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Proof of God & Hearing from God

  1.  Fellowship Hall

    1. Testimonies

      Let's Glorify the Lord! Letting our light so shine before men that they may glorify our Father that is in heaven! I just want to say a special thank you to each person who takes the time to send a note of thanks and encouragement to our ministry. We truly appreciate every word. What we do, we do for free, out of a heart of Love for each of you, so it means the world to us to hear how it blessed you.
    2. Fellowship Hall

      Come on in and get to know each other. Share a recipe and a cup of coffee and chat about all the things that don't fall under the category of prophecy, dreams and visions. =)
    3. Member Bible Study & Teachings

      Share your bible studies and original teachings with the world. =)
    4. A Praying Place

      Post your requests for prayer and intercession and our intercessors will pray over these requests with you and for you. If you are an intercessor we welcome your prayers!
    5. Christian Counseling

      This forum was suggested by Butterfly to encourage anyone who needs a helping hand, as a resource for those who need Godly encouragment.
  2.  Help & FAQ

    1. Help & FAQ

      Post Questions for the Moderators here....
    2. 16

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Guest May Bee Magpie

   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

I know that this is an amazing ministry and a great community because I was a part of it a few years ago.  I have had to rejoin in the new site and I am sure I will eventually get used to the new format, but for now, it is confusing. 

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There are many different types of essays you may be required to write while in college. This guide written by college essay writing service will help dissect each different type of paper or essay, and provide you with critical information in regards to the structure and content of the paper to ensure academic success.

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