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Everything posted by wiserider

  1. I would happily help out, I can assist you with all things Instructural, i.e. DSA and their rules and regulations. and I do hold a post of moderator on a different forum dealing with most things PC. So if I do not get a look in as I am very new, perhaps a training section would be good, and I would be happy to assist
  2. Thank you all, I look forward to gabbering with you all soon
  3. Just a little intro, and thank you for accepting me on your forum, Nah "just joshing" lol I am short, Tubby, Motorcycle Instructor, of many years, I might add, however I am "more" here as an observer, (not IAM ) or the expensive one (sorry) I am trying to get back to the days that getting on a bike was, what kept you awake a little at night. in my day it was the old 2T ( two Stroke ) that smell in the morning when you left your night shift, was like sitting down at breakfast and eating marmite soldiers, after dipping them in soft boiled eggs, you had spent the last three or so hours wishing for bed, but now in the cold fresh air, you had a day to deal with. I know but those are the ways I remember it, Many years on as I am now, I find it hard to get out there, only because I am a little bored with riding............ who'd a thought it? apart from this I am also a maintenance manager for a hotel in Bedfordshire, that I will mention when it deserves its four star status, I must add this is the fault of the management and not the very hard working staff... nuff said
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