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God's NinJah

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Posts posted by God's NinJah

  1. daphanie02 wrote:
    I don't agree with what Ninja was saying about spirits hanging around us because we don't let them go and God not being able to transform them because we haven't let them go. That's not biblical. My best friend died in a car wreck when she was 17. I also lost a cousin to suicide when he was 12.

    I also had a dream about my best friend warning me about a man i was interested in. Turns out everything she said was spot on correct. Looks like the Lord may have used her to give me a word of knowledge, but I'm just not sure. A lot of times when I dream of her, she is symbolic for a dead friendship or something like that. Just seek the scriptures about it and be careful of the words you receive. God will not tell you something that is contrary to His word, even if you have a dream from a lost loved one that tells you something seemingly prophetic. The Bible says to test the spirits..Test everything.

    I've been around death since I can recall at the age of 5. Dead vietnam soldiers. Best friend suicide @ 11. Girlfriend suicide @ 15. Another best friend @ 15. and prob a dozen @ that age and so on and on.....

    Who is it in the word that says "NOT everthing can be contained in the BIBLE"

    Have you heard? An acronym for B I B L E is Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

    Jesus was tramsformed. Book of Revelations says WE will be transformed.

    YES, God will allow loved ones or people you know symbolic in dreams.

    That was my experience of not letting go of loved ones.

    Holding on to a spirit is not the same as holding on to memories.


  2. Dove-Solutions wrote:

    Food for thought. Please receive this in love. Not an interpretation but feel the Lord saying this:

    He have given the gifts that they may be used for edification of the Church! To be given the gifts and not use them hinders those who are growing in the Lord and need to here and understand the messages He is giving them. The people that come for a word come because He has given them the desire to know that they may understand all that He is trying to teach them or call them to. The gift of a prophet is a gift of great responsibility. Continue to use that gift as he leads you to and fear not that many come....for in some cases many will come and they will come to know Him through you.

    I pray this is of help to you.

    Love in Jesus,


    Uhmmm.... I think I know what you were tryin to say??? Sorry, your writing sounds like King James version (I understand the King James & like it better) I def ain't got no fears and move on the dime when God hollas @ me. Many times He just takes over.... but yea.... I think I got what u were sayin........ Yea.... been doing this stuff fer a minute.... I gotcha Connie :coool:

  3. Aight ALL.... I'm stepping it up a notch for interpretors. I've asked some of my prophetic artist friends to help out. There are different styles of artists and I hope to show a couple. Sometimes pictures help to interpret faster. The more details (color, numbers, locations) can help to distinguish the dreams contents.

    Hey Sirianta! (Luv the name!)
    For You......
    Here is this one: (If pix are cut-off click link below for full pix)


  4. Aight ALL.... I'm stepping it up a notch for interpretors. I've asked some of my prophetic artist friends to help out. There are different styles of artists and I hope to show a couple. Sometimes pictures help to interpret faster. The more details (color, numbers, locations) can help to distinguish the dreams contents.

    Here is this one: (If pix are cut-off click link below for full pix)


  5. Aight ALL.... I'm stepping it up a notch for interpretors. I've asked some of my prophetic artist friends to help out. There are different styles of artists and I hope to show a couple. Sometimes pictures help to interpret faster. The more details (color, numbers, locations) can help to distinguish the dreams contents.

    Here is this one: (If pix are cut-off click private link below for full pix)


  6. One Door wrote:
    I am just wondering. Do you attend a "mega" church?

    You picked up the mega church b/c of the crowd not paying attention =) Good stuff!

    I attend whatever church God sends me to…. 2 – 200,000 They’re all HIS =)

    Me personally…. I like going to mega churches cuz no one knows me. Pple who know who I am wants a word from God or an interpretation or whatever…. I hate to be rude but they can ask God for themselves…. I just want to worship and praise my Father!

    piano wrote:
    Hi Gods Ninja,

    This is the scripture that comes to mind regarding your dream, for your consideration.
    Mark 3:20-

    A few thoughts...toss if not helpful.

    The black eyes seem to represent darkness of vision, the size of both of the women, strongholds or very heavy influences that take up a lot of room.

    At first the woman is blaming the man, and then sees this stronghold is the one to blame, so tries to attack her, but is overpowered and slung about.

    Peoples addictions affect those around them, family, friends, employers.

    The 2nd woman coming onto the scene reminds me of exchanging one addiction for another.

    Sometimes people trying to make changes in recovery may stop drinking or using, but then they will pick up something that is easier to hide, like sex addiction, or over eating. So the destruction continues, in another way. Satan can not cast out satan.



    You’re right on!

    There is a couple that the wife is on drugs. She accuses her husband about everything. She’s trying to get off of the drugs. I noticed she’s been eating a lot of junk food like everyday; honey buns, ice cream, cake, oreos..... They’re ol’ skool Baptist… they don’t know what deliverance means and speaking in tongues… they’ll cut mine… LOL!

    I wasn’t too concerned with the dream…. Figured that’s what it was….

    THANK YOU! You definitely heard from God! Thank You Jesus! Blessing both sisters!

  7. Here’s what God is telling me bout David’s dream:

    He likes hardcore metalcore style music.
    This dream is about David’s perception of Christians. He believes Christians try to make themselves look good and pretty to society but inside they’re just as dirty or evil as the next person. Because he listens to that style of music, Christians have condemned him telling him if he continues to listen to that stuff he’s going to hell….. David’s FAITH is strong with God and knows God is a forgiving God and God will not condemn him for whatever he does…. David stands firm in that that’s why the dude was swinging at David’s legs (Eph 6)

    He hear’s the foul language when he shuts his eyes because a condemning religious spirit is trying to bring him down.

    I’ll let the others tell you how he can get rid of that negative spirit and replace it with the Joy & Peace of the Holy Spirit. There are positive Christian metalcore music available: Underoath, Zao, and more….

  8. I believe One Door’s already on to something for you….

    What I like to do is give you my experience and testimony dealing with the spirit of the dead.

    Well, you prob already know according to the bible dead means asleep with the Lord…. Also obvious of what your sister was saying.

    My wife passed a several years ago and my both my parents a couple years ago.

    When we experience sudden lost we tend to keep their spirits around. Their spirits can be revealed to us in dreams and even things in the physical. I kept my wife and mom’s spirits around me. Things would happen in the physical realm that I knew it was b/c of my mom or my wife. I crashed my motorcycle and I knew it was b/c my wife didn’t like me riding motorcycles. I would have so many reoccurring dreams with one of them communicating with me. I would ask my mom things many times especially about how to cook something.

    According to the bible we’re not suppose to consult with the dead. Remember all things happen for a reason. There’s prob several reason’s why God allowed them to go at that particular time. God wants us to consult with him the Holy Spirit. He is our creator.

    After being delivered from my ghosts and releasing my loved ones to God, I’ve been able to help others. I find the people that have passed usually prefer to be asleep with Jesus that roaming around. I’d be the same. The word tells us that God transforms the dead…. When we hold on to our loved ones spirit God can’t transform them or us. God wants to bring us closer to him and bring us up to our fullest spiritual being.

    From your beginning sentence and b/c of the sudden lost God is telling me you feel cheated and have thought maybe you could have done something to prevent her death. God wants you to release her to him so she can rest and he can continue the work in you. God Bless.......

    More in this study:

  9. In this forum;

    1) Follow some people threads that are requesting an interpretation.

    2) Privately interpret their dreams by writing on a piece of paper or in ur word doc on your PC

    3) Compare your words with the interpretors words to see similarities. Many times the wording is slightly different but could mean the same thing.

    4) Once you build up you confidence and faith then you can move forward.

    5) Always obey the Authorities of the house, church or forums. This rules doesn't apply if you're at Walmart, gas station, etc....

  10. Don't be skeeeaaarred..... it's just the heebeejeebees of the HOLY SPIRIT! dove lol!

    OK.... So earlier our Father was like chatting with me... God's like, " She keeps on asking me the same thing.... Why don't she just Thank me because it's already been done...." I'm like "Why you telling me this.... tell her" And God's like " I did but she keeps on confusing herself." so then I'm like, "What you want me to do" Then He's like "Tell yo sister what I said." and here I go telling you what our Father said. So Pray these words out loud....


  11. Hey Happiness..... I know that's your screen name but God keeps on pressing on me about you..... He keeps on telling me you need JOY of the Lord or your name means JOY of the Lord or both..... I can't send PM's yet.... I don't know how many post I'm suppose to have to send PM's..... But anyhoooo..... God is just pressing me to pray and encourage you..... Have you asked for prayer for a certain situation that's seems to be worrying you? Tho I am new in this forum.... I know there are many willing prayer intercessors here.......

  12. Daisy wrote:
    It could be prophetic...maybe you will witness something that is similar in nature. These are just my thoughts...it could totally mean something else. scratching chin

    laugh I don't even know if a 300+ pound woman would be able to walk or stand....

    I sweating it too much.... I just had the dream the other day.... figured I throw it out there........ I'll eventually get the revelation...... ThX tho!
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