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Johanna Hall

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Posts posted by Johanna Hall

  1. Hello,
    I believe this is talking about the church. The Lord is telling us that when we pray we will divert the storms that come against us. You unlocking your son is God unlocking wisdom and knowledge that the church is calling out for. The food is the Word. We as a body are coming into a greater understanding of the word and growing hungry for what the word has to say.
    Hope this helps.

  2. Good Morning,
    Your dream is about the church. The entire church. God has sent a warning to the body that there are forces being unleashed against us. The Lord is sending a warning that we will go through many things but those that run to the foundation, (Jesus), will be saved. Some people will see it coming but ignore it in hopes that it will just go away. Covering up with the blanket is staying under God's covering and therefore His protection. You grabbing your children is God telling us to grab those that don't understand and cover them in prayer that their eyes will be opened. The Tornadoes being multi colored signifies many nations. Many nations are coming against the church because time is growing short and satan is ramping up his attack. God is calling us to be in the word and in constant communication with Him through the Holy Spirit. We are in a time of spiritual war like never before. God is calling you to cover those around you in prayer that the eyes of their understanding will be opened.
    I pray this gives you understanding.
    In Christ,

  3. Your dream is talking about your relationship with the Lord. You want the gifts that He has for you but are fearful to go after them because they are in the deep water (the Word). God is showing you that He will take you into a deeper relationship and you will see that there is no fear with God. God knows your heart and your heart is His.

  4. I discovered this web site about a year ago and love it. My question is, what happened to the dreams that use to get sent to my e-mail? I have been gifted with dream interpretation and love to be used this way, but the dreams don't come to my e-mail anymore. How do I get that resolved.
    Thank You,
    Johanna Hall
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