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Posts posted by naidreamer

  1. Almost a year ago I had a dream that I looked two months pregnant but I was going into labor. A nurse was trying to help me push the baby out but the entire time during the dream I could not give birth. What does that mean? Keep in mind, I am not pregnant nor am I sexually active.

  2. Good Morning:

    I am a little concerned about a dream a friend of mine had about us. Him and I are courting one another in reality. However, one day he had a dream that he was holding me really tight as if in an embrace. He could feel something pulling me away from him but he couldn't see it. He continued to hold me tight as I was being pulled towards a red light. Before he knew it he was being shot in the shoulder (which just so happens to be the same shoulder he dislocated in the past) but he continued to hold me. The dream ended. Can anyone help me interpret his dream?

  3. Good Morning:

    I had a very disturbing dream a few nights ago. Prior to falling asleep I was stressing about my boyfriend and I. I usually stress about us quite honestly because we have a long distance relationship and I am currently praying over my issues with trust. I've been hurt a great deal in the past. Anyway, I couldn't fall asleep and when I finally did I had a dream that I was on the phone with him. While on the phone he said he was going to come and lay next to me but instead I felt something under me. Gradually the thing that was under me started to grab my hip and right leg - they were black hands. I screamed quietly and woke myself up. It was a very disturbing and horrifying dream. Please help with the interpretation!
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