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God's NinJah

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Posts posted by God's NinJah

  1. Daisy wrote:
    Do you feel like you yourself, or maybe someone you know is getting pinned down for something that wasn't really your/their fault?? Do you feel like anyone has been trying to provoke you in anyway as of recently (or once again, maybe someone you know~since you were the witness in your dream)??

    Scratch Chin hmmmmmmm..... I don't think so but not really sure either...... have to get down into some praying.... Huh :idk:

  2. happiness80 wrote:

    I agree with both men having a knowledge but could you explain what you mean by authoritive knowledge? Do you mean like superior knowledge?

    Authoritive knowledge is definitely not meaning superior. It just means that the person teaching during that time is the authority that you're listening to with the knowledge. It doesn't mean they're right in there teachings but that person in charge of the lesson at that particular moment.

    happiness80 wrote:

    And what did you mean by me not being one of the boys? I mean I do understand it in the literal sense lol but that part stood out to me perhaps because I have always been a bit of a tomboy!


    Exactly.... because you're a bit of a tomboy is why there's a dress in your dream, because you want the guys that you're around to see there's a feminine.... the GIRLY side of you.

    Thank you for confirming..... now get the talents and gifts God's given you cranked up! You're a blessing!!!

  3. dreamster wrote:
    When I dream of these, I always think of a principality /strongman...

    Well I was standing by a round pool about 12-15 feet in diameter, I saw a great white shark in there, people nearby were saying is there no one who can defeat this fish? I got brave and jumped in, I ended up sitting on its head, it couldn't bite me.

    Did you mean principalities and STRONGHOLDS?

    Looks like when there's danger (shark) you have the confidence to face it head on and know how to protect yourself from getting hurt.

    My thoughts.......

  4. lola21st wrote:

    Please be sure to read the new member sections on dream interpretation and the site rules and regulations. You may find that we do interpretation a little differently than what you're accustomed to so we want to make sure you understand the lay of the land here...

    Yes Ma'am..... I have read it a few times.... We obey the authorities of land.

    ThX Q

  5. sharon wrote:

    That I had been walking carrying a ladder for quite some time. I was eyeing how I was going to get up to where I needed to go. All of a sudden I realised I had the ladder and used it to get up to where I wanted, and was walking away when I realised that I could take the ladder with me to use again - which I retrieved and took with me. I was told "you have the tool you need to take you to the next level."

    MY QUESTION: What is this ladder that I've been carrying for quite some time?

    A couple of weeks ago, I was told I'd been given a key, that key was praise, but that's a recent thing, not something I've been carrying for some time.

    Does anybody have understanding/discernment on this?

    Please share as I WANNA GET TO MY NEXT LEVEL


    Lord has shown me that.... Your LADDER is the HOLY SPIRIT..............

    To get to the next level is to simply ask God. After Christ died he sent the ANOINTING of the Holy Spirit. (books of Acts) Note I said ANOINTING. See.... since the beginning, the Holy Spirit has always been with us... but the anointing is like a light switch.... it has to be turned on to get the full effect.... Ask and ya shall receive.... Holla at yo Abba! (hmmmm, that's a good catch phrase, I wonder if anybody got that on a t-shirt, LOL) Holla at yo Abba!

    P.S. That goes for Daisy too.... you can also be an interpreter.... Holla at yo Abba! LOL!

  6. Prophesing and interpreting since 1997 =)
    God gave me a vacation since 04'
    2011 now back in ministry =)
    Tell ya mo l8r
    Let's see how things go....

    This is the Best Dang dance Crew you'll ever see!
    I'm the guy in the shorts..... LOL... Just kidding.... laugh just wishful thinkin

  7. Here's one fer ya'all to gimme some ideas and such.....

    I was at a place like a Nascar racetrack. (don't really care for Nascar) I was in a lower part of the stands. In the front of the crowd were a couple, an average size man & woman arguing in front of like a huge 300+ pounds woman. Nobody was paying any attention to them. The average size woman hit the man then hit the huge woman. The huge snatched the average size woman and threw her around like a ragged doll. I couldn't stop or nobody could stop the huge woman's rage. Finally another huge 300+ woman came and sat on her while others held her arms for the police to get there. I was a witness and saw the whole thing. It wasn't the huge woman fault. She got two black eyes and is being held on the ground.

    That was the dream.... weird??..... may not even mean anything..... or may mean something..... I don't know..... YET...... figure I'd throw it out there since I just had the dream this morning.....

  8. Hello Happiness,

    This is what the Holy Spirit is showing me.....

    The men are representing authoritative knowledge. The seats are representing levels of knowledge. In the dream, it seems you were in a place dominated by men. The dress represents your femininity in this situation that your not one of the boys so said. The purse is representing some old feelings or desires that you've kept boxed up. Your sister telling you "It's for the flower party" signifies it's time to follow your dreams. You've had some hidden talents and knowledge.... it's time to use 'em! WOOHOO!

    If this bears witness to you please reply.

  9. daveyj wrote:
    It was in color...I was walking through a mature corn field - the stalks were high. The ground was muddy as if it had just rained. I heard some familiar noises and carefully ventured through the growth, being careful because I felt like I might be trespassing...at once I spot a few sheep - they were skiddish and slightly afraid. It seemed odd to me they were there instead of in a field, but I sensed they were needy and hungry. they also looked dirty. they stopped when they saw me but quickly moved away. A couple more came to look at me, and then backed off, not that they were afraid of me, but didn't know who I was, though I tried being tender toward them.

    Finally, I came into a small clearing about 20' wide between rows of stalks. Off ahead of me at 2 o'clock was a small farmhouse. Some of the sheep came into the small clearing and were curious about me, would approach and then back off, until one, who was the cleanest of all the white sheep (most were very dirty) approached me and looked me in my eyes. I knew he was hungry so I gave him pieces of some large dog cookies I had in my pocket and he hungrily ate it up. Once the other sheep saw that i was gentle and feeding this one sheep, the others came near, but were still a little unsure. I started breaking off pieces and giving to them, but unless it was right smack dab in front of them they couldn't find the food.

    Hello Davey, If this interpretation bears witness to you please post a reply:

    God is showing me that you're a Pastor.... currently an assistant or associate.

    About your dream:
    The mature corn field is an an abundance of prosperity that is ready to be cultivated. The sheep represents God's people. The mud is representing dirty or bad situations. Food in your pocket signifies you have important information to give to God's people.

    Let's put it all in perspective;
    What God is showing you that He's given you the knowledge and ability of gaining and maintaining financial prosperity for the Kingdom.... Many of the followers (sheep) do not know how to manage or how to receive their inheritance from God tho it is right there in front of their faces because the teaching has not been there or available for them. You have the knowledge (food in you pocket) and you're willing to dispense that knowledge. You'll begin to dispense this knowledge a little at a time because many of the followers are skeptical and unsure.... But as one follower (sheep) begins to understand your teachings of God's prosperity others will follow.

    daveyj wrote:

    Suddenly I hear and see a large black woman singing a negro spiritual through a screen wall of the house, and she walked outside for a moment, singing all the while. She did not see me, but I knew I was on her property. I gave the sheep the remaining bits of food and took off through the stalks, but instead of a long fight through the thick corn, I made it through to a road in seconds.

    This part.... LOL.... God will reveal it to you in time unless.... you already know or if someone else releases it to you.......

    Oh yea... forgot... there is a significance to 20' wide and 2 O'clock.... seek God bro!

  10. trobinson wrote:

    1st dream
    I am in a yard with really green grass and I have a little green tent.
    there is a woman that I feel is my husbands sister but looks nothing like her but I feel love from her for both of us. we walk to the edge of yard that is actually a cliff. I feel so calm so at peace that I want to go running with her. ( I don't run) Then I see my husband coming up the road with is non-covenant. I feel scared and go to end of yard. the other woman approaches me and puts out her hand I do not want to take it as she might see my rings still on and I don't want to make my husband mad. I do any way knowing it is Gods will to treat her well. she grips really hard and I ask her to let go but she will not. so I start flipping her back and forth over my head to get her to let go. when she does she tell my husband that I would not let her go but the sister steps in and tells him that it was her not me. they walk away.
    I then see them both lying on a flat white tent with garbage all around them every thing is white except their eyes they did not look at me but through me as if I was not there. I went back to end of yard I had a lg white tent laying flat waiting for me I felt safe.

    Everyone knows colors, objects and persons have many different meanings but this is what God has revealed to me about your dream. Please pray about this interpretation and if it bares witness to you please post a reply of confirmation;

    About your 1st dream:
    Green grass and tent (which is symbolizing a temporary place) is God reminding you of the green pastures, that he'll give you peace and calmness in this season of going thru the valley. God is warning you not intervene or go around your husband's new marriage because the other wife will accuse you. Yes, your husband's sister's heart is for you and she'll side with you. With the cliff, God's showing you a perspective and to be aware that all that garbage will eventually envelope them but God's not showing you what all the garbage is because of the whiteness. God is saying LET HIM deal with the situation by keeping your hands pure and clean (the color white) and abide in him in this temporary season.

    About your 2nd dream:
    I don't think anybody has to interpret that for you..... it's pretty much your heart's desires and fulfilling what God has promised you.

    Just stand firm and be among other believers.... not doubters..... believers! I pray that God you will have plenty of friends and believers around you to comfort during this season.
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