 2
  2. OPEN Prices: Undressed: 1 Blue Mystery Box Dressed: 1 Gold Mystery Box Rules: Ill only receive orders when the store's status is Open. Ill ignore orders made when the store is closed! Please be patient!!! Im a college student! If you want to use my work, please ask me!!! And dont claim my work as yours. Pictures must be in high quality and a reasonable size. You must fill an order form to order
  3. I dont understand, what do you mean? I finally got a bulldog doll thanks to drop auctions! If it wasnt for them, I would have never got it :roll:
  4. I loved it!!!!! :mbounce: It was just great!! I missed the monster doll though . I had to leave to school :'(
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