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  1. Hello If you could please continue to be in agreement with me with regards to employment. I am still looking for a job and well things are getting tight. I have had several interviews, calls, etc. and just when I think I got the job, something happens. Not sure if I am fighting something spiritually or what? Can you please pray and if God shows you anything - that maybe I am missing(I have been fasting and praying), please let me know. Thank you!
  2. God Bless Everyone, I'm currently looking for a new job. Could you please pray that God will open multiple doors of opportunties with execellent pay, great benefits, paid overtime, opportunities to grow, bonuses and divine favor? Could you please be in agreement that I am an asset and never a liability, a blessing and never a course, a source of encouragement and never discouragement an answer to prayers and a solution to problems. thank you so very much! heartofGod
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