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Everything posted by living4HIM

  1. well a small update! things had gotten really bad at my husbands job and we had been praying for weeks for God to make a way for him to be "out" of there.... (obviously in our plan that was to leave there and move to a new job) well.... my husband lost his job 2 weeks ago! this was def NOT what we had ever imagined for how things would go.... we are keeping the faith! & completely believe God has an awesome plan here, but im human... and sometimes its absolutly terrifying! ( i havent worked in almost 2 years, so he was the sole provider) Btw- the job he has been waiting on since december... hes still waiting! AND.... we found out a few weeks ago that a friend of ours knows a young lady who is expecting and thinking of placing her baby for adoption with us! (she isnt due til the fall tho... so thankfully that would give us time to get all this job stuff figured out) im really hoping this is "our" situation... but want HIS will to be done above all else! Keep the prayers coming!!! thanks....
  2. Ohhhh Cholette!! i had a "leap for joy" too!! this has given me so much encouragement! my husband and i had completely felt at peace with not having biological children... at times i even felt that i didnt want them any more because i just wanted to adopt as many as i could! but the last week or so i having been "aching" to carry a baby.... i have been dreaming about it a lot too! and i feel like these dreams aree just God's way of telling me to "relax" hes got it under control and rest assured i will have a baby! WOW this brings such peace! What a might God we serve!!! thank you jesus!!!
  3. Hi dear friends... My husband and i need prayers for our adoption journey! we have been on a journey to try and have children for almost 4 years now, and last fall decided to start the adoption process. We have been a "waiting family" for almost 6 months now! Our desire is for the Lord to bring the RIGHT baby to us, and for us to be open and clearly aware of when the RIGHT situation is presented to us! and since the Lord tells us to ask for what we want.... We would really love our child to be a newborn, and it would be wonderful if the baby could be born in our home state!! (this helps with the paperwork and financials if the child and family are in the same state) Also... my husband has been waiting to hear about a possible job for a few months now! its a fantastic job and is literally a 7 minute walk from our home! (he currently commutes abt 2 hrs each way to work now) so this would make our lives so much better, and have so much more time together... he has called several times about the job and they keep telling him "he is still in the running" So we are hoping that God is just waiting for the perfect time to give it to him! Blessings to ALL!!
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