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Everything posted by eli&dharma

  1. oute gw to nomizw....emena h filh mou eixe mia prosfora apo to thl ths me dwrean xrono k oti periseye ka8e fora to kane cc(na nai kala to koritsi ) kai ebaze syxna ..... poios kserei...mhpws den se 8elei mwre????
  2. na mai k pali...ka8arisa olo to spiti paidia...h mesh mou bghke pali mia filh mou synexeia to kanei ayto me to kinhto ma den mou xei pei na xe pote problhamata
  3. koulina mou pantws egw katalaba me kanonika perneis cash...alla apo to video den fainete k kala..k allwste..payfish einai ayth...mporei telika k na mhn to bgalei k adika na xairomaste.. xaxaxaxaa :focus:
  4. xaxa...egw ton 8umamai...etrwge (mallon kalutera xlapakiaze) oti evriske mprosta tou k sunexeia!!!!!!wraio paidiko! :friends: 8ymase???pou eixe panta mprosta tou ekeines tis piatares me ta makaronia kai xlapakiaze kanonika...xaxaxaxaxa..ti gelia......
  5. pas n fas????????????? xaxaxaxa to ksera pws 8a to peis ayto.... xaxaxaxa... ksereis t mou 8ymhses twra?ton kampamarou!!!! to 8ymase to paidiko???
  6. OXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!! mhn to kaneis ayto.... sygkrathsou...afou ypoti8ete 8a ginete k h antalagh coins apla gia cc...ante,mpas k doume k meis asprh mera
  7. ax super mpravo bre kathrin..... ti leiei?ti kaneis today???
  8. na mai k gw ax paidia wra pragmata 8a xei apo new week.... 8a kseparadiastoume pali mou fainete!!!!!!
  9. eli&dharma

    Greek corner

    paidia paw k ligo na bgalw thn dharmoula mia boltaoula k erxomai
  10. eli&dharma

    Greek corner

    pw pw.///ayto pou les k gw 8elw na to ma8w!!!ka8e fora pou mpainw edw meta gemizei to mail mou...x8es mish wra ekatsa edw k eixa 40mail shmera!!!!!!
  11. eli&dharma

    Greek corner

    peinas???????:wow: ??????xaxaxaxaxaxa...em ti allo??? pou nai h laoura na se taisei pali..... kala bre den se taizoun ekei pou eisai?den trws? ka8e fora pou mpainw les oti peinas!!! :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
  12. eli&dharma

    Greek corner

    na se rwthsw kati re kathrin...edw epitrepontai animated siggys????mhpws lew..mhpws...
  13. eli&dharma

    Greek corner

    a mporei...den 8ymamai kala giati tote den empaina k poly sto greek...eimoun sta kentrika akoma apla 8ymamai pou tan mia maria pou thn eixan adeiasei to spiti kai mou xe kanei entypwsh pou thn eixe boh8hsei tosos kosmos k meta pou xa ksanaperasei eixe bgei oti htan psemmata.......etsi 8ymamai toulaxiston,mporei na kano k la8os e? tespa..............ti kanete today girls?????
  14. eli&dharma

    Greek corner

    eixan klepsei k mia maria.....prin poly poly kairo...... kata xeimwna...eixame akoma to corner nomizw.... k thn eixane boh8hsei polla atoma meta.... kala mallon den 8a nai h idia,apla mou r8e h mnymh k to pa
  15. eli&dharma

    Greek corner

    bre kalos thn marianna an tous eixa mprosta mou tosh wra pou esbhna 8a xa toufekisei poly kosmo milame...... :cool2: :shoot2: :shoot2 :
  16. eli&dharma

    Greek corner

    re y ayth h maria pou htan edw thn eixan klepsei k paliotera h allh maria htan ekeinh pou 8ymamai????? eimai sto kleytiko klima twra...xaaxaxa
  17. eli&dharma

    Greek corner

    pw pw paidia...eftiaxna ligo tis ry8miseis mou k eipa na kanw ena refresh tous kleytes apo to forum... ti to 8ela???? ma to 8eo re paidia...exei 3 wres :wow: mplokarw atoma k pali oute tous misous den mplokara!!!!an einai dynaton dld......... an einai dynaton!!! :shoot2:
  18. eli&dharma

    Greek corner

    paidia hr8e h wra mou...den thn paleyw allo... exw k thn mikrh apo dipla na rixnei tous ypnous ths...pou na krath8w k gw??? ta leme ayrio filakia pollaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  19. eli&dharma

    Greek corner

    koita an den eixe steilei o serbos o mod to prwi proidopoihtiko mhnhma sthn eleonora k gw den 8a xa dwsei megalh bash....meta omws pou to open h jac lew plaka mas kanoun ara plaka as tous kanoume...mexri to meshmeri omws den egine k tpt re sy...apla ta legame
  20. eli&dharma

    Greek corner

    w re fatsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
  21. eli&dharma

    Greek corner

    ioulia : :biggrin: : :biggrin: : :biggrin: : :4:
  22. eli&dharma

    Greek corner

    xaxaxaxa...se kynhgane pantou.... xaxaxa kathrin: k kata eme to trabame poly....exoun aytoi thn xazosymperifora tous alla exoume k meis ena kefali pia..... myga den shkwnoume mallon 8a tan kalytera na perimenoume ligo akomh pisteyw.... oso gia to makedoniko...twra xtypas eyais8hth fleba to swstotero 8a tan na mhn paroun ka8olou 8esh...apo thn allh omws...edw den mas prostateyei to iio mas to e8nos k epitrepei ston ka8e malak na kanei tis mlkies tou,8a mas prostatepsei h palyfish k ena xazoforum??????
  23. eli&dharma

    Greek corner

    kathrin: a re sy...etsi pou to pes nomiza kanonikh xaxaxaxaxa poios to skeythke? re mhn mas kanoun kana teleiwtiko ban.... lena:aaaaaa!egw exw to gimp 8a to psakw omws.... edw kanoume alla k alla thank's pantws
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