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Posts posted by berhala

  1. I want to thank PSFC for this wonderful tips:

    Change the contents of a Mystery Box
    This is a bit more tricky to do. Follow these steps to never over spend on mystery boxes again (please note that this can be time consuming!).

    1. Buy a RMB, BMB or GMB from the Mystery Shop.
    2. Gift this Mystery Box to any of your friends, but ask them when they have recived the mystery box to return it to you.
    3. When you get the mystery box back open the mystery box as normal.
    4. If you like the item click "OK" however if you do not want the item DO NOT click OK, instead leave the "Mystery Box Revealed...." box is on the screen and click "Refresh" in your browser.
    5. Once you have re-freshed your browser and re-loaded Pet Society you will notice the Mystery box back in your chest, go in and open it again, it should be a different item than last time, simply follow these steps over and over again until you get what your looking for!

  2. Hi all Smile
    I have 3 napoleon dolls to trade.
    I dont know what the price for napoleon doll, but i've seen people selling it for 3x999.

    I want to trade:
    1 napoleon doll with 3 tiger plushies congratulations
    if you want to pay with 999 or GMBs, its okay with me too.

    if you think its too high, please make offer..


  3. dear all,

    is it true that each tree can only bear 3 fruits.. so if you dont pick it it just wont grow more fruit?

    sorry my english i mean.. 1 tree has 3 fruits, you dont pick it, it wont grow more fruits.. haha

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