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Posts posted by tbsmilesbig

  1. Hi Mark,

    No, they weren't dress shoes, they were sneakers and the socks were white tube socks; however, I did think to myself in the dream with the guy that white socks and black shoes are not the best fashion choices (IRL I really do have that thought, so I can see why I would think that in the dream). I can't remember now how I felt when I was wearing the shoes and socks - I had that dream over a year ago. Actually, I think I was wondering why I was wearing white socks and black shoes because it's not like me. There were other people standing around me in that dream and I was the only one with that combination - we were all wearing orange jump suits, though. The guy was wearing a red t-shirt and khaki shorts in the second dream.

  2. Any idea what crisp white socks and black shoes mean?? I've had two dreams now where these symbols stand out - one dream I was wearing them, then another dream a guy friend had the same footwear. Is the black color something to be worried about?

    I've prayed for an interpretation, but still don't understand the symbolism.


  3. BelovedoftheLord wrote:
    In all the dreams i seemed to be wearing closed shoes (boots) that protected my feet from the filth! The overall feelings are that of utter disgust!

    Additional thoughts? scratching chin

    Okay, this is not an interpretation, but a thought that came to me as I read this. Could the protection of your feet be symbolic of your walk with God being protected? Maybe this dream is about purging some things from your life, while maintaining a healthy relationship with the Lord. Just some thoughts, please pray about this.

  4. Has anyone had dreams with air mattresses in them? Could an air mattress mean the same as a regular bed, but then I'm left wondering why would God use an air mattress and not a regular one? I've had a couple of dreams in the past couple of months with them.


  5. TheWhiteShadow wrote:
    Hmmm.... My only thoughts on this dream were to ask if you're presently caring for anything that belongs to one of your friends (perhaps the one in the dream) while they're in a place of recovery/healing/strengthing...something like that. Maybe even a literal back issue.

    Here's an update on this dream, Mark. Yesterday my friend and I went on a walk together - this is the same friend from my pick-up truck dream. We were talking about being really tired because we had walked about 10 miles at that point. My friend starts to tell me how he has had back problems for some time and that his dad also has back issues, so it must run in their family. Instantly this dream came to my mind! what You were spot on about it being literal!!

    I'm not sure how the baby, blanket, open door and window fit in, though? scratching chin

  6. Thanks again for the support. I went over my journals and saw that I was praying for God to prepare me for this camp, so this dream could be a manifestation of that prayer? I'll continue to pray on what you both have said. thumbs

    Oh yeah, and to answer your two questions: Mark, I wasn't thinking of not going. This dream just threw me off for a second, but I think I'm back on track now. laugh

    Shan, the kids are definitely high-needs kids, so I understand what you are saying! Blessings on you for what you do!! And thanks for the reminder that God could use me as a light at the camp!

  7. Thanks, Mark and Shan.

    Hmmm. I have a lot praying to do because the only situation that keeps coming up in my mind is the kid's camp that will take place in the next couple of months. I know I had the dream that I posted about going to camp with the bunk beds, so now I'm a bit confused. There was also another dream about camp two nights ago.

    Now I'm not sure what God is saying or maybe I'm afraid to back out of camp and that's why I can't fully make the decision???

  8. No, as I was washing my hands, I noticed the water going down the drain was dirty.

    Something else I forgot to mention. As I was walking with my friend, I remember thinking that I should wash my hands as well. There wasn't fear on my part, but I was wondering about the little boy's dirt and smell somehow getting on me, that's why I decided to wash my hands.

  9. Hello, everyone. This is a dream I had last night - I think I sort of get the interpretation, but am not 100% sure.

    I was walking with a friend and a little boy. My friend made a comment about the little boy's smell and his hands (it seems that I could smell in the dream, but not vividly. I said that because I have had dreams where smells are real, so when I wake up I remember them, not in this case). She said she would be sure to wash her hands when she had the chance, so when we found a sink, I too washed my hands. My water was dirty, so I was relieved to be washing my hands.


  10. May I have a bit of input on this dream, please?

    I was in a room with a friend and her two white dogs (not a friend IRL, but someone that I've seen on Youtube with her two white dogs), some other animals that could have been dogs and a white rabbit. She held the rabbit at one point, but I don't think I did. We started talking and I asked her if she thought dogs knew when they were about to die. We both agreed that they do because they start to act different and withdraw. I looked again and now the rabbit was in a plastic shopping bag - my first thought was to take it out so it wouldn't suffocate. When I went to take it out of the bag, I realized I wasn't very comfortable holding it because I felt like I was going to hurt him - rabbits feel soft and squishy to me, not sure if that's why I acted that way in the dream? Anyway, when I finally got the rabbit out of the bag, I noticed he had just urinated and now it was on my hand.

    Any thoughts??

  11. Hi lionheartedgirl,

    The only thing I can remember about seeing myself was I was aware it was me, my face was sort of turned to the right and I couldn't really make out details about myself. There were no real feelings that I can remember, except I noted to myself, "okay, that's the left side of my face."

    That's about all I can really add. wink

  12. Hello. Right before I woke up from a nap today, I saw my own face - it was a quick shot, then I woke up. Right away I knew it was me, but I woke up before I could process anymore information about seeing myself. What does it mean when God shows you your own face?

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