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binding the strongman..?

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How exactly do we bind the strongman in a particular situation? I've been praying for insight and I think I know what the strongman is in this case, but not 100%sure. I've been looking at verses in the Bible speaking about the strongman:

Mark 3:27 "But no one can go into a strong man's house and ransack his household goods right and left and seize them as plunder unless he first binds the strong man; then indeed he may [thoroughly] plunder his house."

and at this point my understanding is that if I don't bind the main principality (strongman) the fight is endless and I'll loose terrain as quickly as it's gained, or pretty much.. It's a spiritual battle but I don't feel equipped/don't know how to tackle this before knowing exactly how to go about 'binding' this strongman. Who can share Godly advise/insight/experience on this? Thanks in advance.

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I would approach this carefully. The above statement is so true. What we must do is tear down the walls that make it strong. First and foremost seek the Lord and ask Him to help you remove this strongman from you.

Luke 10:19 says: Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over ALL the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means harm you.

Mark 16: 17-18 says: And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name they shall cast out devils; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.

John 14:12 says: "I say unto you, anyone who believes in me, the works that I do; he shall do also; and greater works than these shall he do because I go to the Father."

We have authority to overcome evil and to take it by the boot straps and command it to be gone. I say these things to encourage you, that we are able to do above and beyond what we think we can, in Jesus name. I would fast and pray and ask the Lord to help you here. One thing I would like to suggest is to seek out a Deliverance Minister at your church or if your church does not have one, maybe they can suggest one. Pray first though and seek the Lords council and then take that action. I pray this has been of help.

Love in Jesus,


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Traveller, I see where your question is coming from, and this is how God has been teaching me lately. Don't be too consumed with the strongman (the devil)...He's defeated. He has NO POWER...just talk! The Bible says...Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8)...which means, his bark is so much louder than his bite. When you get an understanding that the enemy has been DEFEATED, you eliminate half the battles in your life. I say "half" because he's going to still "try", but when you understand that he's no longer STRONG, then you will hear him, but he won't phase you.

When you read the Gospels, you have to be careful because it's BEFORE the resurrection of Christ and some of the scriptures were stated as it was at THAT point. Other times, Jesus was speaking prophetically about what would be when he was resurrected. The scripture I love to remind myself of is...

Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. (Colossians 2:15)

Jesus already triumphed over principalities and all other evil powers, but our power in that comes from BELIEVING IT! When we don't believe it, then the enemy can convince us that he is all powerful and we have to fight him.

Don't get me wrong, there are some very real and significant attacks of the enemy, but what I'm saying is, we can overcome those naturally when we realize that he has no bite...he's been disarmed. It's like the bully who always taunts and torments. The moment the victim says or does something to the bully and it exposes the weakness, the victim no longer is afraid of the bully. Jesus already exposed the bully to us...as the verse says "made a public spectacle" of him, so we need to walk in that and not agree that he's powerful...God is the ONLY POWERFUL ONE!!

I hope this helps. The fruit of what I'm sharing with you has been evident in my life. I wish I would have known this earlier on. I wish I would have understood the cross much better in my younger spiritual years. I could have avoided alot of evil drama in my life. lol!

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Thanks so much Dove and Cholette for your replies. Not much time now, but will try to respond soon. God bless you!

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I won't mention any names out of respect for the guidelines of this ministry, but I have the CDs of a speaker who explains Mark 3:27 in a unique fashion and if you pm me I'd gladly share more info.

In the showdown of David and Goliath, whoever defeated the strong man, him the armies would serve. As soon as David slew Goliath, the entire Philistine army fled. The speaker I referred to earlier said that's how it works in the spiritual realm. Instead of going around rebuking the spirit of this and the spirit of that, we need to bind the strong man and all the other spirits have to flee. This person has seen a great amount of quick deliverances and healings due to this revelation.

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Dove-Solutions wrote:
I would approach this carefully. The above statement is so true. What we must do is tear down the walls that make it strong. First and foremost seek the Lord and ask Him to help you remove this strongman from you.

I have been seeking Him, I suppose that's why I posted this question. One morning last week I heard in my spirit: 'bind the strongman'.. that's when I really started thinking 'well, how do I do that Lord?'

Dove-Solutions wrote:
We have authority to overcome evil and to take it by the boot straps and command it to be gone. I say these things to encourage you, that we are able to do above and beyond what we think we can, in Jesus name. I would fast and pray and ask the Lord to help you here. One thing I would like to suggest is to seek out a Deliverance Minister at your church or if your church does not have one, maybe they can suggest one. Pray first though and seek the Lords council and then take that action. I pray this has been of help.

I've been seeking to connect with a deliverance ministry but I haven't been able to find one in this area (i live in a rural area) It's a great lacking that I've been crying out for.. funnily enough originally not even for myself but for others i saw in need..
I have to say God has been good in using this circumstance for me to really seek Him and rely on His presence, but I've got so much to learn in that area still. A couple of months ago He said 'I am training your hands for battle' but I'm finding myself weary and worn and at the end of myself..learning to understand what grace is..(and very ready for Him to do a great work:) There's so much more to this, but a bit of a long story;)

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Cholette wrote:
Jesus already triumphed over principalities and all other evil powers, but our power in that comes from BELIEVING IT! When we don't believe it, then the enemy can convince us that he is all powerful and we have to fight him.

Don't get me wrong, there are some very real and significant attacks of the enemy, but what I'm saying is, we can overcome those naturally when we realize that he has no bite...he's been disarmed. It's like the bully who always taunts and torments. The moment the victim says or does something to the bully and it exposes the weakness, the victim no longer is afraid of the bully. Jesus already exposed the bully to us...as the verse says "made a public spectacle" of him, so we need to walk in that and not agree that he's powerful...God is the ONLY POWERFUL ONE!!

Thanks for reminding me of that:) It's very true.
I know I have some 'holes' so to speak, that need His restoration so I'm no longer allowing myself to be trapped in this bullying so to speak...The comparison with a bully is a very good one, because that's exactly what it feels like. Also realizing I'm responding from my old hurt and wounded self.. That's where I need His restoration, that's where the strongman has built his stronghold, around old sores/trauma. Just pray I find His total healing in this area. I want to walk as the free woman He wants me to be!

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Just believe in the Lord to show you what to do. He will show you through the word. He has delivered me many times of things without the help of a minister. We are all called to the ministry....to minister the truth of Christ to those who need it. But he may just deliver you without the outside help of others. Continue to seek him. Like I said he has done it for me....he can do it for you!

I have worked in Deliverance Ministry and I can tell you that as a Minister we walk people through their own deliverance. We remind them of the scriptures that give them the authority they have in Christ and educate them of the tactics of the enemy, but ultimately they pray through the help of the Holy Spirit and we stand in agreement with them and give them the prayers to say to get deliverance. Jesus is in control, we just give them what they need. We are there to pray with them and encourage them to seek that deliverance. I pray this is making some sense. If I can be of any assistance please feel free to let me know. I may have some resources for you as well. I will be praying for you.

Love in Jesus,

Connie huggins

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Dove-Solutions wrote:
Just believe in the Lord to show you what to do. He will show you through the word. He has delivered me many times of things without the help of a minister. We are all called to the ministry....to minister the truth of Christ to those who need it. But he may just deliver you without the outside help of others. Continue to seek him. Like I said he has done it for me....he can do it for you!

Thanks so much Connie. The time you posted this must have been in the middle of the night here, but I woke up this morning with God showing me some concrete things to pray for. It's a step further.. I've also been delivered of things in the past without the help of outsiders but somehow i got myself cornered into thinking this was/is too big/overwhelming.. Duh.. (I know..that's a lie from the enemy I believed). My God is BIGGER. Thanks for your prayers. I appreciate them.

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No problem anytime! God bless you! May the blood of Jesus cover you in every area of your life!

Love in Jesus,

Connie huggins

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Thanks Connie!
Yesterday I heard in my spirit that there's breakthrough in praising Him.
Praising Him takes my eyes of myself and up to Him where my help comes from. I better keep my dancing shoes on..

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Deborah and Connie, thanks!! I have had quite a revelation reading your posts. "Bind the strongman and all the others will flee!" I feel quite relieved to know this and self deliverance, yes Connie I have an experience on that while praying with a book. I got delivered and I was all alone in my bedroom, of course I confirmed it with my Pastor and he told me, yes, that experience was deliverance!!

to God be the glory forever and forever!! No matter where we are He is able to reach us in His own mysterious ways, as He has promised He will never leave us nor forsake us and He is a rewarder to them that seek him diligently.

God bless you all!

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Dove-Solutions wrote:

I would approach this carefully. The above statement is so true. What we must do is tear down the walls that make it strong. First and foremost seek the Lord and ask Him to help you remove this strongman from you.

Luke 10:19 says: Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over ALL the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means harm you.

Mark 16: 17-18 says: And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name they shall cast out devils; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.

John 14:12 says: "I say unto you, anyone who believes in me, the works that I do; he shall do also; and greater works than these shall he do because I go to the Father."

We have authority to overcome evil and to take it by the boot straps and command it to be gone. I say these things to encourage you, that we are able to do above and beyond what we think we can, in Jesus name. I would fast and pray and ask the Lord to help you here. One thing I would like to suggest is to seek out a Deliverance Minister at your church or if your church does not have one, maybe they can suggest one. Pray first though and seek the Lords council and then take that action. I pray this has been of help.

Love in Jesus,


This is what I posted on face book to day: "The devil is working hard 24/7 to try to keep his forts and strongholds secure.
It's time for unceasing intercessory prayer and bind the strongman and carry away all that he has stolen (especially souls) for greater is He that is within us!"
But one person who replied to this feels the 'strong man' referred to in the following scriptures(Matthew 12:29, Mark 3:27/Luke 11:21) is not the devil but 'us'.
But I feel..our flesh can be a "strong man', difficult to overcome but the enemy too is.....! To get his plunder out all our prayers can bind and restrict his activity and our God's able to drive him out of our lives...and destroy his works in peoples lives...
.Matthew 12:29.."Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house."
Mark 3:27
"No one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. And then he will plunder his house." Praise God one day satan will be bound forever!(Rev 20:10) Luke 11: 21 "When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe. 22 But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up the spoils."
(How ever strong the enemy may think he is and think he can strip down a child of God, our God's much stronger!
The enemy may be a "strongman" but a child of the Most High God for who his God is his strength, strong tower n refuge is for sure stronger than the strong man n strongholds of the enemy he faces!)

What do you feel? who is the 'strong man'?

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If I was perfect? Then God would have nothing to work with!

9And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
10Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

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I didn't know a lot about this, but I am really learning how to pray now and I would suggest to you to get Sheila Zelinsky's book called Power Prayers: Warfare That Works. I have been using this book for about a month now and it is just perfect if you don't exactly know how to begin to pray and the more you use it, you will remember what ou need to ask and you will get bolder in your prayer life. It is a tiny little book you can get on Amazon for $20. I wish I could buy a bunch for everyone I know. It's helped me so much and it has many things about the strongman. We gotta be able to know this. Hope this helps.

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