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Posts posted by cheshirecat

  1. All you have to do is add me and click the GT (Ghost trappers) link on my news feed and allow the application(you can delete it after).
    Then let me know and i'll send you the 999. Smile

    PLEASE NOTE; If you have already added the app it won't work; it must be the first time you add it ;P

    Add me here with a note. ;D


    f/rs without notes are ignored.

  2. kasijab wrote:
    cheshirecat wrote:
    I completed my 99 black cat collection a few weeks ago..
    And also baby cats, cactus babys and TWS wooden cat decor Smile

    wow ..99 black cats ...very impressive. Well done :biggrin: : :biggrin: :

    Thank you! Smile
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