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Everything posted by taniyal1982

  1. I absolutely agree, I m staying his friend. I am just truly experiencing God like never before and I love it. So I thank you for the advice it is confirmation. I am just getting to know this man as a friend and God's will be done at a later date, but for now I am enjoying the journey with the Father. Thank you once again!
  2. Ok thank you! I have been doing that and I decided not to take the money from him and God did work it out. My phone is back on! I am definitely proceeding with caution and spending much time in prayer.
  3. I recently got out of a bad relationship that I know that God ripped away from me. My heart was absolutely broken and while I went 3000 miles and stayed for two weeks. A prophet who did not koow me or anything about me said that God was going to heal my heart, which HE did (glory) well before I left I met someone on a Christian dating site, which I am not sure how he found me because I deactivated my acct. but anyway we were emailing eachother before I left and stopped for two weeks while I was away on the retreat. The day I came back I received an email from him and we have picked up where we left off. We have currently been talking for almost two months and I have just started communicating over the phone with him. I have chosen to go extremely slow because of the mistakes in my past which he is fine with. What I am dealing with is before I met him my church and mentor and family knew what I experienced with the other man and they said that I should not date anyone for a while. I have not decided to tell them about the relationship because I want to see what God is doing first. Ijust feel like I am worried about what other people thnk. And I know what I believe, but I think well how would this person view me. Also, my phone was recently cut off and we have been talking everyday so he asked if he could pay it which was 300 dollars and I told him no. I just want to make sure I am depending on God. But then its like how do I know that God is not making this a way seeing that I don't have the money right now. But I also thought what would such and such say? I will say that so far he has a good heart. He truly loves God, he is a pastor and he pours into me.
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