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  1. right now this is it ... I am taking it one at a time
  2. I know that is the short verison . I am at the point that if it is not pure then I don't want to be involved
  3. Well when I accepted my call to a health and wellness minstery, I went to spritual battle. Before I was in a relationship with someone that we both said that God gave us the same message that we should be married. However durring the brief time we were together our issues from our past kept coming up and he was in a rush because he wanted to be married before he became a bishop. Added in the mist of all of this, I stopped run from my calling. It had got to a point that I was giving up on me and was trying to be whatever he wanted. Instead of trusting God, I started calling phyics and TV prophets try to figure out is he was cheating on me. I let the devil and his forces right in. I was having visions in the middle of day. I was having so many dreams that my sprit was stressed. We broke up the day I accepted my call and the fight for my life began. I had a one unexplained supernatural event to happen. Now I am questioning every thing in my life. If it not of God then I don't want it. I don't want to miss out on God. I have had setbacks and I am praying through it. Before all of this it was not that I was not a Christian. I was luke warm I had too many non-christian influences so when I started to get my temp turned up for Christ. Trouble came my way. However this is the best trouble to be included. I rather be in trouble for being with Christ than without
  4. I am needing prayer for God's direction on my life. I don't want to miss out on the calling on my life. Right now I have had a major set back and I am timid.
  5. I need prayer. I have just started having dreams and vision...however it has mainly been my self after having a "super natural" expenince with God. Before then I believed because I was taught to believe and had things to happen than affirmed my faith. I felt that God had forgot about me at one point.. well now I know that he is real and I have been stuggling over my anoiniting what is really is it and I know that is it to help people. Exccept I have been getting conflicting messages,attacks in my sleep and not to mention. Propehets that I have and had dealings with borders on that thin line of a false propehts. Now I feel like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. I want to be used according to God's will and I don't want to grieve the holy sprit. Please pray for me so that I can come in full understanding.
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