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Posts posted by Dreamert00

  1. Danny, I was looking at how Hezekeiah stood on the wall until God answered him. It was his persistant that I want you to see. Being on a horse meant to pursue, my opinion is that you be persistant in what you are pursing. God is our help in this very time of need. Now, I'm preaching to myself... happy dance

  2. I get those visions sometimes when I pray. Hezekiah did not leave the wall until God granted him more life, but he still had an appointed time left. Don't know your circumstance, but sometimes we can prolong our situation. Ask God should you forbear or pursue what you are trying to get out of, this is my current prayer concerning me.

  3. Both of you are on it...As I stated he is in his deliverence process, at the time of the dream he did not see it as a big deal. He expected God to just take the urge. I say, you are already delivered, just walk in it. Currently, we are in a mess with our finances because of the drug addiction. He say he is now tired, no longer have urge to smoke cigarettes. All I can do is thank God in advance that it is DONE... :hooray:

  4. Thanks One Door. I can see where this fit in my life at this point. I try not to make decision that pleases my husband, but rather the Lord. And it causes a lot of confusion, but I fear the Lord.

  5. Thanks Daisy. She is friends with two PKs - Preacher Kids. They often have sleep overs and she is a leader in her Youth Group. But I know it's an attack on the youth. Just watch the news. Here where I am 1 killed his mother and another beat his grandmother in a comma. Sad, Sad,.

  6. At times she gets besides herself. She subcome to peer pressure but she is saved and filled w/the Holy Ghost. She will be 15 and I know the closer she gets to 18, I will have a problem. I don't want her to wind up like her dad side of family. He OD 3 yrs ago, and her 2 uncles have life sentences. I pray for her all the time, she is a good child. But I know the world and she is naive.

  7. 3 dreams that I believe is SYMBOLICAL, here is a quick overview. First, I caught my daughter kissing a boy while waiting on school bus. I called hubby & he said to handle my business. I whipped her real good. Second, she came in from waiting on school bus with a bust lip. She was fighting. She left house before I got belt. She ended up running to another apt that turned into a library. She went up several flights of stairs and stop when she got to a big hole. I knew she was going to throw me down, so I threw her first. I ask for help and called my bro. (police IRL). A lady found her and shocked that she survived the fall. Third, I was in her whipping her again and she took belt and whip me. I bind her hands with the belt and drag her to bathroom and put her head in toilet and flushed it. I seen BM in the toilet as well. She was drowning. The dream switched to her "sitting" in the tub with the water over her head as it was draining. (not possible IRL) She was drowning. I took her out tub to revive her but it was not working, then I woke up.

  8. Just Receive it!!! I love JB and listen to her almost everyday. The anointing do flow from the top, to the beard, even to the skirt. If she is your mentor, stay put. This is what I would do...not an interpretation.

  9. My husband is in his deliverance process (IRL). He asked me to buy cigarettes, I went and was about to pay for a pack of "Kools" I told man no, I'm not buying it, he would have to do it himself (IRL I would never buy and he would never ask). I left but forgot my bags so I had to go back. I had to go through this court looking building up a slow elevator that does not open until enough people was standing on the outside. I finally got on to 2nd floor and the man gave me the bag I left.

  10. Just my opinion. Hats usually represent calling or covering. Women normally wear many hats. Could it be that you are no longer needed or recognized in a specific calling (ministry) or covering (sometimes we hold on too long to someone/something). Since you are confident in your walk, I don't think the black hat means sin.


    Sometimes we are in darkeness (black hat) concerning our calling or covering. Also, the highway could represent Jesus since he is the way...Also, many hats were on the road, so you could be getting deliverence from a past issue. Your friend not recognizing you is just a confirmation that you do not need this hat to be who God called you to be. It is something you are holding on to...If it don't fit, please dismiss.
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