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Posts posted by baffling

  1. Loved it! So mysterious is God's ways of speaking to us. When I share my dream with others, especially those closest me, I can tell by the loom on their face they think I'm crazy and or a Christian fanatic. I was just thinking that I was going to stop sharing with others until I knew for sure the meaning then I found this message. Loved it!

  2. I couldn't help, but to chuckle because I kept picturing the little guy from TV, but it was such an experience of a dream this past Monday morning. Here goes..

    I applied for a job as a store detective at a chain store. Willian Shatner was in charge of a bunch of stores and came to the store where I worked.
    He saw that I was new and wanted to meet me. He liked getting to know his employees personally. He was with the guy who trained me on my first store detective job. He was sitting next to William Shatner quietly as he asked me questions.
    When I told William shatner that I used to be a security guard manager he was so excited he offered me the job right away. I asked him if he was sure because it was a very long time ago. He was seemed glad to able to get rid of the current manager because he was a tyrant and treated his employees poorly. He said that I would have to go through a trial period and if I did well I would be hired permanently. I was so happy because I was going to lose weight from all the walking and running I would be doing.
    Then, I saw myself walking with the lady that serves food to the pastors and leaders on Sundays. She was smiling  & laughing as she proudly wore her unform. I was wearing plain undercover clothes and I liked it because it didn't draw attention to me. When we got to the foot of a hill she stopped and turned back because I had to climb the hill by myself as part of my trial period while William Shatner and the guy who trained me watched to see how I did.
    When I went home to tell my husband to tell my husband about the job offer my pastors brother who lives in my basement said, "Ok well can you do me a favor and clean this corner?" There was rotting food and dirty clothes in the corner. I got the feeling it was not my mess but his. My husband was helping me clean it. I remember saying, "What! I just cleaned this." Never the less, I cleaned that and the mess in the garage.
    Then I was in a restaurant with my brother. He was high on drugs. My husband was there before me or I was late, but and it made him uncomfortable so he left. I did not know this until after I waited at the table and after arguing with my brother for giving drugs to the waitress and making her a drug addict. I had a sick feeling my husband was cheating on me so I left to find him. I saw he had taken the car and left me there. I realized I was in my 1st trimester of pregnancy when I saw my husband leaving a mall with another woman. I begged him for a ride so I sat in the backwhile his girlfriend was up front, but she didn't know I was his wife and he pretended not to know me. I had to pretend I was just a friend. Then I woke up.

  3. I am jot sure about this part, but as i was working fr the church i was seeking talented people who knew how to paint design and all sorts f talent t redecorate one of the ministries and processes/administrative stuff for others. I actually felt like the rejected one the whole time because the leader i had the conflict wth was very intimidated by me and was at times hostile. I felt no one listened to me but at the same gime i was happy and overjoyed with everything i had accomplished. I guess i was upset that everyone saw her bad behavior and no one did anything. At least , it appeared that way to me.

  4. You'd be amazed! I am sure the person tha was expelled was a. leader and former client. She is now in leadership again and in a higher position. Her growth was one that challenged many of us, especially me. We definfely came out f this singed and more aware of our weaknesses. We are no longer workng togegher, but are workng on rebuilding. I posted another dream that i feel was proohetic as it happened shortly before the fall out manifested. An thoughts?

  5. This all came to pass. It was a warning and a promise.

    I left the ministry and jioined a bible study. The guard was the leader I had a disagreement with. She was literally looking for me., but I am actually just studying the Word now. This is what I was trying to accomplish all along, learning more. I sought help from the ministry but they were not able or willing. I was also. distracted by all the projects they had me working on.fixing this and that. I was ffustrated because I wanted more of God and less distractions. It had to happen for me to ficus on my family and put God in the center. The stink from the heater vent was literally what my tenants were smoking and I threw them out. That was the sweepng that needed to be done besides the order I needed to set at home. Working on building a solid foundation now with my family and we are loving every moment we spend doing it with Lord as our teacher.

  6. The apartment is not so clear to me because my husband and I have spent so much time volunteering at the church that we practically live there. It's our other dwelling place and the place I chose to be close to everything we love. I believe this tells me that what is going on is happening in the spiritual realm. I rather assume it’s my family situation as well. After all, there is disunity in both places.

    Me resting my head on my husband was me literally resting my head on my husband as I was dreaming, but it can be interpreted another way as it pertains to our covering. The pastor's wife is actually a pastor so it’s the pastor, church members and the armor bearer that visited. I believe them to be God trying to have a relationship with me. Not sure about the church members, but I receive it as all one body in Christ. I have been fighting a sort of depression over the challenges I have been going through with the ministry and my extended family. My spirit was already broken from all the mess around me at the ministry so a recent family betrayal pushed me down into a deeper slump. I felt powerless over what I see around me. I cried and prayed to the Lord for guidance and comfort.

    My husband and I have been helping with repairs at one of the church buildings, so we know that copper pipes must have all the impurities removed so they can be welded. This is done with a blow torch. As I read through Ephesians 4:16, I felt that this scripture explains perfectly the disconnected copper pipes as the disunity in the church and family. The wood rots because of the disconnection not the supply which comes from the Lord. Meaning, we are not connect to Christ as we should be.

    Me walking through the apartment with my husband, I think is the Lord showing me what’s wrong, but change has to come from within.
    My daughter smelling a bad odor from the heater, I think is the aroma we give off which is displeasing to the Lord. Basically, our stuff stinks of sin and we need to clean house, hence the broom. It’s just my guess.

    The pastor saying we can come back when you are feeling better, I take as God trying to reach me, but I was too busy looking at someone else’s mess that I didn’t keep watch over my own. That I felt sad that the armor bearer left may be because I gave into sin or depression and not that of the Holy Spirit.

    Being tossed over the balcony by my husband, yikes! I don’t know about the last two paragraphs. Maybe it’s me falling into my depression and getting discouraged. At first, I thought it was me giving into sin God allowing me to toosed around 'til I get. Someone said it could be how I feel, lonely and trapped because no one listens. The balcony and the locked door could be me feeling alone because no one is listening.

    The last part, the female security guard, I have no clue. I just remeber she sent the guards to look on the lower levels and I had only fallen a few stories. I don't know I think this just doesn't fit. I even think I might have already woken up at this point and fallen back asleep to dream about being toosed over the side.

    So that's my amateur interpretation. I will keep praying for confirmation.

  7. Hello friends,

    It seems like this is related to a previous dream I posted, but I am not sure who this represents or what it means. What seems obvious to me may not be right at all, so here it is. Tell me what you think.

    In my dream it was night time and everything was grey and without color. My husband and had rented an apartment in the city because we wanted to be close to where everyone was. There were many tall buildings and I loved the apartment because it was across the street from the John Hancock, one of the tallest buildings in the world. The apartment building was made of concrete and we lived on one of the top floors.

    I saw myself resting my head against my husband while we sat on the sofa. The senior pastor's wife and her sisters along with other leaders of the church had come to visit. I saw the senior pastor’s right hand man, one of his armor bearers who is also the head of maintenance for the church properties. I remember feeling like a bad hostess because I was depressed and distracted by the disrepair in my apartment and feeling overwhelmed by it.

    The floors were made of wood and they were rotting from water damage. Every time we turned on the water the pipes would leak. My husband said it was because the copper pipes were not sealed properly. Whoever soldered them did not do a good job sealing them. It seemed as though it had been leaking for a long time because the wood was turning black wherever there were leaks and the floor was unstable. The landlord knew there was a problem, but he was a sort of slum lord. He kept sending inexperienced workers to fix the problem, but they were only covering up the damage. Underneath the wood was still rotting and the pipes were still leaking.

    I saw myself walking through the apartment with my husband and we could see all the damage and knew how to fix it, but because it wasn’t our house we didn't and couldn't do anything. My husband showed me where he tried sanding and smoothing out the rough edges of an archway made of drywall that the workers tried to patch up. We knew that it would be a waste of time because the whole place had to be torn down and rebuilt the right way.

    Then, I saw my nine year old daughter sweeping the floor when she asked me to turn off the heater because it smelled really bad. I told her, “You know I can’t smell. What does it smell like?” She said she didn’t know, but it’s stinking up the house.

    After that, I saw the senior pastor’s wife get up and say, “I just wanted to come have dinner with you and see how you’re doing. I’ve been here three times, but we can come back when you’re feeling better. As I kissed everyone good bye, I felt the armor bearer kiss me on the cheek and I got this very warm feeling over me, but sadness at the same time because I didn’t want them to leave.

    After they left, I saw my husband push me off the balcony. I’m not sure, but I think it was intentional. I think it was more that I hope it wasn’t intentional. I fell a few stories down and remember not wanting to fall so I grabbed onto another balcony and for a moment was discouraged and thought I should just hang there, but I knew I couldn’t carry my weight for long, so I pulled my self over the balcony only to find that the door to the other house was locked.

    I could see the head of building security dispatching the guards to look for me in the building. She told the guards, “You know where to look. Just concentrate on three floors”. They were the wrong floors. I knew from my experience as a security manager that she was giving them bad instructions, but I did not say anything, because I knew she wouldn’t listen to me and I was not in charge. I had to stay on the balcony wait to be found.

  8. Hello Sweet Angel,

    I have never posted on anyone else's dream and I am not an interpreter of anykind. If it means anything, I would do like Mia said and first ask God to reveal the meaning of the dream if it's from the Lord and if not from the Lord, to remove it. The second thing I would do is ask myself how I felt when had this dream. Your father cleaning out an old mess sounds like a good thing. Whose or what mess it is a good question, but your male friend praying in the hidden room from your past where there is no longer disorder or chaos sounds reassuring. Your friend praying may also be taken as a sign for you to pray ferverently and maybe someone is praying/interceding for you or your family as well. I agree with the last comment and I wouldn't mind walking aroung feeling like God is preparing for me for something. God working in our lives is always a good thing. Amen!

    I know how it feels to have a dream that you can't seem to forget until you get confirmation on its meaning. The hardest thing to do for me doing is waiting on God to answer. I am so impatient, but if I just keep the faith knowing he is working on me I am never disappointed in what He has to teach me. I will pray for you, so that you feel secure that your dreams are coming from Lord and for the Holy Sprits brings you peace.

  9. P.S. This is this second dream my brother has had about his sisters. Recently, he dreamt about three of his four sisters and none of the dreams seem good at all (See my post: Shaving Your Head). I know my brother is very close to God and most of the time his dreams come to pass, but it's hard for him to discern even with prayer because of his living situation (prison). Since he was a child he has been disturbed by evil spirits, that's an understatement, but since he came to know Christ its been much more peaceful for him. His living situation makes it impossible to avoid torment sometimes so he doesn't write me about his dreams unless he is compelled. Very worried feeling now. My family is praying on this one.

  10. This is a conversation I had with my brother about a dream he had about our sister, Carol.

    My brother wrote........

    i dreamed of a giant tree in front of the old house that was old and ready to fall everyone there on the block was yelling and warning to call the emergency crews and saying its goung to fall ! the trunks were the size of a school bus and the tree reached very high .A TRUNK FELL IN CAROLS HOUSE who lived in the back top apartment the roof came in and she looked to me to call the ememrgency crew.and i seen people who have been disceased there on the street wacthing .then i was playing in the front some sort of little kids game when i seen some people who seem to work for the city come and ask me if there were something that need to be done with the area and i seen the trunk of the tree they said you can still play on the top of it.but in the end they removed it too from the ground.


    Did you mean a branch fell on the house or a the trunk?
    Did you mean to say that the people were diseased as in sick or deceased as in dead?
    Who did you think this dream was about when you first woke up?
    Is ther any reason Carol came to mind?
    Have you been in touch with her or thinking of her?
    Did they remove the tree and the roots?

    My brother.......

    no i wasnt thinking of her but i do pray for everyone multiple times day and night.i seen my godmother going to inside my god mothers house to call the emergency crew.i thought the dream was bad when i woke up in the middle of the night i felt maybe if true it was bad.i thought someone was going to pass away.i dont think normally about carol outside of my dreams i got more of a chance to think of santa clause.i havent spoken to her in close to 10 or 9 years.i thought it strange but i prayed and asked god to confirm the dream.and i dreamed it twice,maybe it was a spirit bothering me i mean at night it has happened to me remember i spoke to you about it.dont know what to think praying and interceding for the family is what god wants.the deceased people was what threw me into confusion and gave me doudt awhole lot but i shared it and there it is.oh by the way it was the branch that fell on the roof that looked like the size of a bus.

  11. This is email is from my brother in prison. The people mentioned here, Mana and Lilia are our sisters. Hopefully someone can figure this out for us because it was very confusing to us.



  12. Thank you for your response. It is comforting to know that God spoke to me. I am still trying to grasp how someone like me would receive such a message from God himself. Amazing! I am humbled by it, truly humbled. I am a volunteer for the women's ministry. I don't offer any biblical teachings and I work offsite, away from the church. I just help with employment skills so you have confirmed my feeling that this dream was meant for the ministry leaders. When I woke up from this dream I felt a very strong desire tell someone at the church because I knew there was a lot of turmoil between three leaders. I was worried about the roller coaster ride more than anything.

    If you don't mind, I have a few more questions/comments:
    Is there any significance to number of rooms that were burned?
    I am confused how I would be the watchman?
    I loved that you said the trinkets were inner talents, but who was the child that stood next to me feeling sorry for the trinkets, the one helping set the servant? Why did I feel like I was the child and sometimes not?
    Who was the servant at the table?

    Regarding the cedar box/trinket that the servant rejected, I didn't think it was important at the time, and maybe it still isn't, but I was making a mailbox for my house and wrestled between making it a house or church. I have three apartments in my house so the mailbox had three mail slots. I purchased a small unfinished wooden birdcage because it looked like a steeple, but I couldn't get the right look right so I never put it on. In my dream the wooden trinket reminded me of the steeple I tried to make. No sure if that matters at all.

    Thank you for your beautiful interpretation. I truly believe this was from the Lord. I thank God for your gift and thank you for sharing it with me.

    God bless you. I look forward to hearing from you again.

  13. Can someone please help me with this dream?

    In my dream it was night time and I was a passenger among many on a giant boat in the middle of the sea. In the center of the boat were three (3)rooms that had burned while everyone slept. Only the charred wooden frames remained. People were crowded around saying, "How could this happen?". The rooms were only visible through three very large picture windows. Kind of like a display the museum. People would walk past to look through the windows and were shocked by the damage, but they continued on their way minding their own business. I heard my father's voice say, "The wood is burned, but only on the surface. If you take off the top layer the wood underneath is still good. We just need to sand them down and rebuild the walls around them".

    Then, I found myself in a small dining room where I used. While workers in the next room were taking decorations to adorn the burnt rooms. I was collecting the fanciest of the little trinckets and decorations and placing them on shelves in the dining room. A young boy, about 8-10 years old appeared in the room and stood next to me. He was helping a man who was a well dressed servant or butler. The servant took the best of the decorations that I was putting on the shelves and used them to decorate the dinner table behind me. Not sure, but for a moment I thought I was the child, but at the same time I wasn't.

    On another shelf I saw a decorative cedar box that was used to hold coasters. It stood out from the fancy decorations which were gold, brass, silver because it seemed to be made hastily or by a novice. I thought they would be good to protect the table from being damaged by the drinking water, but the servant did not want it because it did not match the table and he said, "Only the finest things were selected for the table". The child and I felt sorry for the wood trincket because it was handmade giving it value.

    Then, I saw a woman that was recently expelled from one of our shelters. She was helping the pastor get volunteers to repair the burnt rooms but nobody on the ship wanted to clean them because of the smell of burnt wood. The woman led the the reluctant workers by saying, "Sometimes we have to just humbly bow our heads down and be grateful for the opportunity to serve". With that said, the people were silenced, bowed their heads and went to work feeling humbled by her words. Yet, some still asked if they could wear perfume to mask the smell of burnt wood. The pastor told them, "Others before already tried that. I wouldn't recommend that. The smell of different perfurmes mixed together would be nauseating and it would only smell like burnt wood and perfume". She suggested no perform at all.

    Afterwards, I envisioned the boat going up a rollercoaster and I was sitting in the back of the boat. As the boat cranked over the first hill I was terrified that the boat would break in half while at the top of the hill because the burnt rooms in the middle of the boat had not been repaired yet. Then I woke up.

  14. In my dream it was night time and I was a passenger among many on a giant boat in the middle of the sea. In the center of the boat were three (3)rooms that had burned while everyone slept. Only the charred wooden frames remained. People were crowded around saying, "How could this happen?". The rooms were only visible through three very large picture windows. Kind of like a display the museum. People would walk past to look through the windows and were shocked by the damage, but they continued on their way minding their own business. I heard my father's voice say, "The wood is burned, but only on the surface. If you take off the top layer the wood underneath is still good. We just need to sand them down and rebuild the walls around them".

    Then, I found myself in a small dining room where I used. While workers in the next room were taking decorations to adorn the burnt rooms. I was collecting the fanciest of the little trinckets and decorations and placing them on shelves in the dining room. A young boy, about 8-10 years old appeared in the room and stood next to me. He was helping a man who was a well dressed servant or butler. The servant took the best of the decorations that I was putting on the shelves and used them to decorate the dinner table behind me. Not sure, but for a moment I thought I was the child, but at the same time I wasn't.

    On another shelf I saw a decorative cedar box that was used to hold coasters. It stood out from the fancy decorations which were gold, brass, silver because it seemed to be made hastily or by a novice. I thought they would be good to protect the table from being damaged by the drinking water, but the servant did not want it because it did not match the table and he said, "Only the finest things were selected for the table". The child and I felt sorry for the wood trincket because it was handmade giving it value.

    Then, I saw a woman that was recently expelled from one of our shelters. She was helping the pastor get volunteers to repair the burnt rooms but nobody on the ship wanted to clean them because of the smell of burnt wood. The woman led the the reluctant workers by saying, "Sometimes we have to just humbly bow our heads down and be grateful for the opportunity to serve". With that said, the people were silenced, bowed their heads and went to work feeling humbled by her words. Yet, some still asked if they could wear perfume to mask the smell of burnt wood. The pastor told them, "Others before already tried that. I wouldn't recommend that. The smell of different perfurmes mixed together would be nauseating and it would only smell like burnt wood and perfume". She suggested no perform at all.

    Afterwards, I envisioned the boat going up a rollercoaster and I was sitting in the back of the boat. As the boat cranked over the first hill I was terrified that the boat would break in half while at the top of the hill because the burnt rooms in the middle of the boat had not been repaired yet. Then I woke up.

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