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Posts posted by L4JC

  1. Shan,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I felt like when I woke up, that I've been given a window of opportunity to be given insight to this person's life. In real life I have no clue who this person is. I don't know anyone personally who is Chinese. It could be that God just wanted me to pray for him and seeing if I'd be willing to. Like a test.

    In the dream, I was still in the Chinese man's house when I was in the second part of the dream being in the room with all the people praying. It was a dim lit room with many candles as the only light in the room. And now that I think about it. Everyone in that prayer room was Chinese. When I see an old man in a dream, I get the instinct of past habits, etc. could be related to the newly married Chinese man, perhaps.

    I've had quite a few dreams of birthdays lately... It must mean something. The only thought is giftings - perhaps The Lord is going to bless me with another type of gifting upon my birthday. Even though my birthday is still a long way off.

    You gave me much more to think on. Thank you. :)

  2. Dreamed I was at this Chinese guy's house. There was a bunch of people coming in to see the wedding. He was about to be married but fretted about being married cuz he was gay. There was only one girl he ever loved and wanted to marry her and no one else. Everyone was coming in his house to get ready for his wedding. He was having doubts about marrying because he wasn't marrying this one girl he truly ever wanted or ever loved. (It was like his parents arranged this marriage I think, I could hear all his thoughts.) He didn't want to marry at all cuz he was gay unless it was this one particular girl, he would. He waited and waited and finally this girl showed up. He was so elated to see her and relaxed and was so excited and ready to marry her. (I didn't see the actual wedding) but I looked at his wedding pictures of him and this girl. They looked truly happy. Then the dream scene changed, I was in another room standing in a room full of people waiting to be prayed for. This tall blonde hair guy asked me, "it's your Birthday today, right?" I nodded that yes it's my Birthday. He said to me, I want you to come over here and pray for this person (he guided me to this older man) as if he felt like I was the perfect person to pray for this man because it was my Birthday like it was good luck or something. Just as I was about to pray for him, I woke up from the dream. EOD

    Your input and thoughts would be appreciated. I'm just not sure what this dream means.



  3. Prayers being lifted for your daughter. This is just a thought, but has she watched any TV shows that may stir any kind of fear that she's experiencing as of late?

    Sometimes after watching a some kind of movie or show, that rises that kind of fear can lead to dreams of that nature.  My kids had that same kind of issue when they were really young … they would see part of the news about children being kidnapped from their bedrooms. They couldn't sleep without their lights on at night for almost a year. So, my husband and I were careful to be sure that the kids weren't around when we were watching the news.


  4. Thank you Cholette for your comments and thoughts. I read it last night and wasn't able to respond at the time.  I want to say Congratulations on your ordination as well as getting on your ministry team. What a blessing that must be for you and I loved how your dream gave you direction as to where God is leading you. I feel the same thing is happening with my dream as well.

    I've always thought boats meant ministry, too … it's nice to see that someone else thinks the same thing. In my dream, the swimming pool was taken up by the entire boat. You could only see the water under the bow of the boat. You could tell it was full of water. Otherwise you couldn't see much of the water because of the size of the boat.  

    I've been praying often about what kind of volunteer work I could do for the Lord lately… and nothing has panned out with everything I've checked out.  So, I felt a little stumped as to why I've not been able to see where the Lord is leading me. (I live in a very small town - not very many options).  

    But I've always kinda sensed in my heart that my family (I have a large one in this town) have been part of the ministry that the Lord has given me. Many of them need an "example" to follow. And I've always felt that the Lord is using me as a vessel not only witness to them but to show what it's like to follow Christ. So for that, thank you for mentioning that my ministry is within my home. It definitely hit "home" when you said that. So, now I know where my "ministry" truly is. Where I didn't have peace before, now I do. :)

    Thank you for so much for sharing your thoughts with me!


  5. Maybe so, but this is unusual for her to not answer any of our calls, emails, texts or not talk to us for months at a time. This isn't like her at all. We've always talked on a weekly and even at times, on a daily basis. We've tried talking with her for 5 months now… no response. I think it's rude when she isn't responding and giving us the silent treatment… this tells me she's angry with us for some reason.

  6. I had a very strange dream last night. In the dream, It was my house, but not like the one IRL. The house was much larger than the one IRL. In the house, it was like we were living out on the beach, but I never saw sand or anything like that, it was just a "known" thought as I was dreaming it … I walked into my garage from outside, and saw the swimming pool with a Boat on top of the water… all this inside the house.

    I know it's symbolizes something… I can feel it. But don't quite understand it, though.


  7. Hi Mark!

    Yanno, that's an excellent question!  I'm just a housewife, I do not have a job, or anything like that. The only situation I can think of that this may be about is my oldest stepdaughter… she's not talking to us right now for reasons we have no idea about. I'm at my wits end trying to figure this out. It's been 5 months so far. We've always had a great relationship. She just one day stopped talking to us…we sent her a B'day gift and she was excited to get the gift (it was a $100 gift card) and two days later, we called to say Happy Birthday to her, and we never heard from her again since then, for whatever reason that is, we do not know why. I'm deeply sad over it. More sad than you can ever imagine. I'm unclear how to go about doing this, cuz the only recourse I have is to wait for her to talk to us when she's ready. Perhaps the Tree represents how high I'll go to figure this out, but the "tree" isn't growing … I feel stumped for sure right now.  I have no where to go to find out the source of the issue with her. Her sister won't tell us, either, even though she is talking with us. So, the situation is still the exact same as it was on the day we called her on her Birthday. There has been no change.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Mark.


  8. Hi all,

    I had two dreams last night.

    The first dream, I had a dream that there was an alarm set, and I had only a short time to do something (not sure what that something is)… but I heard one alarm go off, and it seemed like it was a small detonated bomb that went off, and I saw a girl behind me fly off to the ground, and the dream scene changed… I was being coached by a friend of mine who took me to this particular room to show me that if I ever had another emergency to put my finger on this nail that was sticking out of this wall, that it'll keep me safe. EOD  

    In my second dream - I dreamed that I was in the forest, beautiful trees around me, and one of the trees was "me", I looked up, and was astounded at how tall it was… (like the evergreen trees you see up in the northern states)… and I started climbing it (I was seeing myself climbing with a bird-eye-view upward at myself - like I was in two places at the same time, standing on the ground while watching myself climb… ) and I was almost all the way to the top, because the top was just a few small fir branches, I couldn't go any higher. EOD.

    Not sure what both dreams mean. But I did recall a vision that I had after mulling over the 2 dreams …  that occurred at my Dad's church in 2012.  In the vision - there was a large beautiful oak tree I saw that was by the water, and the wind blowing on the oak tree blew the leaves apart to show the many fruits it had on the branches. This vision reminds me of the scripture: Jeremiah 17:7-8.

    Any thoughts on my dreams would be appreciated, since both dreams seem so drastically different… TIA!


  9. Mark, thanks for your thoughts on this... For some reason, I've had many dreams in the past about airplanes. Commercial airline types. And a few dreams of smaller ones ... but never one that is like a done-like shape small man-size BLACK airplane, especially windowless.

    My thought on airplanes that it symbolizes spiritual matters. I wondered if this dream is calling me to pray for my friend, she may be going through a difficult time that I'm not aware of?

    On the other hand, backyards to me symbols the past. I've never liked exercising in the past and now I really do enjoy it. So, it could symbolize that I've got a great vision and hope for my physical health, (large sliding door), and I need to "call on God" (phone) to keep up the  consistency with the exercising. (I've been known to slack off on exercising).

    Because I do tend to slack off at times, perhaps my friends and family will notice and cause me to take a look at myself again, perhaps. I decided to get back into it because I haven't been sleeping well at night and now since I started exercising again... I sleep like a baby. LOL

    I'm incorporating a diet of healthy foods, too, as well. It's very tempting to me not to have certain foods I've grown accustomed to having! That could be the small window coming into play that makes me feel like I have a small vision, perhaps. ;)

    Thanks for sharing, Mark! :)

  10. Sounds like you have a handle on what your dream is about.  

    Another thought came to my mind, with all the "traffic" in your dream, could be about the stresses in your life. Sometimes stress can totally take us out of our plans when we "think on them" too literally. I believe this dream is a good one, a warning one from The Lord, who just wants to give you the heads up - you can always depend on Him through prayer for strength to get you through anything. :)

  11. Hi again, Mark!

    Interesting dream! After waking up from the dream, did the dream impressed in your mind about a distinct person/s in particular? I always view sharks in my dream as "malicious talk".  It may not have the same meaning for you.  Since you were watching carefully over the eels/sharks and the fish. It gives me a sense that you're being intuitive about a situation that may be already occurring or will be occurring soon that needs to be "watched over".

    I think your dream is a good one, actually. You seem to be more objective about how others from High School have turned out and how you've turned out... that in comparison, you've matured more in ways they have not. And now you've come to appreciate how you've turned out.

    As for the girl, holding her hands ... perhaps, because she's a teacher, you like the lessons you're being taught so far in life and that's why you were so focused on it? Just a few thoughts that came to mind. Pls. toss what doesn't seem to fit.

    Have a great day Mark!


  12. Hi Mark!

    Its interesting to note that some of these temptations you were experiencing in the dream, is something most of us are tempted with IRL. Are you trying to restrict yourself from eating certain foods like the ones in the dream? My impression from your dream is you're on a search to discover more to life than just what you have and the traffic to me, means interferences - busy-ness of life, having to stick to goals, etc. You're eager to go on that path of discovery, but the with job, etc. it keeps you from having the time to do so. But then again, the traffic could mean "information" that you've come to discover and you're not well-knowledgeable about and that could be a bit intimidating.  These are just "thoughts" that came to my mind as I read your post. Just wanted to share in case it might help you sort out your dream. Pls. toss if they don't seem to fit. :)


  13. Dream starts off with me buying the house my friend owns, she complains about the small window in her living room which looks outward to the backyard as the reason why she wants to move.

    But when I moved in (it was like I've already moved in, there was no actual "moving stuff in"), I see a large sliding door in the living room that replaced that small window previously. I had the curtains pulled to the side to let the light in.

    I was on the phone, and I heard a loud noise, I looked out the left side window of the living room and I watched  what looked like was a black drone but the size of a small windowless aircraft plane - it crashed into my backyard. I was still on the phone and calm as can be. I looked out my window (no longer the sliding door - it was back to that small window again). I wasn't in shock or anything. Then, I was just calm and looked outside through the small window. I then turned around to face my living room, and saw several friends who had come over to inspect what was in my backyard. This time, we were looking through the sliding door (small window disappeared) to seeing the entire crash site. EOD.

    PS - I want to interject that my friend who I bought the house from, IRL she's a personal trainer and lives out of state. She's only an acquaintance and I only see her occasional comments on FB. (I have admired her consistency in training others - she comments about this on FB). I've been working out for a week with a new trainer. But not with this friend. But with another personal trainer who lives near my home town and has been inconsistent in the things she's said to me from the start of training.  It's almost like she's forgotten what she said to me from the day before and what she trained me on from the previous day.  Not sure if this RL events is any relation to the dream or not. But thought I'd mention it in case it does.

  14. Thank you for your prayers Mark. Do appreciate and need them. :)

    It does appear when I have dreams of being in a car, that it relates to something happening in the very near future.

    The only thing I can think of that it may pertain to is a personal legal issue that my husband is trying to get resolved. (not a fault of his, has to do with his ex wife) He's got a meeting with a lawyer on Tuesday. So, that could be about that. Just not sure how my friend relates in this situation, though. So, it could be about business. But I don't have any business plans in the making at all for the next week or so, which is why I was unsure if the dream was really about business.

    I'm just going to have to pray and leave it in God's hands, and let Him direct my steps. :)

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts... it's helping me sort this dream out.

  15. Also, I forgot to mention ... that I had severe asthma for months prior to going into the hospital when I was told that I had a spot on my lung 4 years ago. This left my husband totally devastated when he received the news. He pretty much clung onto me for about a year after that scare. I've noticed in the last month or so, I've had that same severe asthma again. I'm having trouble getting rid of it. Even though I have meds for it. I may need to go to the doctor to have it checked out.

  16. Thank you Mark, for your reply.  After reading what you wrote, I think you're right. It is a call to pray.  

    My husband's line of work requires a great deal of driving throughout the day traveling to different cities and even to different states, so that's why I was concerned about the dream.  But I know in my heart, through power of prayer, God's protection can cover him.  

    Not sure if it's a about a business transaction, but it was interesting that the friend in the dream was from my previous dream from last week who made a business transaction. But this friend of mine... she's had cancer 3 times in the past, and was able to beat it each time.  So, I even thought it could be about that somehow. 4 years ago, I had a spot on my lung, was in the hospital for 4 days, they weren't sure if it was truly cancer. I prayed totally in peace about it, that it was not going to be cancer. And 4 days later, they came to me perplexed and said there was no longer a spot on my lung. See God is awesome and can do anything! :)

    I could use prayers for sure, since there's so much uncertainty for sure about the dream.  

    Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts Mark.  It did leave me with some thoughts to think about! :)

    - Sunny

  17. Hi all -

    Dreamed my husband (he was driving), me (passenger) and my friend (in the back seat), we were on a HWY, we were looking to see where we are supposed to exit, my husband looked up at the buildings sort of front right side of us at the tallest pointed building and he said, "that's where we need to go"!  All the sudden as we all were gathered looking up at the building he was talking about, I felt a jolt in the car, and I noticed my husband had not been watching where he was driving... I said, "you're going off the road!"  I immediately leaned over and took over his steering wheel - but it was too late,  we were driving on a thin brown paper road that ended up changing becoming this edge of the HWY which was a narrow cliff (the paper road disappeared under my husband's side) we were riding only on the edge with just my side of the car's tires on. (Basically nothing was supporting my husband's side of the car). Just as I realized what was happening - I knew we were going for a huge fall sideways to the left, none of us were screaming... We just knew. Just as we were about to fall, I woke up. EOD.

    Any thoughts anyone? It felt like a bad dream to me. Scared me a bit when I woke up. It was not a good feeling. :(

    - Sunny

  18. Hi Mark,

    I don't have an interpretation, but just a few thoughts and questions came to mind.  

    Is there anything going on in your life or at work that you sense you need to do, but haven't done yet? Like a requirement ... for example: you need your car inspected, or need new tags, etc. Or at work, perhaps, a certification that needs to be done yearly, that you've forgotten about.  Just a few examples.

    Are you fixing to go on vacation soon from work?

    Sounds like at the end of the dream, regardless of the "concern" you had, it wasn't going to be an issue after all.  :)

    - Sunny
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