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Posts posted by GreatFulServant

  1. My thought is the Lord is telling you to wait on Him and not let the devil make you hasting in your decisions. The devil can get loud and obnoxious in tempting us to move before God tells us to move. As you wait on the Lord you will see Him show you the right decisions to make. With each right decision our courage will grow as we are changed from glory to glory and faith to faith. The book of Joshua tells us many times to be of courage in moving forward in God, and the righteous are as bold as a lion.

    Romans 5:3-5
    3And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;
    4And patience, experience; and experience, hope:
    5And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

    Seems like the two protein bar speaks of fullness of health (spiritually, physically, financially, etc. If you act too quickly you make get some of what God wants to give, but you will not get your double portion. Which could tie into the furniture (which furnishes our house). Again when we furnish our spiritual houses, we need not just settle for anything that looks good. But go to God (the corporate office) and get the plan He has designed and fabricated just for you.

  2. I appreciate the feed back. Yes Whiteshadow I am in ND and been working long hours around 180 the past two weeks. But it has been good.
    My take on the dream I think is two fold. It relates to my personal life as well as work.

    In regards to personal it takes a great effort to stay in touch with family back home with the long hours and not have phone access all the time. Where I live my cell phone does not work. It's easy to crawl in a corner and not offer my help or in put into all the family dynamics. But leave it up to them. If I do not keep assuming my role as the head of the house ie, husband, dad, grandfather, things could blow up.

    As far as work goes. Beings that I am new to the job it is easy to again just hide in a corner and just put my head down and work. Yet I have been in the work world longer then some have even been born, therefore I can offer in put that can help. If I set back and not help little or even large incidents can blow up almost on a daily basis.

  3. Was in a house with two other people and we knew it was going to blow up any second. We ran out the front door together. I ran a good ways from the house where I felt safe. The other two ran outside and one seemed to be helping the other one. They did not go that far from the house and went to the left and stopped almost like they were hiding in a corner. I thought what are they doing they are not near far enough away. The house blow up and so did they. End of dream. Any thoughts?

  4. Mark you were way out in left field on a dream I asked you to interpret regarding a friend in North Dakota. I tell you this to let you know about it, and to help confirm that you are prophetic, and the Lord is speaking to you and using you. thumbs

    I hope you get the humor and a little twist to all of this...just having some fun. bubblegum

    I have moved to North Dakota (my permanent residence is still Florida) and will post an update that hopefully is a testimonial and an encouragement and confirmation of how God speaks to us in dreams.

    We are working long days and I am getting settled in, so it will probably be a few days down the road.

  5. This is a thought and I want to be careful how I word this. When you answered my question and said there was no significance to you are your family in regards to Paris France. The first thing that popped into my mind is that Paris France, and their Frenchmen as well as Frenchwomen are known, for how do I say it, a romantic way about them. Do you think this dream is of almost a literal nature and someone is trying to tempt your fiance, and it is more serious then you think. I am not saying he is falling prey to it, the dream indicates he is resisting. But someone is possibly making an effort to entice him. If it does not fit throw it out the window.

  6. This definition of pants was on a dream dictionary. It seems to fit with this dream and the other two you have posted. Seem like the Lord is saying good job.

    To dream of pants represents discipline.�A reflection of your ability to stick to something, stay on track, or stay on message. It may also point to work ethic or will power.

    Consider the color and style of pants for additional symbolism

  7. You have noooooooooo idea what type of Christian life I live and believe. I will be blunt with you. When you criticize me that is one thing, because I am not above being criticized, quite frankly I have it coming at times. But then you go on and say "and everyone else" red flags go way up. The above statements are mine alone and one other person happen to comment on them. Why bring everyone else into it,and criticize them for what I said. When you are saying everyone else, does that include the other 3256 members of this site and the rest of the Christians in the world are ignoring what the bible is saying? Sounds like Elijah when he said he was the only one and the Lord set him straight and said there were 7000 others too that were serving him.

  8. Possibly the white spray paint is related to the things of God. Maybe God is showing you that some are not taking the things of God seriously and reverently and does not want you to fall into that way of doing things. Also the light pole (the light of God and the word) was being knocked over, I am assuming through the pranksters. We know that we are to have fun in God for the joy of the Lord is our strength. Yet there is a balance too of being sober and revert (respectful) to the things of God.

    Just a couple of thoughts.

  9. Do you think with your sister driving the car is an indicator of you wanting to be comfortable? I know it's a lot easier and relaxing when I let my wife drive. With that being said, do you think you are letting someone in your life drive or dictate a certain aspect of your life? Maybe going along with the crowd and not stepping out from the comfort of the status quo, into something new. Just a thought.

  10. I appreciate the response whiteshadow. I talked to my friend about a week ago and things were going pretty well with him. He is working 70 hours a week by choice, not too much, not too little. He has been with them a year now and made 3 times as much as the previous year. He is looking at another opportunity, I am assuming more dollars per hour is his motivation.

  11. The black and white could be symbolic of good and evil, and I have two thoughts. These gifts with the many colors could be a variety of good things from God coming to you through exercising right choices over good and evil.

    Also the black and white (the ability to discern good and evil) could be part of the gifts coming to you of having a greater understanding of good and evil too.

  12. The first dream could be that the Lord is telling you that there is a price to pay for you to be clothed with the good things of God. The credit card could be the Lord telling you that through the blood of Jesus you have been given to your account the money (the ability) to do what it takes.

    The second dream could be the Lord telling you to step forward help those who are babes in Christ. Not think that others in the church (mother) are more capable then you to help others. Driving to the dollar store could be the Lord telling you not to cut corners when you trying to help others, but give them your very best. The scene turning to the grandmother's house not quite sure how to put that into words.

  13. Interesting and Insightful take on the two dreams Daisy, that was helpful. I never thought of it from that angle. Seems to make sense, since there are two different scenarios where I am reaching out to family members to help. Knowing quite well there is potential back lash. Thanks for your in put Whitshadow definitely adds value to what Daisy said.

    How about you two, tag teaming on the below post. I have an idea on this one, but looking at confirmation or non confirmation of what I am thinking.


  14. My wife and I were in a building and we blocked a number of doors because we felt someone or some thing was trying to break in. It felt like monsters were on the other side. One of the doors was finally broken down and four big black bears came in. They were a mother and papa bear with two cubs. Even though they were cubs they were still very big coming up almost to chest height, when they were on their all fours. The one cub came up to me and seemed harmless and was like nuzzling up against me in a playful and aggressive manner. Seemed almost on the boarder line of being too playful and on the verge of hurting me. Yet I was not hurt but I was still being cautious.

    Had another dream a while back with a couple of lions that turned the same way. They were big and aggressive but soft and fury and one was pawing at me with no claws piercing me.

  15. Isaiah 60 comes to mind. When gross darkness comes upon the earth the light of those Christians that are serving the Lord will help others to know the Lord. It is interesting that something as simple as saints praising the Lord saved the tower (democracy) not the people in government. Those who intercede for the people of this nation are the ones who truly determine the out come of things here in our nation.
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