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Posts posted by living4HIM

  1. Hello

    Ive been away from here for a while and havent really been dreaming much lately, at least not anything particularly significant (you know the kind that sticks with you, the ones you cant forget.... the ones that are one you mind 24-7... yeah) So last night i have one of those dreams and ive been pondering and praying all day about it and cant get it off my mind.... i cant focus at all today lol so i thought i would share it and see what you all think!

    I had a bunch of short dreams that i cant really remember and then i woke up and fell back to sleep around 5AM.... then i had this dream that my husband and i were visiting my grandparents in MD.... (my grandmother is a very godly woman and has always been a source of spiritual strength to me... it seemed significant that we were with them at this particular time!) We went to church with them and they was a lot of sharing and praying for lost souls during the service.... i felt really "on fire" at this service, you know when you are praying and worshiping and literally feel the presence of God all around you!

    Then it switches and we are back at thier house... we are having coffee and chatting... My grandmother gets up and looks at my grandpa and says "Go check and see if they are here yet!" i asked her who was coming over at this hour? i dont know what time it was but it was dark out and i felt like it was very werid for someone to be visiting at such a late hour.... she didnt answer me, she just said "sit tight dear, you will like this visitor!" i continued to question her but she wouldnt tell... so i dropped it......

    A few minutes later (i was in the kitchen getting some more coffee) the door bell rang. I quickly poured more coffee in my cup and hurried out to the living room to see who it was..... as i was making my way in i heard a woman i didnt know ask for me.... As i walked in i saw an older, thin, smilely woman holding a beautiful, chubby, bald baby. my grandma was grinning ear to ear and i thought to myself what a great woman she is no matter what the hour she is THRILLED with company! I approched the nice lady who gave me a big hug and introduced me to her husband... i then asked who the little baby was.... she looked at me with the warmest smile and handed him to me! i felt really awkward thinking it was crazy a complete stranger would just hand me her baby... and i was praying he wouldnt start screaming lol

    He stared right at me once in my arms... he had piercing blue eyes and the chubbiest cheeks ive ever seen, he kind of "glowed" like his skin was so fair and "bright" (if that makes sense).... the nice lady looked at my grandma and smile again before saying..."well this is Baby Ben, hes 7 months old and the church is actually his legal guardian his mother surrendered him because she couldnt care for him, and.... well we heard that you and your husband have been waiting to adopt and had to come over and have you meet him!.... (she hugged me again and wink at my husband and said)... so if youd like to be his parents... HES YOURS!"

    I burst into tears and begged her not to play with my emotions! she assured me she wasnt and said that she thinks he would be a perfect fit for us.... it was then that i asked her his name again... "Ben" she said... i looked at my husband who was crying and looked back at her and told her the Benjamin had been our favorite "baby boy" name for years! she smiled and said "of course it has... God knew all along that this was your son!" I immediately called our social worker who called the lawyer and within a very short amount of time the lawyer was there and we were signing papers (never seemed strange at all that that would be happening in the middle of the night lol).... i guess we stayed up all night lol because next thing i knew it was morning and my dad and step mom came over to bring a "congratulations breakfast" and meet thier new grandson!

    Next i was in the kitchen worried that i hadnt fed him yet and he must be starving.... i looked down and there was a box of formula.... then i started panicing because i didnt know what to do with it or how to fix it for him (btw he never cried... all he did was smile at me), then a highschool friend came into the room and help me make his first bottle... well we spilled and broke the first one and made another one and then i sat down and fed him... i really felt like his mommy, i had this wonderful warm feeling flush over me while i was feeding him and he was looking up at me! My Dad came in to see him and took him and burped him.... he started to fuss and my dad handed him back to me and said "here you go mommy, your whole world wrapped up into one tiny little man... little Benjamin!" he kissed my forhead ......and then i woke up!

    i have not been able to get that little chubby, cuddlely baby out of my head....



    about a week after this dream i was having horrible stomach pain and headache and my husband rushed me to the hospital, after lots of testing i was admitted for a serve bladder infection that had spread to my kidneys! they said it had been festering for a LONG time! crazy enough i never had any symptoms untilt he headache! i was in the hospital for about 3 days getting iv antibiotics and now feel much better, altho im still recovering! Im so greatful for the ways HE speaks to HIS children!! and i will definatly "listen" better next time he trys to warn me of illness coming...
    Praise HIM!!!!

    *and thank you to all of you for the insights and prayers!!

  3. well a small update!

    things had gotten really bad at my husbands job and we had been praying for weeks for God to make a way for him to be "out" of there.... (obviously in our plan that was to leave there and move to a new job) well.... my husband lost his job 2 weeks ago! this was def NOT what we had ever imagined for how things would go.... we are keeping the faith! & completely believe God has an awesome plan here, but im human... and sometimes its absolutly terrifying! ( i havent worked in almost 2 years, so he was the sole provider)
    Btw- the job he has been waiting on since december... hes still waiting!

    AND.... we found out a few weeks ago that a friend of ours knows a young lady who is expecting and thinking of placing her baby for adoption with us! (she isnt due til the fall tho... so thankfully that would give us time to get all this job stuff figured out) im really hoping this is "our" situation... but want HIS will to be done above all else!

    Keep the prayers coming!!! thanks....

  4. wow actually crazy enough last night i was struck with the worst migraine headache, ive had in a long time and had lots of stomach pains/nausea and such, ive been in bed all day and today it seems to have moved entirely into my stomach! (i have lots of gastroinstetial issues 24-7 as it is... so i dont know if i happened to eat somthing i shouldnt have, or if i have some kind of virus...) but i definatly havent felt this horrible in a long long time.... Manifestation???? u guys think....

    @ karen - shingles, Yikes! i am praying that is not coming for me, as my husband lost his job 2 weeks ago and as of today we are without health insurance... :(.... please pray over this with me!

  5. I havent had a significant dream in a long time but last night i dreamt i was getting out of bed and looked down and realized that my stomach was covered in blisters. The center of my stomach like a big circle of blisters of all shapes and sizes with my belly button in the middle! one of the larger blisters on the outside of the cluster... i reached down and "popped" it and all this blue sticky goo came out of it... then the dream switch....

    ive heard that blisters on a part of the body can indicate sickness, so now im worried.... Any thoughts???


  6. i have just spent almost an hour reading through this whole discussion! WOW what a great discussion! i am new here and have only very recently understood that God uses dreams to speak to us! I have had extremely vivid strange, at times VERY scary dreams all of my life! I remember dreams that i had at a very young child, but cant remember anything during that time IRL... i was always just told that i had an "active" imagination and i was "dramamtic" lol actually the last few years my dreams have been praticularly scary and my husband and i have actually been praying each night that God would keep these dreams away! not realizing that he was just trying to "speak" to me and show me things!
    Last week (yes thats how new i am to all of this...) i had a series of 3 dreams and for some reason... i was convinced for the first time, that they had to mean somthing! so i began researching! when i shared these crazy scary dreams with many different people (every person i told infact) told me that the devil sent them to try and scare me and he was "just tormenting" me and i should "let him win"! for some reason tho i just couldnt accept that, it just didnt sit right with me.... i really felt like God was trying to tell me somthing but i couldnt figure it out! And then 4 days after the last dream my husband came home and told me that God gave him the meanings of the my dreams while he was praying for me and reading his bible on his way home from work! i have been so so excited to get such a GREAT message from our heavenly father out of somthing, everyone else thought was, and "seemed" SO demonic!!!

    here is the link to my dream and what my husband recieved from God about it :)


    Blessing to All :)
    Man i just LOVE this forum!!!!

  7. WOW!! Daph, this totally relates to my heart!! My husband and i are currently three days into an intesive spiritual fast... and it has been amazing all that we are learning and all of the "junk" i am getting rid of... i feel like everyday i am getting closer and closer to God!! so it does completely make sense that my husband would be the one doing it in my dream... as he is the one i am going through this HUGE change with, and he is my biggest coach and supporter!

    My friend from the first dream, actually lost triplets to pre term labor in the 5th month back in august of 08, it was a very tramatic exp. for all of us!... this pregnancy she is in now is the first one since then and she is very worried abt having multiples again! i have been praying and praying for her since that dream!! i sure hope that the "change" has nothing to do with these babies... her name is holly, would you join me in praying for her??

    thanks for the feedback! i am so grateful for this place i have gotten wonderful awesome feedback that is really helping me grow in my faith!!!


  8. the dreams begin with a friend of mine dying.... (she is currently preg. with twins but in the dream it was triplets) i dont see her die, i just know that she has.... then i see her in a casket.... and hear some people talking about how sad it was that her babies died and then she died too.... i felt really sad and felt like crying.... *switch* i am in her house, and her husband has a new girlfriend and she is talking about how nice my friends hair was and she wished she could have such nice hair... (she does have GREAT hair btw lol) i felt really betrayed, and that he was "moviing on" way to quickly.... and didnt like this new woman at all! i couldnt talk to them tho... it was like i was just observing all of this, like they were talking to someone else... (i dont know who)


    I am in the car with my grandmother (she is driving), she is complaining about these sores on her arm.... there are 3 circlular sores on her right arm, the 2 at the top are kind of pink inside and the 3rd one below is white. for some reason the car stops and now she is in the passanger seat, and strange woman walks by, and i think i ask her if she can help us (but im not sure) she comes over and begins put some kind of red liquid on my grandmothers arm... when she puts it on the first 2 sores, she tells her that it feeling much better.... but when the woman applying the red liquid on the bottom sore she starts screaming it burns and is crying in pain.... the woman dont look upset she just says thats all she can do and walks away.... i see a hair salon and decide to talk my grandmother in there to get her hair done, i think maybe this will distract her from all this scream from the sore! *switch* we been in the hair salon for over 2 hours and ive only had a wash... so i start complaining... this woman comes over and takes me outside, i tell her ive forgetten my handbag and so i go back in to get it.... i get lost and end up in the bathroom, but eventually find my way back and get it. i go back outside and she is standing by a car and i get in... my Dad is driving the car and my step mom and sisters and brother are there too... i was glad to see them, but worried about my grandmother as she wasnt there! they didnt answer my pleas to find her and didnt seem concerned like i was...

    *switch* (this is the REALLY disturbing part)

    Im dead... well sort of.... im lying on a cold table, i can hear things around me but cant see anything, after a while i can open my eyes and there is a man with tools, he is doing somthing down by my torso.... as i lift my head i see him lifting my body up off the table and moving it to another table! i realize they are preforming an autopsy of ME!!!!!!! i start to panic that i NEED MY BODY!!!! and the man comes over (i cant see is face btw its blurry, prob because i dont have my glasses on...) he tells me to relax, and laughs and tells me that when they are done looking at everything they will put me back together.... i am SO UPSET, and feel so misunderstood and taken advantage of.... i keep thinking "why is this happening to me??? why are they doing this to me???" next thing i know he is telling me he needs to do some DRILLING!!!!!! around my temples.... i try to struggle but i cant get away! he starts on the left, it is the worst pain i have ever felt and i am crying and screaming in pain, i beg him to stop! he does for a moment before continuing.... *slight switch* i have my body back.... and he is coming at me to do the right side of my head... i fight him and he says, its fine he'll just do it later.... i sit up on the table and my back is killing me ( like horrible horrible pain) he tells me thats because they had to screw me back together at the pelvis.... my glasses are on the table next to me and i put them on... i look at the man and realize he is my (IRL) husband... im not sure if he is my husband in the dream, but i know him.... i am feeling very shocked and hurt and confused that he would do such a thing to me! he almost seems happy or pleased with himself that he put through so much.... he walks over to a desk, (i am still sitting on the table) and hands me a folder of pictures... i ask them what they are and he tells me they are of my mothers autopsy! i freak out and jump off the table throw the pictures at him and just start running in circles and freaking out! i didnt know she had even died.... i leave then cold medical room and realize we are in a house... not a house i recognize though... i open a door and there is a bedroom with a small twin size bed (come to think of it, it looks an aweful lot like my bedroom as a child) my 2 little dogs are there.... as i enter the bedroom i here the doctor talking on the phone downstairs, telling someone that he couldnt give me a sedative and had to do the whole things without pain meds and i screamed a lot.... i remember thinking he is an idiot and should have given me somthing! i want to run down and yell at him but my back is hurting to bad so i go over to the bed and start fixing it to lay down.... i realize i left the door open and i hear him calling my dogs.... i rush back to the door and am able to keep one inside, im very upset as the other runs down the stairs, but i dont yell cuz im trying to be quiet (not sure why).... after abt a minute the my little dog comes back up the stairs and into my room, i close and lock the door! and get into bed, the pain in my lower back in unbearable!! the man comes in the room, (now he is acting more like my husband) he says hes sorry kisses me on the forehead and sits on the end of the bed.... then he starts laughing at me for complaining so much about my back, telling me im being dramatic and i will be fine... then he stands up and says he really needs to get the other side of my head done! i scream NO!


    im in a hall way with my aunt... i thnk we are invisible, i see angelina jolie and brad pitt walking by.... they stop right in front of us and begin to argue! (but they dont know we are there watching.... hence why i think we are invisible) she tells him they have to leave in a few minutes and he better go change those hideous pants he has on... he turns and walks up the stairs and calls her a .... my aunt laughs and says ohhh haha he wsa just kidding... i think to myself that she is crazy, and he is not kidding! i think he cant stand this woman! next thing is we are out on a read carpet or somthing and they are approaching an interviewer.... angelina sulks back behind brad and totally ignores the questions to go and answer questions from another person down the carpet.... brad and the interviewer he is with just stand there quiet and staring at her... i can feel the distain and haterd emminating (sp?) from brad.... i feel sad for him, and disgust with her....

    then i wake up...

    sorry this is so long.... i had a few other short little things happen in between these 4 but i cant remember!

    i specifically prayed last night that God would speak to me through my dreams.... and now i feel very overwhelmed by all of this!!

    Any insight at all would be very much appreciated!

    Blessings to all!

  9. thank you so much sunshine!!

    I also feel that in the first dream God may have been showing me in a tangible way the way i have let my fear and anxiety keep me from doing all He wants me to do...? the "snake" being my fear and the "baby" my gifts...? if that makes sense...

    i am DONE being afraid, and totally excited to see what He wants to do with me!! I am FULLY his!!

    Blessing :o)

  10. UPDATE: My husband came home today and told me that God very clearly spoke to him on his way home from work PTL!!!!!!.... He was reading Psalm 91 (he was riding the train, not driving lol) and he said this is the explaination of my Dreams!!!

    Psalm 91
    1)He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will rest in the shadow of the Almighty 2) I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom i trust" 3) Surely He will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. 4) He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge;his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. 5) You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flys by day, 6) nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destoys at midday. 7)A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, BUT IT WILL NOT COME NEAR YOU! 8) you will only OBSERVE with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. **the fact that in every one of the dreams i was never harmed ** 9)If you make the Most High your dwelling - even the Lord, who is my refuge - 10) then no harm will befall you, no disater will come near your tent. 11) For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways 12) they will lift you up in thier hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. **in the last dream when i was walking through the field over all the large snake bodies... i was walking, but it felt like i was riding or floating!** 13) You will tread upon the Lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent 14) "Because he loves me" says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him for he acknowledges my name. 15) He will call upon me, and i will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him and show him my salvation."

    He told me that God gave me these dreams to make me understand how much he loves me and how he will ALWAYS protect me! notice how in everyone of the dreams things/people around me that were in the same situations as me were harmed... but I wasnt!!!!! and he said that God wants me to stop worrying and having anxiety about my life... (i have struggled with anxiety and panic attacks since i was a small child) that i should command the devil out of my thoughts as soon as i feel that worry creeping in... and these dreams were given to me to SHOW me and make me fully understand how much HE loves me and will protect me!!! WOW what an awesome God we serve!! i tend to be a doubter.... and i tend not to trust my inner voice/holy spirit... i find myself many time questioning whether it is God speaking to me or not...

    My husband also said that he believes the dog (that was being attacked by the big snake) in the last dream represented an unbeliever.... and in that dream God was showing me that he loved me, and he was showing me how he wants me to fight for the unbeliever to accept HIM!!

    I am so grateful that God has given me such a discerning Hubby!!! (he is a fairly new christian btw, and completely floored with what an awesome good we serve.... we have been dancing and praising all evening!!!)

  11. Ohhhh Cholette!!

    i had a "leap for joy" too!! this has given me so much encouragement! my husband and i had completely felt at peace with not having biological children... at times i even felt that i didnt want them any more because i just wanted to adopt as many as i could! but the last week or so i having been "aching" to carry a baby.... i have been dreaming about it a lot too! and i feel like these dreams aree just God's way of telling me to "relax" hes got it under control and rest assured i will have a baby!
    WOW this brings such peace!
    What a might God we serve!!!

    thank you jesus!!!

  12. I was in a photography studio with my husband and our 2 little dogs, i was about 6/7 months pregnant to get family/pregnancy pics taken... when we entered the studio we had to wade through trash and papers to get to the area where the camera was, we got all seated and the camera flashed, and then we were in the photogs office getting ready to look at pics... there was trash everywhere.... and my hubby had to get up twice to move trash off of his seat! ohh and our lil dog charlie got lost in some of the tash LOL

    any thoughts???

  13. Hi dear friends...

    My husband and i need prayers for our adoption journey! we have been on a journey to try and have children for almost 4 years now, and last fall decided to start the adoption process. We have been a "waiting family" for almost 6 months now! Our desire is for the Lord to bring the RIGHT baby to us, and for us to be open and clearly aware of when the RIGHT situation is presented to us! and since the Lord tells us to ask for what we want.... We would really love our child to be a newborn, and it would be wonderful if the baby could be born in our home state!! (this helps with the paperwork and financials if the child and family are in the same state)

    Also... my husband has been waiting to hear about a possible job for a few months now! its a fantastic job and is literally a 7 minute walk from our home! (he currently commutes abt 2 hrs each way to work now) so this would make our lives so much better, and have so much more time together... he has called several times about the job and they keep telling him "he is still in the running" So we are hoping that God is just waiting for the perfect time to give it to him!

    Blessings to ALL!!

  14. So last week i had a dream that i was very pregnant, like about ready to deliver... i could literally feel the sensation, of what it would be like. I was expecting my husband home any time, and so when the door bell rang i answered it and it was a HUGE boa constrictor... it reared its head back, hit me, and knocked me down and took the baby from my stomach (without biting me or anything... it just was over me and then the baby was out of me...) and ate it right in front of me! then i woke up...

    a few nights later i had a dream that i was sleeping and i woke up and realized that my bead was full of BIG snakes crawling all over themselves... i was VERY tired and couldnt stay awake so i purposed to not move and fell back to sleep.... a while later i woke up in the dream and the snakes were gone. so i got up and there was someone in a bed next to me, thier bed covered in snakes just like mine was... they moved and were devoured instantly....

    then the BIG dream this past saturday night....

    i had a dream that my husband and i were riding bikes, we came to a field of bright green grasses and clovers... the grass was tall enough that we could walk through it but not ride our bikes. we were barefooted. We began to walk through the field but it felt like we were riding.... after about halfway through the field (i was in front of my husband) i started going over these large bumps, i asked my husband what it was and he said he didnt know but keep going... after a little while longer i looked down and saw the bump, it was a light cream color and had dark brown/green spots.... (it wasnt bright tho, very drab and dull) i looked over to my husband and said i know what the bumps are... they are snakes! he was VERY concerned, but i wasnt overly bothered... i just said i dont see any heads of the snakes just the bodies so lets just hurry and get out of here calmly... we came to edge of the field and there was a clearly, i realized then that our little dog charlie was with us running ahead of us. My husband told me to grab him quick before the snakes got him. Just as i picked him up a snake flew up out of the grass in front of me and just missed grabbing him.... as we ran for the street, my husband yelled "they got another one!" and as i turned around one of the snakes had a large dog (looked like maybe a husky dog or a wolf) it was struggling with the snake and then it started to give up.... i knelt down and started yelling to the dog to come to me, clapping, kissing, and waving my hands. i was frantic and doing anything i could think of.... the dog started fighting back again, bite the snake and got away and ran past me and across the street nearly getting hit by a car... when i turned around the snake began to rise up and it turned in to a woman! i turned away handed my little dog to my husband and told him to go and get the car, and i ran across the street after the bigger dog... i caught up to the dog and it was bleeding very badly from under its stomach. it was wearing a large thick light brown leather buckle collar with a long heavy metal link chain. the woman came up behind me and began petting and consoling the dog... "saying i know it hurts, hunny but if this lady hadnt messed things up it wouldnt be hurting anymore..." completely shocked at what i was seeing....i told her that she just wasnt allowed to EAT her dog, and she hissed at me and told me to mind my own business. just then my husband pulled up in the car and i grabbed the dog threw it in the car and as we speed off, the woman turned back into a snake and got bigger than ever before (the body of the snake covered half the road)... she swirled around the car and coiled up in front of us, and told us that "we made our choice and now she must show us our destiny" then she "struck" the car.... and i woke up terrified!

    this dream stuck with me and has bothered me for 3 days now.... any insight would be much appreciated!

  15. Hello,

    i found this forum while searching the web looking for information on dreams! i was very distrubed by some of the "secular" dream interpretators out there.... i was so blessed to run across this site and will hopfully get some Godly insite into my dreams :)

    Blessing to all
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