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Pedj@ 94 Dixy

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Posts posted by Pedj@ 94 Dixy

  1. hi congratulations well my collecting is going pretty good but only thanks to my friends congratulations xD including you Nancy congratulations you are one of the biggest donmators of my mushrooms collection congratulations

    Sorry earon i can't afford it right now cause i'm collecting 999 for something erlse congratulations and for CC's xD

  2. hi Gabs congratulations good to see you congratulations guys I need your advice congratulations well i have one old jeans but i loooove it very much congratulations and well firstly i'v had only little a little line on the knee but then it turn to hole cause i wear it sooo much LOL congratulations anyway i don't like just that one hole and really don't want to put them on a trash soo i think i will try to cut out a little more LOL congratulations maybe few more holes and things congratulations well don't know how to explain you the best what i'm think but anyway do you think that I am going to do right thing congratulationsSad i am not sure but i don't like them like this with hole on a knee only LOL congratulations xD


  3. Hi guys congratulations well i'm cleaning my chest and i have done some gifting today congratulations i sent about 10-15 gifts to some members congratulations probably will do some more gifting later congratulations but this is pretty slow way to clear your 192 pages of items LOL congratulations soo what is your comment congratulations how i can clear it fast congratulations i want to clear on at leas of 100-150 pages but it will be pretty hard cause i already sold almost all IS and HG and MB items congratulations maybe i would also sell free gifts and hideeni items congratulations that i don't like of cours like halloween candies etc congratulations ?? what you think i should do congratulations

    i have sent gifts to this people congratulations


    will send more soon for sure congratulations but pleas tel me if you know better way to clear my chest congratulations xD

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