Hi, I am new here. I am in the process of a divorce from an emotionally abusive situation. I believe that it is true God hates divorce however there has to be a marriage for there to be a divorce. If a man is abusive and unhealthy to the point that he mistreats, curses, hits, neglects, accuses falsely, the woman he is sleeping with I know that it is not a marriage but a situation. I do believe that the parameters for marriage is that the two become one and the woman is loved like Jesus loves the church and a woman desires her husband. There is forsaking others and cleaving. Abuse makes none of that possible. That's just what I have found out. As a child of an abusive childhood, it takes years to undo the messages that you get about your worth when an abuser is in a position of power and is supported as being worth more than you because that's who gets all the prayer and attention. When they curse the God everyone is praying to for help it gets very painful and distorting. I am so grateful to find a place to look up information about my dreams. I have been seeing visions that have come to pass since I was 5. God has been so faithful and now as I am being delivered from the soul ties and having my eyes opened to truth I am still being warned and instructed. I stopped trusting while I was entangled with my abuser. 8 years.