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Everything posted by scgrandma58

  1. I can get that for you. Thanks
  2. Congrats! I'm still on the hunt for the elusive magic dress . That thing is a pain to get. Glad you got it!
  3. 5999's returned and all 4999's received. Item sent and will leave a rep for you! Thanks so much for the trade!
  4. Hey there! I can help you. We are friends already
  5. All items received! Thanks so much! Will leave a rep for you
  6. Yes that is correct! Thanks so much. I will send you the items as well.
  7. Yes that is correct! Thanks so much. I will send you the items as well.
  8. Hi! If you still need the closet and 8 ball I can help you. We are already friends on FB.
  9. They should bring back the ones that went fast.Like the jumping frog and the deer. I was fortunate to get them but several people I know did not.
  10. 92 x 3333 received and secret summer garden sent. Will leave a rep for you too.Thanks again!
  11. Secret summer Garden sent to you!
  12. I can send secret summer garden if you still need it. 23 cc = Is 92x 3333 correct? I will do this tomorrow morning if you still want to trade. Going to bed now.
  13. Items recieved and all items sent. Thanks so much! Rep left for you
  14. Items recieved and all items sent. Thanks so much! Rep left for you
  15. If you are still interested in trading 39 cc's for 99 x 5999 then send me a FR. Thanks!
  16. Items sent and all items received. Thank you very much for an excellent trade.Will leave a rep for you
  17. I will send 55 cc's for your offer of 180 x3333. Thanks!
  18. Thank you Lisa. We will continue our trade on here.
  19. I sent you a FR with an offer. Thanks!
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