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Posts posted by heartofGod

  1. Hello

    If you could please continue to be in agreement with me with regards to employment.

    I am still looking for a job and well things are getting tight.

    I have had several interviews, calls, etc. and just when I think I got the job, something happens.

    Not sure if I am fighting something spiritually or what?

    Can you please pray and if God shows you anything - that maybe I am missing(I have been fasting and praying), please let me know.

    Thank you!


  2. In this dream there was an owl that apparently belong to me. He was in a tree and someone had him in a white cardboard box - the cardboard box was like a coat on him. His wings where trapped in this box. I saw the owl and I freed him from this confinding contraption. He was a very beutiful rainbow colored owl. In the dream while I was freeing him I heard my bestfriend in highschool name Reinna say, "I'm glad she is now listening to me." she was referring to me. The is now free but he plucks off ALL his wings and his feathers. He is now completely bawled - walking around. I cound not figure out why he plucked all his feathers.

    End of Dream

  3. Interesting dream. In this dream I was training to be a minister and found favor with those who where training. I was in the sanctuary and then I went on top of roof and they where ice skating. I began to join them (in real life I don't ice skate) not really know what I was doing but doing pretty good. The leader and what seemed to be a famous ice skatting offer to train me. She told me to practice with roller-blades. It the dream it would seem that I was going to be switching careers and become a professional ice skatter. In the dream it seemed odd because I was in my forties - too old to train as a professional ice skatter - yet I was still young and strong in my body.

    The dream now switches and I am in a yard walking and a young woman comes over to me wanting to speak with me. Obviously we had spoken in the past but I did not remember her name. In the dream I was very popular and she was not. She began to walk and talk with me asking me - I welcomed the conversation and the company. She asked me if I remember her name and I told her I did not. Her feelings was someone hurt as it seem she had something important to tell me and she was disappointed that I did not remember her name. She also was disappointed that the popular crowd seemed to not know her by name as well.

    Her and I walked over to a electrical unit that needs to be fixed. I look at it and thought I fixed it but it was not fixed. I saw a young man that I knew whose name was Mark. He came over and fixed the united. I said, "It pays to have friends." He said, "No it pays to know the right people."

    End of Dream.

  4. The Needle in the Haystack! A Key Prophecy! (Tongue Message given by Deborah DeGar and Keith Pierce-Prophecy Interpretation Follows) from Chuck Pierce's Ministry gloryofzion.org

    "You've been hunting for things like a needle in a haystack. You've said, 'I can't find what I'm seeking. I can't find what I'm seeking.' But I am sending a new wave of water upon this land and it will cause the hay to be removed and you will find what you were seeking standing right before you. Remove the hay, the wood, and the stubble from the midst of your life and what you were seeking will stand up and take action on your behalf. Where you couldn't prosper from the wood, the hay, and the stubble, you will prosper from what you find.
    "Multiplication is coming to you." When the disciples were asked to feed the masses, they looked at Me for help. My reply was, "What are you going to do about this?" This is the time for YOU to multiply. Now, the time of multiplication is here. "Watch Me so that you will be able to multiply what He is sending you."
    Linda Heidler then began to share: I heard the Lord say, "You are in the haystack. That is why you can't find what you are looking for because you are surrounded by all this stuff. Let Me reach in and get you out of the haystack first. The way I'm going to deal with all that wood, hay and stubble is by FIRE. Let Me get you out, burn it up and you will see the treasure you've been looking for."
    "This is the day that the testimony that has been trapped in the generations is being liberated. You will speak backwards into your generations and command the testimony of God that has been in the blood line of your family, under the power of the blood of Jesus, to begin to come forth.
    "Some of you have been wounded. Some of you have been fearful. Some of you have had bad experiences. Don't be fearful to dance again. Don't be fearful to enter into joy again. Let your faith be stretched out again and let a new covering come over you.
    "The high places came down and stole your laughter. That which you contended with in the last season robbed your joy; therefore you have lack of strength to enter this next season. But I am now laughing at your enemies. I am now laughing at what once laughed at you. Where you were defeated last season, you will enter into victory and laugh with Me."
    "In this season I will show My hand. I will show My hand! You will see that you are trusting a mighty God. Your laugh will return. You will grab the head of the enemy. You will see how My hand is operating in your behalf. I'll show to you My mighty hand on your behalf. Laugh, laugh, laugh with Me, and rejoice. In the last season you feared---fear itself. In this next season the fear itself will fear the coming together, the consolidation of the Body of Christ, that forms Kingdom. The fear of you will be on your enemy.
    "I am making a separation between that which is evil and that which is good. It will be a distinct separation. You will not have to be concerned, 'Is this God or is this not?' I will make your conscience clear and you will definitely know how to discern the thing that is before you. The enemy will be brought down and you will see that which you thought could not be toppled, fall in this season. I, the Lord God, will come in and intervene. A divine intervention is at hand. You will see that the enemy that you saw in the last season and the enemy that saw you, will be no more."
    There is going to be deliverance in your house. There is going to be deliverance in the house for you. You are being delivered to enter into the freedom of victory.
    "What in the past was a barrier, I am turning into a bridge. What in the past was an obstacle, I am turning into an opportunity. I am taking you from glory to glory. From the third Heaven the Lord is planting us. Multitudes are being planted. I am seeding the heavens today with My people. Out of that will come the Word, the Living Word of Truth from My people that I am planting in the heavens today for the earth to begin to see my sons and daughters.
    "Some of you are coming back today. I'm bringing you back in now because I need you. I need you! I'll cause you to shine and you will affect many in days ahead. You will march forth with Me. Leave behind what was behind and run this race new and fresh. This is a difficult time for you. Many of you chose the way of sifting! But now I AM separating you out this season ahead. I need you! Enter with Me into this race!"
    Leann Squier and Michelle Hadley began to sing the new song! New songs break old cycles!
    "It may not rain anywhere else
    But in the House of God it will rain.
    There was a day when the parting came
    And it began to rain.
    There was a day that I made the land of Goshen separate.
    I am separating you, so I can rain on your land
    I'm telling you. Those who trust in the Lord,
    They have nothing to fear.
    There will be food and provision in the house.
    There will be safety in the house.
    There will be rain in the house of the Lord.
    I am brooding over you like a mother hen.
    I'm protecting you for the future
    Your due season is now due.
    I'm holding you in place till I release you.
    I'm hiding you from your enemy.
    Those that are His are going to rise up
    We will shine with His glory like never before.
    Kings will come to the brightness
    You are rising
    Shine like never before.
    Chuck D. Pierce
    May 27, 2011 this prophecy was sent to me by e-mail from gloryofzion.org
    (Chuck Pierce’s Ministry)

  5. Had a very weird dream. In this dream I was working for a company. They hired a very intelligent, classy black woman for a high level position. The woman and i spoke and talked for a bit. She said to others that she really liked me and that I was extremely professional and very intelligent. This woman was sharp - spoke fluent french. I told her that her and I would be working together soon as there was a project that was given to her and I was very familiar with this project.

    The dream then switches to me being with other women who had babies that where raised by others.

    In the dream my son's father had put my name on a birth-certificate stating that I was this baby's mother. The boy was now in his early teens and he was raised by a white woman that I so happened to work with. The boy's name was Tom. Tom and I had made before and connected. However, I did not know he was my son.

    When I found out I was excited to meet with him. His current mother who knew me was a little apprehensive.

    Then all of a sudden in the dream it dawned on me - if I had a baby I would have known. In the dream I never re-called every being pregnant or having another baby. So in this dream I somehow knew that I was falsely accussed of being his mother.

    End of Dream

  6. God Bless Everyone,

    I'm currently looking for a new job. Could you please pray that God will open multiple doors of opportunties with execellent pay, great benefits, paid overtime, opportunities to grow, bonuses and divine favor? Could you please be in agreement that I am an asset and never a liability, a blessing and never a course, a source of encouragement and never discouragement an answer to prayers and a solution to problems.

    thank you so very much!


  7. A friend of my told me about this site and I decided to check it out. Just got here so I have had the chance to view too much. However, I have had the opertunity to look under your prohetic section. God is good - not only are the words edifying but the spirit behind the words given are so pure. Thank you for being a clean vessel from which is river of life and healing can flow!

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