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Posts posted by Jehovahzapple

  1. 4-1-10 - I dreamed I was going to Tyler road which was a dirt road and as I was going down a hill, there were little lambs all over the road, some small and some very small. As I was going, Ramona was in the car with me and some other children. I couldn’t stop the car when I saw them and ran over several of the larger ones. When we passed Ramona’s old house, she wanted to call her moma and get out. We turned around to go back . The next thing i remember was that I was meeting someone to eat. While I was in the restaurant, I noticed couples dancing. I was trying to get out of there to find my friends. I finally got out of the building. I remember at some point of the dream, beginning to get a baby out of the car.

  2. 3-31-10 - I dreamed I went on this trip. I was staying in a house. I remember that this young guy caught my attention and everyone was like trying to set me up with him. Occasionally he would show some interest in me. When I got ready to go back home, he showed more interest. I remember someone and myself making up the bed before we left. As we were leaving, we had to stop for some gasoline. Dusty got out of the truck to put the gas in the car. When we pulled off, we realized that Dusty was left back down the road. Someone was stopping to try to pick him up. As we tried to turn the truck around real fast, we hit an embankment. We pulled out of that and turn around and went back to get Dusty

  3. 3-9-10 I dreamed that I was racing a horse. Then I was outside in the yard. My husband and I were getting ready to go somewhere. I pulled a limb from a tree to use as a switch on the horse and began to peel the limb. Someone walked up and began talking to my husband. While he was talking, the Lord showed me that things were fixing to get very dry, like a drought this year. As we were walking toward where we were going, a truck pulled up with Eddie & Sue Franks in it and Brandi Lenard. She was in the back of the truck and came to our side and said that her father wanted her to sing this song especially for me at the thing we were all headed to.

  4. 3-9-10 I was taking a shower and left out of the shower room, went somewhere and then came back to the shower room. I was in the shower room of a gym taking a shower. I wanted to relieve myself in the shower but someone was in the next stall. I gathered up all my stuff and went out to the end of the gym where Alice was standing. As I showed her the big poster that I had saved, she stated to the person beside her “I knew it. I told you it was all about Misty”. I got upset and left . I was in the back of grandma and grandpa’s house attempting to relieve myself on the slop jar. Grandpa came back where I was and I got upset with him because he should have known not to come back there while I was relieving myself. He grabbed 1 bag of rotten potatoes and carried them out of the house and instructed me to do the same. I picked up 1 of the 2 bags that was left and took them outside across the road. As I brought them out, it wasn’t potatoes that I was throwing out, but dead chickens. I threw them in the garden for fertilizer. Mark Clark was across the road watching as I did.

  5. 3-8-10 I dreamed I was at my uncle Jim’s house (he is crippled). I remember that my cousin Dana was supposed to be coming down to visit. My uncle Jerry, Mom and Dad and other faceless people left to go see where we would be going for the day. We drove up to Saline lake and to different camp sites. One house was up on this hill. You could look down into a field back behind the field. This man was in the back of the field camped out. He started walking toward us carrying a gun. When my dad said something to him to let him know that it was us, he then became friendly and started doing a lot of talking. He was naked and it didn’t seem to bother him. But I could tell that it was bothering all of us. Then we drove up to the lake. Just about the whole lake was almost dried up except for a certain area around the bend. We then drove on up into Saline.

  6. 3-4-10 I dreamed that I was at Choate’s store talking to one of their relatives who had just got saved. I remember telling them about how I had often thought about sharing the gospel with them but hadn’t. We both became tearful at the time but I remember also feeling joy. It was like, they all had gotten saved but none of them were actually close by. I remember getting in this big truck (semi) with a man (Randall Rushing - I went to school with him from 5th-8th grade). We talked about the Lord and after he had pulled out of the store’s driveway and back on hwy 9, he stopped the big truck and let me out. At this time I remember going back in the store. I went into the bathroom where a woman was cleaning. There were 3 doors in the bathroom. 2 that went outside and 1 that appeared to go into a thicket where I felt they were growing illegal drugs.

  7. 3-3-10 I dreamed that I was at a flea market. As I was walking, I saw a woman selling foldable round chairs. She was very friendly. She also had things for horses. She said come and let me show you something. As I began to walk with her toward the back of the market, some man met her and said something about how good the flea market was doing. We walked to the back and she showed me some horses that were in an arena for sale. Scene 2: I went and got Gary and we drove around the end of the flea market and were viewing the horses. I told him that I thought the paint was pretty. He got out and went and spoke with someone and brought a small brown baby horse back. I petted the horse but told him that this was not the horse I was talking about. Scene 3: I remember being with someone (a male) that had lost a family member (that was a girl) I remember feeling anger from this person. As I followed this person into the building. I remember thinking that this person was going to start some trouble in the building where they were having a memorial for the girl that was gone.

  8. 2-27-10 - Scene 1: I dreamed I was in a Baptist church with my children Misty and Dusty. We were on a pew in the back of the church. Someone had been sitting there with us and got up and went out and brought in another woman. When he did, my children and I, got up and moved up closer to the front. Scene 2: I remember someone getting up to sing and as they did, I remember seeing some guy up front working with Dusty as he played the drums. Scene 3: I remember holding Dusty, but he was younger. I remember dreaming in my dream that Dusty stepped in his father's foot print. I grabbed him tight and started crying thinking that he was following in his father's footsteps. Scene 3: Then I remember being in the middle of a road between two hills. I as was trying the see over an elevated area on the other side of the ditch, I remember trying to keep from getting ran over by the vehicles that would keep coming down the road.

  9. 2-23-10 at my house - Scene 1: I dreamed that I was playing a game with this elderly man. He kept wanting me to play the game but I was more interested in talking to his 2 sons about the Lord. One son knew about the Lord but had never read the bible. The other son was kinda rebellious and stood off in the background. Scene 2: I remember needing to go to the bathroom. Some woman showed me the way to a room with a stalled bathroom in it. The youngest son was in the room asleep. While I was using the bathroom, I remember trying to hurry so that he couldn't come into the unlocked stall while I was using it. He woke up and began to come toward the stall.

  10. 2-21-10 at my house. Scene 1: I dreamed that we were on a vacation and had left our horses tied up at different camp sites. When we got ready to leave, my family was going to leave the horses tied up at the camp sites to starve to death. I insisted that we go get them. Scene 2: There was a trailor that had a top but no sides. Just like a tarp over the top of it. In the front of the trailor, the kids were in car seats. One of the children got out of the car seat to get back where I was and I put them back in the car seat. Scene 3: I dreamed I was up in the top of something like a barn. We would hoist the horses up into the barn. I remember that we had hoisted one of our horses, Sandy (buckskin), up and I was waiting for help to get her into the top. I got busy doing something else and realized that I had forgotten Sandy and was worried that she was probably dead because most horses can't live unless they can circulate their blood by stepping on their feet. As I went out to check on her, she had been let down and was fixing to get away. My son, Dusty, got on Sandy and was trying to ride her back over to the barn but she kept acting up. I remember telling him to ride her up what appeared to be very frail boards spaced out up toward where I was. I don't think that he did. Scene 4: The next thing that I remember was that I saw both horses, Strut (chestnut) and Sandy in the back of a trailer but the gate was open. I hollered at some man and instructed him to shut the door quickly before the horses got out. He was not fast enough and I remember that Strut got out.

  11. 3-31-10 - I dreamed I went on this trip. I was staying in a house. I remember that this young guy caught my attention and everyone was like trying to set me up with him. Occasionally he would show some interest in me. When I got ready to go back home, he showed more interest. I remember someone and myself making up the bed before we left. As we were leaving, we had to stop for some gasoline. Dusty got out of the truck to put the gas in the car. When we pulled off, we realized that Dusty was left back down the road. Someone was stopping to try to pick him up. As we tried to turn the truck around real fast, we hit an embankment. We pulled out of that and turn around and went back to get Dusty.
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