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Posts posted by Halo

  1. Laugh if you must at my ''Junior status'' oh great one!!! It seems as if you are having another ''identity crises'' with the personification of claiming the traits of a ''High-Quality'' electie of some sorts. I see no evidence of a productive fulfilled name such as ''Highest'' pertaining to authority and genuineness of a definite purpose. I see no past events that would ''up-hold'' such an exaulted title...lol.

  2. Often at times Jonathan we will find that an ''assisstant'' is translated in the Word of God as a ''Co-Laborer''. The One Who Comes Alongside''. The Spirit of God wants to help us. He's ot hiding any of the pearls of His promises or the gens of His wisdom. God wants us to know His will so we can walk in it and experience the benefits of His power and blessings. Let's return again to the final hours Jesus had with deciples as He explained the Spirit's future role in their lives: ''But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you" {John 14:26, emphasis mine}. Twice Jesus used the term ''helper''. The Holy Spirit is the One whom our Lord will ''call alongside'' for the purpose of giving us help-specifically in two ways:
    1. The Spirit will teach you ''all things".
    2. The Spirit will ''bring to your remembrance'' what Jesus said.
    Perhaps your witnessing teniques are being tested with knowledge, much like that of a fishing package that reads ''twenty pound test line''. In place of weakness, the Spirit brings power. In place of ignorance, He brings Knowledge. In place of human knowledge, He delivers divine wisdom and profound insights from the ''depths'' of God's sovereign plan. Ps. 32:8~ I will ''instruct'' you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you. "Watch to see where God is at work and join Him"! While our individual experiences may vary as to how the Lord directs us in unique ways, but however, we must not get too far from the revealed and "reliable'' Word of God. If we do, we will begain to use our own experience's as a basis for our beliefs, and Scriptures will diminish in importance as we make more and more room for more strange experiences. Stay with scriptures. As long as you keep the plumb line true, and pay close attention to the Lord's promptings/Instructions [his most significant methods} and go a little deeper in His Word, you are guranteed to be a ''avide'' fisherman of men and therefore pass the test when called upon.~

    Sister Halo~

    Sister Nora.

  3. Im looking at you right now with a sia of ''your kidding me right''!!! Your still here, still torturing Mia's forum!!! lol. And what does ''Highest Poster/Picture Drawere of All Time mean????? {@$%#^} Somebody done went and messed up and wrote some lies under your name, lol. Where is Lurdy, and Connie at when a person needs them on here??? lol.....Oh great bondman of Highest quality, yet in this context honorable connotations that would indicate your a ''master'' of such a ''high -profile''.............Bahahahahhhh!!!

    Good to see you again old-friend!!!! Be Blessed Drawere of All time.

    Sister Halo

  4. [i]Isaiah 40:31~ But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Perhaps this ''old-path'' of the 'times-past'' has been a weary one accompanyed with grief due to the loss of life over a loved one. Isaiah 40:29~ He giveth power to the faint {weak}; and to them that have no might be increaseth strength. The strength that it takes to overcome ''grief'' is a great one. The spirit of grief and sorrow often will keep one ''grounded'' or in other words ''depressed/or opprssed'' as an attempt to hold "one-down'' or take that individual back a familiar place in time {mind}. But however, the Word of a Living God, will strengthen one and cause them to ''rise above'' and move forward. Be ye not weary. These scriptures are ''Promises''..........hold onto God's promises and start looking to your rainbows and see where He takes you, and no looking back.~

    Sister Halo~

  5. [i]Often at times one will find that what is being ''viewed'' or ''witnessed'' is a small matter, and not really a ''big-problem'' after all. We also find aswell in this walk of life that ''releaving-oneself'' will translate as ''This to shall pass''. The Holtel setting gives the same image {repeat} in the dream as ''short-lived'' or a ''temporary-setting'' since motels and hotels are temporary stays. So, for whatever the case may be in your walk at the present seems as if it is going to be ''releaved'' and ''this to shall pass''. Be Blesses Child~

    {just some words of Wisdom/Knowledge accompanyed with some understanding with resurrance to help you along the way}

    XoXo Siter Halo~ :twocents

  6. Well, well, well..........Hhhuuummmm, since Connie is a full-fledge member of the "Share The Wealth Instituate'' are you gonna become a member as well?............since were friends and all.....Oh what's that I hear? Is it a Bell? It must be time to hoop-right-on-down-to-the-Bank and make a deposit into my account!!!!! FRIEND.

    The Institute where your money adds up.
    Partners in Common~Wealth.
    CEO and Director of your Luit,
    Sister Halo

  7. David~ Somethings are just to important to ignore, Amen. Often at times we will find that gold is ''glory'' and ''wisdom'', and silver represents "knowledge," including intimate knowledge. Now we'll ecamine brass, iron, tin, and lead. Alsok Ezra mentioned copper, and Paul referred to a coppersmith named Alexander. It's easy to glean the meaning for iron from Scripture. It means ''Strength." Sometimes the Bible refers to an 'iron yoke of bondage'; other times it compares iron to the strength of God's Spirit given to break heavy yokes off of its victuma. Either way, "strength" is the primary meaning. Joshua told Isreal they would, "drive out the Canaanites, though they have iron chariots, and though they be strong" (Josh. 17:18, emphasis added). He knew they could do all things through Christ who strenthened them (see Phil. 4:14).

    Sister Halo

  8. Cholette, I am so glad you said what you said about..." God had to take me out of where I was an place me in a church that was teaching JESUS"..........I heard a preacher Sunday morning stand behind the pool-pit and say these words........"God will never led anybody away from there Church, there not serving the same God I'm serving"...........the whole Church and cheered and clapped there hands in agreement with excitement!!!!............Huummmm, Right after that statement, he stated "That's what's wrong with this Church, we tell the truth to much"..........Oh-My-Lord-God!!!!! Your kidding me!!!!! I say "get ahold of the Word and just maybe some folks will get right with God!!!! Sometimes one has to shake the dust under there feet for a testimony against them.
    Again, thank you.

    Sister Halo

  9. Mia~ I can see you, been there, done that, and bought the T-shirt, wearing it right now!!! lol.

    Now, what i'm getting ready to say is with the up-most regards of the truth. I'm not pointing out your faults, but I do see your need. I notice in your open statement that you said "Offering sacrifices is still the NUMBER ONE ''WAY'' OF PLEASING GOD'' {with emphasis on the word "Way''}. 1 Sam.15:22~ And Samual said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. Obedience is better than sacrifice. What you have here is less than, and greater than. Perhaps the sacrifices of the flesh like that of Saul has over-rode the spirit, makeing it a way that often leads to the wrong way of thinking leaving us with the feeling of "I don't know how I even got here". It comes over a period of time with giving place to the enemy, what a sly-trick!!!! Obedience to that small still voice that is heard that crucify's the flesh's way of doing things. I'm sure that you know the story of Saul and David, Saul become a King of the flesh, on the hand, David was a King of the Spirit. From where I'm setting, I see a Lady that is in need of a ''REVIVAL" and ''RESTORATION".......I Pray that the Lord-Breathes upon you therefore causes you to catch ''YOUR SECOND WIND"!!! Hallelujah!!! Don't look to the left or the right, keep your eyes fixed upon the Master. With confession by your own mouth with all humility in mind, I can see you are already on your way back from this place of Desperation. Just as you had said "love and obedience''. Love is a call to obedience that chaste the flesh with the truth. What did the epistle of James say? in Ch. 1 verse 2~3, My brethern, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 2~ Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. I've said this before, and I will say it again.....These 'negative' experiences are to be accepted with great joy, not for the sake of the trial itself but because of the 'positive' work God can accomplish through the testing. Temptations and trying, often, testings make Christians bitter instead of better, with no spiritual growth occuring. The word trying is better translated as ''APPROVING''. Rise to your feet soldier and be strengthend and renewed in your inward parts, in, and through, and by a good-dose of the Word in 1 Sam. ch.30. You go to the enemy's camp and take back what the Devil has stole, Glory-be-to-God!!!!!!

    Can't help it Mia, just saw a sister in desperate need,
    I had to be obedient.
    Love you gal, thank you for all the little things that you do behind closed doors, that we don't see.
    Sincerly, Sister Halo

  10. AMEN DESI!!!!! I'm ''NOT" going to pray on what you said because it's the ''TRUTH" spoken in words of Wisdom and knowledge with a whole lot of ''Understanding"....we don't worship religion. I love it when the Lord uses those to ''interupt our thoughts''.

    Isaiah 55:8~ For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. 9.~For as the heavens are higher than earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

    Thank you Desi,
    Love you gal,
    Sister Halo

  11. jeanniekess wrote:
    Last night I had a dream that was isolated and I watched something that looked like a coffin fall from the sky or far above another coffin that was getting ready to be lowered into the ground fall ontop of that one and the top one smashed and broke in half. It looked like the ground had snow on it also.

    Does anyone know what this may mean?
    It woke me up in the middle of the night.

    I can't get past the word ""isolated"" and the "snow" accompany with the word ''pressure''. At this place and time in your life do you feel like you are isolated with the bitterness of the cold of other's that perhaps would cause one to break under pressure, and see a need for somethings to be put to rest? I can relate, I had a dream back many years ago that I was lying underneath the bitter cold of the snow, by myself, at the time, I was feeling in the state of being shocked and alone in the season, time, and place in which I was in. I had taken one blow right after another that often left me in my thoughts with ''Alive and alone", "I'm gonna crack under pressure" due to the gainsayers mouth of bittereness. Thank God that spirit was put to death, and I lived to tell about it, Amen. But yet, I'm not dismissing what Mia said or any other possibilities.

    Sincerly, Halo

  12. Hello, Land of Nod.........

    ~For the most part of my dreams I do pretty good, but then again sometimes I feel as-if I am to close up on the Forest and therefore can't see it for all the trees.....

    In this dream I'm in a small room with used items for sale (inside-yardsale)...........I feel as if there is other items in this room, but I take notice of only 2 things, a carpet cleaner (shampooer) and a wooden desk. I can destinctively recall kneeling down to look at the carpet-cleaner, lying there on the floor with it's attachments scattered about it with dirty water still in it, I begain to gather the pieces together, all the while I see this painted-white-wooden-desk, sturdy and stought in stature. I recall seeing the layers of paint that had been added over a period of time shinning through the nik's of paint revealing the real wood underneath, golden-dark-brown.......I remember thinking to myself with delight........"I can restore that''. ~

    Thank you in advance,
    Sister Halo~

  13. I agree whole hearted with One Door. But none-the-less, I would like to add to One~Door's comment to bring somethings into a better clarity for you. Both scene's hold a common a ground, they are pointing toward the ''Head''. Often at times one will scratch there head as a jester to the thought process along with ''trying to figure out what to do'' in a situation. The feelings that often company's this jester leaves us at a "loss" pertaining to wisdom and knowledge. Let's not forget the parasite that One~Door mentioned "live at the expense of others"........the subjective use of ''ticks'' or even ''leaches'' for that matter is simply an act of ''draining one physically, and mentally {spiritualy}, wheather it be from individuals or the enemy himself attaching to one in the thought's. One would have to ask the question ''what does one do'' in either situation? Well, we result back to the Word of God, he has all the answers, after all it sounds like you need a ''fix-it-man", Amen.....If Jesus can't fix it, no-one-can!!!!!!! the Father says in his Mighty word in the Great Book of Matt. 16:19~ and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. What the Lord is saying "you speak it, I will do it"!!!!!! Glory be to God, what a promise...........He promised it to you and I, and He will deliver, because he rest His Word on His Holy charater, Hallelujah!!!

    Allot of the times we have not, because we ask not. I can do ''all'' things through Christ Jesus that strengthens me. I feel like telling you that the Lord gave you a sound~mind. What is important to you, is most certainly important to the Lord aswell....because you are of the up-most-importancy to the Master. Cast your cares upon Him, for he surley careth for you. During the mean time we will be praying for you here at Miasherwood for that of a good report, in Faith~Believeing.

    God~Bless You Child,
    Sister Halo

  14. Ummmmm, Connie...............just remember that you and I are friends........sooooooooooooo, pass along some of that . Oh yah, Dreamster needs a new set of clothes, so he can start prreeacchen!!!!!! Just sayin....................lol
    Here is my account letters/number for depositing purposes ''Cold-Cash''.........lol.

    In advance for the

    Sister Halo
    Share-the-Wealth Institute

  15. You are welcome Lovely. If your concerns turns into worries, it is only then that you have went to far in your thinking, Amen. Give not place to the enemy in your thoughts with worries and I believe you will do well in hearing the Master's voice. I encourage you to keep pressing onward and read the Lord's word, it will broden and deepen your Desernment.

    Sincerly Halo
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