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Posts posted by Glad

  1. Hi everyone

    Here a very short dream:
    I am being given a cup of tea. As I want to drink it I notice that something is in the tea. I pull it out and see that it is a razor blade (with only one sharp edge - like a blade in a pencil sharpener). I pull it out.

    Any ideas what that could stand for? Thank you in advance!

  2. Hi everyone

    Here is the dream:
    I am working in a room that seems to belong to my house. In the room are 3 or 4 tables that are situated in U-form. Chairs are pushed up to the tables. I am working on printing a calendar for my neighbor. I must have printed Jan-May, for I now want to implement one out of two images my neighbor has asked for, one being a car, the other James Bond. I figure I could print both images by using one for June and the other for July.
    As I am deciding this I see some movement by the door. A man comes in without knocking and I feel slightly uncomfortable. He asks me a few questions, I can’t help him, and he turns around and seems to be walking out. As he gets to the door, he turns into a blond woman. I very strongly and sternly tell her to get out, but she locks the door from the inside, turns around and tells me: “This won’t take long”. I know she is going to kill me. She has a rectangular shaped object in her hands and comes after me. I pick up a chair and try to hit her with it. She gets a hold of the chair and starts to push me. I am going backwards and I realize that she is much stronger than I am. She seems very cold and self-assured. I am not afraid but I do know that if I don’t get help I am going to get killed.
    I wake up.

    Any ideas? I would appreciate it very much. Thanks

  3. Hi Sandra
    Thank you for your insight. This was very helpful. The joy of the Lord is my strength ... something He has been showing me this year big time.
    Yes, I was "concerned" about the hinderance of the gas not flowing in properly, even though I wasn't running on low the gas should have flowed in more freely. But in the end the gas did go in the thank.
    Condemnation sits well with me and maybe that hindered the flow in the tank but after dealing with that, the attack (the throwing of gasoline in my face) was not harmful anymore to me - it must have been dealt with because in the end my tank was full.
    Thank you so much and may God bless you

  4. Hi NeWine
    I appreciate all your work and thoughts that went into this answer. That is quite a lot. Thank you for your thoroughness.

    Just want to add a couple points you brought up as I felt them in the dream; There was no feeling of not being safe, even around those guys. Economical pressure was not the reason for filling up the tank, I have always done that, is more like a habit, I prefer a full tank.

    I thought maybe the problem was that my tank was not allowing for the gas to go trough more than - like an air bubble was in it or something that hindered the gas from flowing in?

    I agree with you that we are in serious time and must watch and pray. I am glad to hear that God has kept you safe for more than 30 years. We serve an awesome God.

    I think I have the most peace with your last paragraph, about decisions made, mostly in my spiritual containing to my daily life.
    However, I really do appreciate your input, it will give me a whole new spin on looking at some of my dreams.

  5. Hi everyone
    If anyone has an idea about this dream I be very interested to know. Thank you.

    I see a gasoline station that I know is frequent by cars and often by big trucks. Decide to fill up the van. I see a line up of 4,5 cars and expect to wait but when I get around the corner I am the only one there. To the right of the station is nothing but empty fields, to the left 2 or 3 big high raises.
    My tank is still to 2/3 full but I see that the gas is also quite cheaper here. I have a strainer for some reason (supplied by the station) and the gasoline starts to build up in the large strainer as if the tank was full, but than suddenly all would go down. It keeps doing that. In the strainer I find a few, small particles of dirt, seemed it was already in there before I started to fill the tank but it is by no means enough to account for the difficulties I have filling up the tank. Two youths are standing by the gasoline station watching me, they just seem to be hanging out.
    I am done and get in the van to drive off. Realize I forgot to close the cap. I get back around the van (in the dream the cap is on the opposite side of the van) and one of the youth picks up the strainer and throws the rest of the gasoline in my face. I am taken by surprise, but just wipe it off, especially off my lips, conclude it doesn’t smell as bad as I thought it, figure next time I will do better and it will not take me as long.
    Wake up. I am not upset, it is more like I am still glad I didn’t have to taste that gasoline in my mouth.

    Blessings, Glad

  6. Hi everyone
    Loved this dream!

    Some people and I were helping a groom and his bride to prepare for a wedding feast. I do not recall details about the groom or bride, other than we seemed to know each other well. I seemed to have a closer relationship with the groom. I was helping with the preparation thinking this was going to be for guests still to come. However, as it turned out, to my utter surprise, the preparations were as much for us as they were for those still to come.

    Any thoughts welcome

  7. What does your ex-mother in law stand for?
    Could her son be an issue that is related to something that reminds you of your ex-mother in law but this very thing is not very helpful to you? The not helpful part would come from the fact that she cut off the light - it takes away your understanding, revelation, insight.
    Maybe that issue is a generational issue in your life - since you find your children in your grandmother's old room.
    Just some thoughts....

  8. Is it possible that an incident in your life triggered some emotional issues in your life that want to stay "safe" and hidden but you are working on them to bring them "out"?
    The window in the room might just mean that there is a promise of a way out.
    You barging through the door could mean that you are ready to deal with this stuff.
    Maybe the fact that the house is going to be where it was originally from means that dealing with these issues will restore your personal foundation to where it ought to be.
    This issue is not going to keep you from moving on in life and since the car is dirty it might just mean that there is not much more than some cleansing needed to get out.
    That your son was sleeping on the couch, maybe God is saying to you that as his child you will not be harmed through the process.
    Just some thoughts....

  9. Honestly, I don't know either, it was just a thought that came to my mind. Sometimes I just follow some crazy thoughts. You are an original (we all are :-) and maybe copy speaks of the years of you being an original .. hope you know what I mean. I just wonder if there is something that you have settled for and God is telling you there is that much more and somehow that is linked to either fifteen years ago or you with fifteen.

  10. This is probably way out there .. just a thought ... I like to look at things from all kind of angles...
    Is there an area in your life that you are in the process of overcoming (victory and dependency on God in your song of worship in the dream?) but don't feel you are doing so well at it yet but Jesus (maybe represented by your fiance?) sees it differently and is very pleased with you? In the dream you were in the church you grew up in - any chances this dream has to do with things of God you are growing up in?

  11. I find your dream very interesting but I have no real understanding.
    If this was my dream I probably would take it as that there is an issue in my life that needs cleansing - maybe the trust part, or a feeling of being abandoned (in the dream all the clients had left). This is not denying the fact that you kind of are in a situation where you could feel abandoned, the cleaning might be more a healing to be able to fully trust the Lord despite of what life has had to offer up to today.
    Everyone was panicing in the elevator but you saw the stairs and started to run up while being on the cell phone. Could this say that despite of your feelings about what is happening in your life you are making sure you get a hold of God?

  12. Just wondering, could the fact that you left the elevator before you reached the next level have anything to do with the factor of timing or maybe trying to help things along in your own understanding? I do understand that you need funds to expand BUT if you believe to be in God's will to expand he WILL bring it to past. What made you leave the elevator in the dream, do you remember?

  13. You write in the dream you were going up the elevator in the old bank building you worked in - anything happened there that is similar to now?
    You feel your business is stagnant and in the beautician shop you wonder what happened to the people - is it a possibility that this is a picture of your feelings towards your own business?
    Seems you have a lot to deal with - could it be that God would like you trust him (keep riding the elevator up) instead of maybe trying to figure it out your way?

  14. I am not sure I understand. The two areas that you list - are those areas that were going well but now they are not?
    Could this dream be connected to your work? I might be totally mistaken but doesn't one have to "perform" in a business - like either bring service, goods - whatsoever? Maybe perform is a ill chosen word - but I would assume that with a business comes a standard that you have to meet?

  15. Hi Dreamer247
    Would there be any area in your life where you were doing really well but for some reason either got impatient/scared/worried about the process and instead of going with the flow (the elevator taking you up) you started working on it in your strenght (running up the stairs)? Any place you feel really pressured in maybe needing to perform or look like you have it all together?
    Just some thoughts

  16. Just some thoughts while reading your dream:
    First question: What colors where the tornadoes?
    First tornado made a lot of noise but no damage - something that just looks impressive but has no impact.
    First you are part of the second tornado but later an observer. Could it be that something that will happen to your friend and wife will also affect you?
    Are you friends that share same interest or areas like workplace, church etc.?
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