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Tymon Bolton II

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Everything posted by Tymon Bolton II

  1. You Can Do Anything You Like, As Long As You Can Find It. The Universe Is Within Its Own Dimension That Is Filled With Every Type Of Genre Of RP Imaginable As Well As Every Type Of Terrain, So It's Up To The Choice Of Whomever Wishes To RP A Setting. There Is Literally A Setting For Anything And Everything. It Can Be Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Etc. As For Characters, I Accept Any And All Characters, But I Will Warn You That I RP Anime Style, So My Characters Have Anime Powers And Tendencies That Make Them Somewhat Different Than A Normal RP. This is my Roleplaying Website used as a hub for all artists to write stories, sort out their work, organize their ideas, storyboard, character design and anything else you want to do, as well as look at or make your own stories. I hope to use this as a business structure and hope others can make sure of it to have artists of all kinds come together to make something great, either individually or as a team. Please click 'Register' or 'Join Us!' at the top to create an account!
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