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About squirrelhop2

  • Birthday 12/24/1991
  1. i request any of the mods to please delete my older posts, all of them. Im really not comfortable with the stuff i posted here and i dont want it to be left here for the world to see. PLEASE delete them. Thanks :)
  2. thanx bro,but its not me its a pic from illbhonest.com's facebook page
  3. again, Hind's Feet, u helped me think a lot..:) n just that u know,im somewhat happier now Praise God :)
  4. I regret posting this here!! I shouldn't have, cos I know that God has blessed me in many other ways. its just that this year,it has been odd, i lost count of my blessings and forgot about them and stuck to THIS phase in my head. I apologize to God for hurting Him by posting this. Glory and praise be to God.
  5. yeah,ur rught..i should probably leave everything else behind and just trust in HIM. thanks CC :)
  6. You may think its cos I don't dedicate them to God,thats why, well,heres one i was to play (without my band ) at an Easter celebration at my university. I was happy that I was doing it for God's purpose,but even in that,I got replaced in the VERY LAST moment,for no reason!!!
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