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Proof of God

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Proof of God last won the day on October 21 2020

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About Proof of God

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    Website Owner
  • Birthday 09/11/1968

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  1. dont do it!! worst decision for my forum ever made.
  2. I truly wish with all my heart that I didn't convert my site. I can't do any searches for information (and my site is a database of information). Please tell me I can go back to the old forum or that there is a fix for this nightmare.
  3. Also, I did end up killing a rattler by throwing something on it. 2017 After the ants were chewing on him for a little bit. It slithered under a piece of plywood and I threw a cement statue on top of it and crushed it.
  4. He was finally saved a couple of years ago. I NEVER thought I would see it happen but to God be the glory! THANK YOU JESUS!!!!
  5. I'm FINALLY finishing the book and I want to use this story, D. May I please!?!
  6. Well, I once had a dream that was so similar to this its uncanny. I used some of to the same words. "It's moving faster than you think." My dream was about Hurricane Rita. I am currently traveling and in NC... maybe I'm a sibling facing a storm.
  7. Are your siblings on the East Coast?
  8. Praise God on your niece! And I am a firm believer that substances affect our dreams.
  9. Lol..let us give everyone 7-10 chances. :)
  10. Daisy, Please interpret the dream with the above interpretation. It goes well with the scripture that Mark supplied and it gives her areas to think about other than the spiritual.
  11. I am going to be busy for a few days but I shall be back ASAP.
  12. If there are no feelings, there is no contradiction but that isn't likely. I can seriously say 'never' should they contradict each other.
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