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Posts posted by naidreamer

  1. Wow NeWine! This interpretation or way of thinking has me completely in awe . I actually wondered yesterday if teeth symbolized everything the internet and our site here says they do. I wondered if we could take it from a different perspective. In my case, for instance, could they just simply mean I talk too much? Or, in my friends dream, she said she felt they meant there were people who would be removed (like teeth sometimes are) from her life. It just so happens that a lot of her old friends are causing problems in her life and they are slowly but surely dropping out of her space. I also thought perhaps the devil inspired this dream causing me to question everything about it so that I would shut up and not want to counsel the youth anymore; becoming insecure about myself and what I am teaching them.

    I wonder if the dream has anything to do with me being new to my church, as well as this ministry. Do you think your below paragraph has anything to do with me joining the church, or the ministry? Could there be something about the newfound friendship my friend and I have? We've only been friends for a couple of months.

    "So he "places" sheep in the midst of the rest, that causes some "sheep" to leave or fall out and it sort of "mixes things around a little bit." The group is uneven every one feels sort of out of place, unequally yoked. People are going, "wow my nitch is gone" or " I used to be the one with all the answers but now there is someone new, and they have a lot of answers, where do I fit now?" or "I use to sit over there and this new family came in and now they sit there? Or "I have a new position now and ... my relationship with every one is going to be different .." Stuff like that."

  2. Hello Lola21st:

    Thank you very much for giving so much attention to this dream because I am really trying to understand its meaning.

    To answer your questions:

    The ministry is new to me from a leadership perspective. I definitely know I am called to assist the youth with growing in the Lord but I don't think I'm going about it the right way. Perhaps I need to help the youth feel more responsible/accountable for their actions.

    I relate very well with the youth so I try to balance being fun with teaching the Word. My friend (the one that had the same dream I did) received a word from the Lord that she should stick more to the Word with the youth and I should continue to build relationships with them.

    I guess I'm just confused with how to balance being fun, with teaching the Word to an active, distracted, group of teenagers.

  3. Hello Everyone:

    I hope all of you are blessed. I was writing in because I had a dream that stood out to me. I can't recall everything that happened in the dream except that a white male doctor (dentist) was putting a tooth in my mouth and all of a sudden all of my teeth were loose. Keep in mind, the surgery was being performed in a house full of people. I then stood up, opened my mouth, spit out the teeth that had come out, and then looked at my mouth in a mirror. My mouth was full of different sized teeth. It was certainly a scary experience but at first not one that I thought was a big deal. However, a friend of mine told me she had a similar dream.

    Does anyone have any idea what my dream could signify?

    God Bless,


  4. Before I went to bed the other night I asked God to reveal to me, thru my dream, where I stand regarding relationships. Well the following is the dream I had:

    I was attending a church I used to go to and the worship leader was pointing out certain women in the congregation that were in new relationships. She was kind of poking fun at them b/c initially they were lacking faith that God would send them a man. In fact, one of the women was engaged. I remember her specifically although while sitting in the congregation everything seemed like a blur - my vision was blurred. I was getting rather annoyed b/c I could barely see. Anyway, the worship leader was actually a woman who never attended the church in real life but was actually a speaker at a Women's Conference I attended a few months ago. I remember her using the scripture Jeremiah 29:11 (for surely I know the plans I have for you, sayeth the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to bring you a future of hope) as a topic for her sermon (in real life, not the dream). Anyway, the actual Bishop (male) of the church stood in the back while the worship leader conducted the first part of service (in the dream).

    Before the actual word was spoken I decided to leave the church and go to the mall. I went to NY&Co to shop for clothes. While I was shopping a good friend of mine showed up and asked me to wait for her. She was taking forever (which is just like her in real life, lol) and I started to get anxious b/c I actually wanted to go back to church to hear the morning message, as somehow I knew the message would be about 'relationships.' Before I knew it, my friend's husband was in the store and then eventually my mother. My friend's husband asked me if I was hungry and I replied, "yes." However, I was even more anxious now to get back b/c I wanted to hear the message and then eat at the church. It turned out that the dream ended with me never going back to the church. I was so disappointed. I could actually feel myself getting frustrated in the dream as an onlooker as opposed to a subject matter. In fact, when I woke up I carried those feelings of frustration with me; "Why didn't I just go back to church without my friend?" "Why didn't I just listen to the message?" "Why did I have to get up in the first place?" Nonetheless, I know there is a reason why all of this happened but I can't interpret its meaning. Can anyone help me out?

  5. Good Afternoon:

    A few years ago I attended a Women's Conference in which one of the speakers stated that she asked God to show her her future husband in a dream dressed in all white. It turns out that she had the dream and her "current husband" was the man God revealed to her. Now, of course, me being curious did the same thing. However, I was disheartened when I had the following dream a few years ago, which was probably a few months to a year after the conference:

    In my dream I was in my Middle School's gymnasium with a white wedding dress on awaiting the arrival of my ex-fiancee. Of course in the dream he was going to be my husband. He was walking in the hallway with a white tee-shirt, white sweatpants, and white socks as opposed to a white tuxedo. We never actually got married in this dream but he was dressed in all white.

    The reason the above dream was so disheartening is because I don't even like my ex-fiancee anymore. The decision not to marry him by far was one of the best decisions I feel I've ever made. In fact, my friends and family who know him would tend to agree. And don't get me wrong, he's not a bad person, just not for me. We are very different people and I hope and pray that he is not the man I will marry in the future. Can anyone help me with the significance of this dream? Note: I dreamt this years ago but to this day it bothers me.

    Sidebar: I can also recall him apologizing to me [for things he's done in the past] in the dream but us never actually getting married.

  6. Good Afternoon:

    A few years ago I attended a Women's Conference in which one of the speakers stated that she asked God to show her her future husband in a dream dressed in all white. It turns out that she had the dream and her "current husband" was the man God revealed to her. Now, of course, me being curious did the same thing. However, I was disheartened when I had the following dream a few years ago, which was probably a few months to a year after the conference:

    In my dream I was in my Middle School's gymnasium with a white wedding dress on awaiting the arrival of my ex-fiancee. Of course in the dream he was going to be my husband. He was walking in the hallway with a white tee-shirt, white sweatpants, and white socks as opposed to a white tuxedo. We never actually got married in this dream but he was dressed in all white.

    The reason the above dream was so disheartening is because I don't even like my ex-fiancee anymore. The decision not to marry him by far was one of the best decisions I feel I've ever made. In fact, my friend's and family who know him would tend to agree. And don't get me wrong, he's not a bad person, just not for me. We are very different people and I hope and pray that he is not the man I will marry in the future. Can anyone help me with the significance of this dream? Note: I dreamt this years ago but to this day it bothers me.

    Sidebar: I can also recall him apologizing to me [for things he's done in the past] in the dream but us never actually getting married.

  7. Wow! I am absolutely amazed because I experienced this same kind of attack after I preached at my father's ordination from Minister to Reverend (October). I preached around 12 pm that day and was filled with the holy spirit the entire time thereafter. However, I also had a headache all day long. It took me about 12 hours to fall asleep, and just when I thought I did, I was attacked. Like many others I could not see what was holding me down but it was very scary. I knew it was a demonic attack simply because when I tried to yell out "Jesus," and then "God," it covered my mouth. I was so afraid that when I finally was released from the attack I sat up in my bed and cried. However, I also got my Bible and read the story out loud - to Satan - of when Jesus cast out the demons of the demon-possessed man. It was a terrifying experience but I am happy it occurred because it was confirmation to me that I was on the right track.

    God Bless 👏
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