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Posts posted by Grom

  1. Best, the many skindred gigs ive gone to, They put so much effort into their shows to create an awesome atmosphere, be it a stage at a festival with thousands or a tiny gig at a church with a couple of hundred,

    Worst,was the milton keynes bowl last year for the prodigy/pendulum/chase and status gig. This wasnt due to the bands themselfs but the people that attended, If you want to most thats fine, but do it in the already massive mosh pit instead of being a pussy and doing it on the boundries. If other folks want to have a dance or jsut appreciate the music itself dont start shoving folk around, This causes the whole crowd to shove each other around and then you spend your whol gig just trying to keep yourself upright, and resisting the urge to punch annoying trendie kids in the face all day,

    AS you can probably guess I got really pissed off that day...

  2. Ello ladies and gents, Some of you will know from other forums about on leh tinternet, just a hello to those who don't!

    Only been bikeing about 3 or so years now ut love it to bits, both the riding and the spannering!

    23 year old lad from suffolk, Currently attending college doing a level 2 IMI in motorcycle mechanics and intend to go on from that to level 3 after that, and hopefully learn my self some fabrication techniques like welding and such if possible also.

    Got myself 3 ikes currently, 2 on the road being a 600 '02 bandit and a 125dr(sm) for my college and work hack. And a mk1 1200 bandit in the garage thats my project bike currently.

    Heres a few pics of my rides.

    My 600,

    My 1200 as it was when saved from a garden after being stood for years.

    And how it currently stands, alot of work to do!

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