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About Dove-Solutions

  • Birthday 11/09/1957
  1. I sure do. You will do it when you are ready and only you will know when that is. It will get easier. I promise. Love in Jesus, Connie
  2. Standing in agreement with you! Love in Jesus Connie
  3. Ya know Astra that is exactly how I feel in Deliverance Ministry. I have had the enemy say to me, "you have no power" and I retort with, I come not under my power but of the power of the Holy Ghost, who has all power and in the name of Jesus Christ, who is above all names and in that name I command you to leave! Works everything. When we give it back to The Lord it is by his power! Now that's what I'm talking about! Love in Jesus Connie
  4. I am praying right now for her. Remember that most states offer assistance to folks in these types of situations. There is nothing wrong in asking for help when one truly needs it as she may. Love in Jesus Connie
  5. I will be happy to pray for you! Love in Jesus Connie
  6. God will direct him, so trust God to do just that...meanwhile I am praying for guidance. Love in Jesus Connie
  7. Hey Christa! I am so sorry to hear you are going through this. I will keep you in prayer. Remember that god knows what your going through, so give it up to him, he has your back. Love in Jesus! Connie
  8. I am sending you the love, joy and peace of The Lord! I will keep you in prayer. Love in Jesus, Connie
  9. Deborah, I am so sorry for your loss! I just had my little Annie die about two months ago. I am praying for you! Love in ages us, Connie
  10. Just now reading this! Awesome how wonderful our God is! And
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