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Posts posted by Noah777

  1. Hello Sandra,
    Thank you for the input. I'm pretty positive I have the correct interpretation, I was hoping for comfirmation; you know - "there is safety in the counsel of many" - and there is, but as I sought counsel, I got stark contradictions in the interpretations. Hence the reason for this post.

    Yes, the dream is posted under "dreams to be interpreted" called "Would you believe, a dream?" here:

    but don't feel obligated to go over it.

    Mbstudent missed what I was saying though - I know MB didn't say marriage, I said everyone else did and MB contradicted what was so far the only unanimous part of the interpretation. However - mb did bring up a good point: "try to remember at the moment of the dream what things were you praying for." Actually, I know exactly what I was praying about at the time of the dream - it was about the very lady in the dream. I was asking the Lord whether this relationship was going anywhere or not, and should I look elsewhere. I'm game either way, I just didn't want to waste time waiting for something that was never meant to be, you know?

    Thanks for the input.

  2. Thank you MB; once again, another very though-provoking take on the dream. I was asking for input on dealing with contradicting interpreters, but you went above and beyond the call - thank you.

    But in so doing, you've now highlighted exactly what I was saying. (honest, I'm not criticizing, I sincerely appreciate what you wrote and you've made me think - again!) For me, during the dream and afterwards, that statement "She is not permitted to represent your name" was baffling to me - "What on earth is THAT supposed to mean???" yet to everyone I shared the dream with, that was a no-brainer: It means marriage. Which is really odd, because I wasn't asking her to marry me in the dream.

    So now you've given another, thought-provoking interpretation which is in contradiction to what so far has been the only unanimous interpretation!

    So I come back to my original question: How does one deal with the contradictions and conflict? You could be right, the others could be right, or you could both be right, or both wrong! (even though I doubt you're both wrong)

    By the way MB - what you said was an encouragement, thank you.

  3. Okay, this is partly to vent, partly to give kudos to y'all.

    A few weeks back I posted a dream I've really, really been struggling with ("Would you believe, a dream?"). I sought counsel about it here, in hopes of getting an interpretation, as well as another dream interpretation forum, prophetic people, etc... Now I've only had a dream straight from the Lord maybe 3 or 4 times in my entire life, and the Lord went out of His way to give me a dream - this is important! I've spent SO many hours praying and seeking the Lord over the interpretation, and I just don't trust my heart (deceitfully wicked above all things - who can know it?), yet I have to think that just plain old doubt is tormenting me. I've even sought out the interpretation from a dream interpretation ministry, and her take on the dream was the exact opposite of what everyone else has said; and sadly, I think I'll be taking her interpretation and writing it off - on multiple planes her interpretation just didn't seem to make any sense to me and she made several judgment calls about me based on her interpretation of the dream - some of the calls just plain weren't true.

    Mostly what I've gotten is silence - no response - nuthin! Even on the other dream interpretation forum (boasting some 1,200 participants), as well as a dream interpretation minister, the place where I got the most feedback (and the most thought-provoking feedback) was here.

    So first of all, thank you to all of you here. I've never understood the importance or the need for dream interpretation until now, because of my need. I can imagine how many pizza dreams you guys get handed to you with the dreamer's expectation of a word from the Lord!

    So now I have a problem: While trying to wade through all of this, I kept running into two consistent problems. First, I'm not trying to argue with dream interpreters, I'm trying to understand and make sure I have the correct interpretation. Multiple people said the same thing, first reaction to my dream was that the father in the dream was father God. Of course, I too considered this, and so I then countered with the question "but in the dream, the father's actions made the woman feel ashamed" and so I concluded it was actually her biological father, not God. When I brought this up, many dream interpreters agreed with me, but simply said that the interpretation is up to the dreamer. Now I'm aware of that, but please understand: I'm not trying to argue, rather I'm trying to make sure that I have the correct interpretation. If I'm wrong, I need to hear it. What's even more important that I realized was that the father in the dream was the central figure; he was the one I had the most interaction with in the dream, and he was there throughout the whole dream.

    So now I've even had a dream interpreter; someone whom I actually gave a donation to her ministry for her take on the dream, who came to the same conclusion. This has been in stark contradiction to the other interpretations I've gotten, including from some people I really trust, but who would never claim to be a dream interpreter. So the responses I've received (except here) has been silence or stark contradiction. How do you folks suggest dealing with this?

    again, while I'm desperate for a correct interpretation, I am here to learn as well - and one thing I have learned is the need for this ministry. I guess I also need to learn how to deal with contradicting interpretations.

    Input and edumacation puleeze!

  4. Good points folks; especially Gissy, the idea of conversations in the dreams - ya, in my latest dream there was conversation, in one other one (my friends in the hospital with their baby), there was no conversation - I was an observer, in the first, I was in the cockpit of a jetliner crashing - I was definitely yelling things out, but there was no "conversation" - but conversation is definitely another trend in the Biblical accounts of God-given dreams.

  5. Hey everyone,

    A couple of weeks back, I posted a dream for help with interpretation ("Would you believe, a dream?", in the "dreams to be interpreted" forum), and of course one of the first challenges I faced was, "How do I know if this dream is of God, the enemy, or myself?"

    There was a post shared with a discussion on this subject, but it really didn't deal with the nitty-gritty of the question. I realize that in the end, it's all taken in faith anyway, but I thought I'd prompt some discussion on this with a Bible study I did on this subject that (for me at least) was quite eye-opening. (pun intended)

    For me, I'm now more convinced then ever that this latest dream was of God. First of all, there was a hallmark to each of the times I've had a dream from God (which has only been maybe four times in my life): Namely, I was awakened from the dream - usually with a jolt.
    I didn't know what I was looking for in this Bible study, except I was hoping for clues as to some consistencies amongst God given dreams - and wow did I find some! It's remarkable how many of the dreams listed in the Bible spoke of the recipient being awakened from the dream God gave them. They didn't wake up later on in the morning, with the dream in the middle of the night sometime - they woke up *now.*

    Gen 28:11-22 - Jacob's dream of the ladder ascending to heaven; vs 16 "And Jacob awaked out of his sleep..."
    Interestingly, it seemed as Jacob was also questioning whether or not it was just a dream, or a dream of God (it was a dream of God), because he later on says (vs 20) "IF God will be with me, and will keep me in this way..." (that's a big "if")

    Gen 41 - Pharoah dreams two dreams, and both times (vs 4 and 7) Pharoah awoke from the dream of God. He knew there was something different about these dreams.

    1 Kings 3:1-15; God's discussion with Solomon, and his giving of gift and covenant. Solomon awoke from the dream (vs 15)

    Ma 1:18-24 - while it does not specifically state it, it's implied in vs 24 - "Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angle of the Lord had bidden him."
    and again, it's implied in chapter 2:13-15, as Joseph "arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt."
    and again in ver 20 & 21 (another dream), the angel tells him to arise, and he arose, and took the child and his mother.

    And so we run into the paradox that is the good Lord: He is never changing, yet makes a habit of not doing something the same way twice - it seems he never healed a blind man the same way he did before, for example. And so our God of course has the freedom to do as He pleases, but it would appear that there is at least one trend in dreams from God.

    So I thought I'd throw this out there and solicit other opinions on the matter: What do you look for in discerning the source of a dream?

    God bless!

  6. Thank you for the encouraging words Halo - and indeed, that was also my question: Alright, what do you do with it now?

    My roommates just got back, and I shared the dream with them. One of these men is the guy that brought me to the Lord many, many, years ago, and there is basically no one on earth who has my respect more than he does as a wise couselor with gifted insight in discernment.

    To him, the interpretation seemed a no-brainer (apparenty I have no brain - I guess I was just making things more complicated than they were and just didn't see the simple interpretation! haha); there was still some unresolved issues between Ellen and her father that needed to be dealt with, and her parents would resist my marrying Ellen (probably because they are non-christians). To me this would be a non-issue; "let's deal with it," but Ellen would not even feel like trying to change their minds.

    My roommate is the third person now that has said the "representing your name" was an implication of marrying and that her father would not permit it, but at the same time, the dream also appears to be pointing to unresolved issues in the present.

    So yes - the question is now, what do I do about it?

    Again - thank you so much everyone. This has been an education. I will continue to pray for more confirmation and wisdom as to what to do with the information, once I feel confident that I have a clear interpretation.

    God bless you all!

  7. UPDATE:
    Okay folks, thank you so much for everything. I asked the Lord last night for a clear interpretation, and I believe I got it. It appears I was trying to make things more complicated than they were.
    First, I am more convinced then ever that this was a dream from God. It has all the hallmarks of a dream from the Lord, with what little experience I've had that most definitely was dreams from the Lord, affirmed with real-world events and a plain interpretation.

    I believe this was simply information; I thought it was perhaps something for the future, but no - I believe it was a "now" word, describing the present situation and the "why."

    The dream is simple: The past acts of her father have shamed her into thinking she cannot marry me, and as a result, she won't even get involved with me romantically. This has nothing to do with me , as represented by the emotions in the dream - it didn't bother me that her father said she couldn't represent my name or took the contact info; I would deal with the father - appropriately, politely, and I was confident he would come around. It really wasn't a big deal to me. It WAS a big deal to Ellen - as far as she was concerned, it shamed and embarassed her, and closed the door to us having a relationship.

    I know she was sexually abused by her father as a child; I am aware of this and other things. I've patiently stood by her side as a friend, and will continue to do so - but this would make a LOT of sense; one minute she's very warm toward me, the next, she's very cold - like she's afraid of me or can't trust me.
    Now I *could be wrong on all of this*, so bearing that in mind, let me ask y'all this: What's the next step? Here's the next steps that come to my mind, please give me your input:
    1) Seek confirmation from the Lord of the interpretation
    2) I figure if I'm praying for something that's not true, there's no harm done - God knows my heart and knows what the scoop is, however her and I both know the shames of her past - they are there and no doubt need to be dealt with and healed. So I'm praying for the breaking of the bondage of shame, and that the Lord would heal her.

    Any other suggestions?
    Again - thanks.

  8. Haha! You guys crack me up with your emoticon figures. I appreciate y'all taking the time for me here - I seriously want to learn about all of this, and was wading through Mia's stuff on her website that I didn't see the first time I was there. Good stuff there. So I want to hear all the banterings and thoughts you are sharing, as it helps me in the learning process.
    you've given me even more food for thought here and I'll sit there and digest it in my quiet times here.
    Thanks again.

  9. Hi folks,

    I too had wondered if it was perhaps God - except Father God does not shame us. And this was certainly not the character of Father God in the dream. I'm sure all of you have had the experience where you receive severe correction or rebuke from the Father, and it made you just feel so loved! :) It's not shameful at all.
    I had to agree with immortal; the shortening of the hair, the action, and the feelings I had all indicated she was *ashamed* of what her Father did. There's more here than I said, but her Father has done many shameful things to her, and he's not a christian, but very religious.

    I'll admit to being quite new at attempting to interpret dreams, but I've already put a lot of prayer and thought into this one. I've ruled some things out, but the Father representing her natural father is one I haven't been able to rule out - in fact, it seems the most likely.
    Halo and Immortal's comments both really rang a bell with me; I'm not saying that's the final answers, but both were really provocative and made me think of things I hadn't thought of.
    I appreciate the feedback - thanks, because I've really struggled with this one, and I seriously think this dream was from the Lord - but that's okay - that means He will reveal its meaning in due time.

  10. Hi everyone,

    new to this - thank you for the forums and the opportunity to share and possibly get an interpretation - and TIA for your input.

    There is a lady I know, I'll call her Ellen. She is a friend, I was hoping to move to more than friends, but she was not willing.

    I had a dream about Ellen:
    I was upstairs in her house (I have no idea why), looked like a log house, and came downstairs; she was apparently at work, but her Father was there. I have no idea what her actual Father looks like, I've never met him, but this Father was wearing light blue pyjamas, had glasses, grey hair. I asked him for her phone number at work, which he gave me on a scrap piece of paper. At this point, Ellen walked in, so I joked around about "Okay, I'll go call her", and we all chuckled. I asked her what her plans were for the evening, and if she wanted to go to a Bible study group with me.
    At this point, the Father stepped up, and took away the scrap piece of paper with her phone number on it, and said "She is not permitted to represent your name." Ellen put her face in her hands, as if ashamed - and her hair got shorter.
    I was not upset by the Father's actions; I was inclined to ask him if we could go talk about this privately, but I was caught between wanting to go talk to him in another room, and wanting to stay and try to console/comfort Ellen so she wouldn't be upset. Tell her it was okay, I'll deal with it.
    I jolted awake from the dream at this point - no reason to jolt awake.

    I have had what I believe is a dream from the Lord three times in my life; all three times, it was the same style of dream, and I was jolted awake exactly like this, but the "interpretation" was straight forward - no symbolism (one was a plane crash, it happened about three hours later, another was my friend and his wife taking their baby to the hospital where the baby almost died - I was awakened from the dream of them taking the baby to the hospital probably to the minute as they did leave to take their baby the hospital, I can't remember the third dream right now). This dream seemed exactly the same only with lots of symbolism.

    I'm all ears for suggestions and interpretationsm TIA,
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