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  1. also if you go to the page where the forums are.. you will see a link like this one that says donations :)
  2. If you go to the Home page.. to the left.. there is a link where you can give!!!
  3. Please be in prayer for supernatural financial help for this ministry and also for Mia Sherwood. Any size donation will be greatly appreciated. I will give something.. No matter how small or large it is for this ministry.. Please keep this ministry up in prayers. Being in ministry full time is very hard. I know we all love Mia here. Let's put it in to action, with prayer, encouraging notes and/or financial blessing. If you do not know how to give please ask one of the wonderful Moderators here.
  4. lol!!! Too funny!!! Look how awesome God is!!!!!
  5. Pray and fast and ask God for strength for yourself. Ask that God may give you both the same mind in Christ.
  6. LOVE YOU MIA!!!!! God sure does know how to confirm Himself!!!!!! Oh How I LOVE HIM!!!! Every since we talked a while back.. I have begun to be able to interpret most of my dreams. When I pray he sends answer through a dream and I have also been able to dream answers to others decision-making choices!! My discernment has really kicked up a notch!!
  7. I just want everyone to be in prayer with me for Mia, she does so much for others and God really uses her. I am praying that God will fufill her every want, need and desire. Also, that he would give her more strength and sends her all of the help she needs for ministry, family and financially. This was on my heart a few days ago and I could not get on to type it. Thanks!!!!!
  8. I was trying to figure out how to get my children into extra curricular activities. I was able to get them in tonight for free :) I also was given a car. It is not run down and has been taken care of very well. My two younger children will also be in childcare starting next month!!
  9. He will send someone to minister to you exactly when you need it. That's a testimony all by itself. Believe God. I am. If He can do it for me. He can do it for you. Believing God.
  10. Calling all intercessors and Mighty Prayer Warriors to pray in agreement with me! I am seeking The Lord's face as he has instructed and am asking you would pray that all that has been prophecied to me about my marriage shall come to past! That God would restore my marriage completely and fully! Our marriage vows shall not be broken. It is a covenant. IT IS SO! In Jesus Name!
  11. I am grateful it touched you! Thank You Jesus I am YET TRUSTING and SEEKING God. He CAN DO ALL THINGS.
  12. Nothing I have been praying about has been fixed BUT!!! My mother's garage door has not been working for about a month. I touched the button without noticing and it began working. My mom says "wow look at that!" I was in total amazement. She had really been trying to get her garage to come up and it just wouldn't. I felt like it was a "sign" that God is hearing my prayers as I fast and seek him.
  13. javascript:emoticonp('')My life has been in chaos and shambles for the past year. I'm waiting on God to do something for me. I believe the prophetic word given by a few people who do not know me as a way to keep myself encouraged. It seems as this situation will never end. I am beginning to do somethings differently in my life. Through this whole situation I almost lost myself. God's Grace and Mercy kept me. I've learned so much. I don't really understand why we have to go through so much. I just want to be happy again. FULLY happy. Not just happy with myself and my children. Prophecy is good and but.. I want my family back now. It's seems as if it's not going to happen eventhough I'm holding on with by the little thread I have left. I can not talk to anyone about what is going on specifically because a part of this problem is CONFIDING in people for GODLY wisdom and things being said that are not true. I am now beginning to feel really emotional on this issue even as I type. All I know to do is to ask you all who have Godly wisdom and a prayer life is to pray that God's Will be done.
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