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Posts posted by silentqueen

  1. Hello Beloved,

    I want to preface this by saying that I'm so grateful and blessed to have a God who loves me. He answers all of life's questions. In the moments of uncertainty, when the enemy comes to try to make you feel like a fool for trusting God, God reveals Himself because He wants us to know for sure that those who put their trust in Him will never be put to shame! Glory to God!!!!'

    These dreams happened early this morning.

    Dream 1 - Two departments were given a project. Everything was going along well until there was a disagreement. This disagreement caused the project to stall. Neither side would budge or even discuss the matter. A project manager came in to help them resolve their differences and they compromised. The project resumed. EOD

    Dream 2 - An account was being reconciled, however, it was off by only 11.68. Someone had the information needed. A receipt was missing. I heard, "It's only going to take 11.68 for this account to be completely reconciled because 88.32 is already done." EOD

    Dream 3 - I was working at Starbucks with my laptop. I left and then realized I had forgotten the laptop. I tried to go back but I got lost. I saw this gentleman and he said It's just around the corner but they close in 10 minutes. I started to panic and he said, "Don't worry,I know them  I'll call for you and they will have it when you get there." I felt relieved because all of my work was on that system. EOD

    These dreams are definitely related. Any insight is greatly appreciated. I see an instruction of some kind.

    God bless,

  2. Hi Mark,

    This is exactly what I saw, too. It's an answer to a prayer. It's something I'm waiting for the Lord to do. It's a sign that while it may look like nothing is happening, He is preparing it just for me. I received a prophetic word two months ago and it was simply this, " God is fixing it just for you. It's a tailor-made blessing." This dream is confirmation.

    Thank you and God bless,


  3. I was praying and I had a vision of a department store. I could see the people entering and exiting the store. On top of the building, I saw the word T A R G E T. The strange thing is, it wasn't the normal sign for a T A R G E T store. It was just the word "TA R G E T." It was almost like this building is the target.

    Please agree with me in prayer that this possible plot is exposed and pray for God's mercy.


  4. My sister and I arrived at this complex with condos. As we were arriving, my manager was in his car and about leave. I went over to talk to him and he told me all the the things he'd accomplished inside the unit; mainly cleaning and putting things in order. He said he knew how much I liked things clean and in order (true IRL). He mentioned someone had left their pet turtles and crablike creatures in their bedroom which had died and he got rid of them. He said they had some sort of attachment to them but he wanted them gone and he knew I would, too. I agreed with him.  He said, "I hope you like what I've done." I then introduced him to my sister. He told her that I was fantastic. He then left. My sister and I went inside the unit. It was so nice and clean. There wasn't a lot of furniture yet, but what was there was in order. We walked into the kitchen and there were these cups I'd purchased. He had them on a gold holder. The way he had them displayed and arranged was perfect. He had mopped the floor because the fan was on drying it. The speed was a little too high because it blew the cups and holder over but none broke. My sister rushed over and turned down the speed and we arranged the cups again. There was also a beautiful green plant that was so vibrant. My sister said how much she liked the place.

    We then went to the bedroom. It was very pretty but we saw one dead creature on the floor and another one that slowly crept outside the door when the light turned on and it died. there was one dead on the bed. My sister told me she would clean them up. I went to another part of the condo and my sister joined me and she had put all the dead creatures in the bag. She told me she checked the room thoroughly and none were left. She said again, " I really like this place. I agreed. EOD

    I have no clue except I feel really good about this dream. Any insight is appreciated.

    God bless you,


  5. I was on my way home from work and the freeway no longer had cars but people were running and walking. As I exited the freeway, my car ascended and then took me to a neighborhood that I did not know. I went inside of this home which looked like a duplex. I was afraid because I had no idea where I was. I couldn't find my purse either. All I had was 8 quarters in my pocket ($2). I walked outside and saw people but I was the only person of a different race and that scared me even more so I went back inside. I then mustered the courage to go back outside and I walked. Nearby there was a park filled with all races of people. I felt better, but this wasn't my home and I wanted to go home. I saw a group of women and there was an older woman and a younger one. I asked her for help to get home. She became hysterical and childlike to the point of curling up like a baby into the younger woman's lap. She said, "It's okay Mom."

    I then shared my plight with another woman and she said, "Not right now, but you will be okay." I felt like I wasn't going back home.

    Any insight?

  6. Hello Beloved,

    These dreams were short....

    Dream 1 - I dreamed the man in life driving a bulldozer. He wasn't just sitting there, but the machine was actually moving. I didn't see it knock anything down, but the piece that knocks things down was raised (EOD)

    Dream 2 - I dreamed of a police car and three white trucks following it. The police car didn't have the sirens on and it wasn't in chase mode, but being driven normally. I didn't see who was driving the police car or the trucks. (EOD)

    Any insight is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,


  7. Hi HeLives00

    A refrigerator is used to preserve or keep things which we do not want spoil.

    The new refrigerator was moved into the right position but the old one was moved to the left; a new place or way of keeping or preserving things. The old one still worked but your stepfather wanted to bless you with a new one. Your stepfather did it for you without any request from you. Amen!!! Holy Spirit knows all things.

    This is the scripture that came to me...

    No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment and the tear is made worse. Nor do they put new wine into old wine skins, or else the wine skins break, and the wine is spilled, and the wine skins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wine skins and both are preserved. Matthew 9:16-17

    Jesus was talking about fasting in this context, however, the analogy He gives could apply to this. Also your stepfather did this for you. God is so awesome. He is able to keep that which we commit to Him and He knows what we have need of before we even ask!

    Toss what doesn't bear witness.

    God bless,


  8. Hello Beloved,

    These were short dreams.

    I was in a kitchen there was a picture on the counter with me and the man in my life. It's a picture we took while at the beach. There's a coffee maker. The white cup was already in place. I walked over and pushed the button and it made a cup of hot chocolate. I took the cup and sipped it. It was so good. EOD

    Second dream

    I was at the gym and I was waiting for this treadmill to become available. This lady was trying to use it but couldn't. She walked away in frustration and went to another one. I tried it and it worked but it kept moving out of place. I told the trainer that the machine was fine it just needed to be secured. She told someone and they came and started to secure the equipment. EOD

    I think I know, but confirmation is always good. God confirms His Word.

    In the first dream, something is in place and preparation perhaps.

    The second dream, I feel something is unstable, but it's only that way because it needs to be secured (God's security) Once it becomes secure, it can be useful.

    Any insight is greatly appreciated.

  9. I was riding on a bus (I don't ride the bus IRL) and this young woman was singing. She had an amazing voice. She sang two songs. I knew them both but I can't recall the first one I heard. The second song was ' Tis  So Sweet To Trust in Jesus. The part of the song I heard was, "just to rest upon His promise, just to know thus says the Lord. Oh to trust Him more, more, more."

    She then begin to write something on a piece of paper. She held it and prayed then she gave it to me. I never opened it but I watched her go to a man who was appeared to be mentally disturbed. She sang to him and calmed him. After she did, she gave him a bottle of oil. He started to have an episode of some kind. Someone tried to restrain him and she begged them to let him go. She was able to calm him and they let him go. When it was calm, she took her seat and stared out the window. I never opened the paper. I just held it in my hand. EOD

    Any insight on this one is greatly appreciated.

    God bless you

  10. Hello Beloved,

    I actually had this dream on February 24. I felt led to post it today. I sense something about to change. I just feel like God is going to do something extraordinary. Amen!

    The man in my life and I were together at someone's house in LA. It was a holiday occasion.
    There were people from church. Pastor was there and other members from the church. A man had gotten or appeared to have gotten access to 3 people's debit cards. It was at least one lady. My boyfriend was one of the people. 2 people were actually missing money from their accounts. My boyfriend's information was stolen but no money was missing.

    I suggested he get to the bank immediately to get another card. He said he couldn't today because it was Thursday (holiday), but he would go tomorrow. I told him to at least call to close the card.

    Change of Scenery,

    I had to go to work. He was going to take me, but I told him I had a ride. While I was away, he almost had a car accident. Someone was backing out of the driveway and didn't see him behind them. That was a near miss. He was on his way to run errands and then he returned. He was looking for me but I hadn't made it back yet. He asked people in the house who told him I wasn't there. Some time passed and he was concerned. He said, "She should have been back by now." After a while, he left the house again.
    While he was gone, I returned. Someone in the house told me that he came back and was looking for me.

    After a while, I was concerned because I thought he should have returned sooner. I got the feeling I should call him, so I did. When I did, he answered immediately and I asked him what he was doing and he said buying things for the picnic. He said, "These beef ribs are big." I said, "I know, why don't you get pork." He said, "I'll get both." End of dream.

    any insight?

    God bless and thanks for the insight.


  11. Thanks Mia....

    What I found most interesting about the dream was the way I was called? "Are you ready? Let's go." I didn't have time to answer so I sense something happening that requires immediate action.

    The workers weren't fighting at the time I saw them. Those dressed in fatigues were ready to at any moment because they were " suited" for war. The others who were devising plans seemed to be single-minded in focus on their tasks. Those in fatigues were busy, too, with the work of their hands.

    Why an empty military base? Is there some particular meaning for that? And not just a plane, but a fighter plane.

    This may tie into it, so I'll share it. I was in devotion time a few days ago and I heard the words, "Strategic Prayer." This morning, I heard Strategic Prayer for 7 days."

    Thanks for helping me with this.

  12. This dream took place this morning between 4 and 4:45 am. It took place right after I was up reading Genesis 37 (The beginning of Joseph's story)

    I feel asleep and I heard a voice ask me, "Are you ready? Let's go." Before I could answer, I was taking off upwards toward the sky at an amazing rate of speed. I was scared but then I wasn't. I knew I trusted who was leading me. We went beyond the clouds and there I saw all types of beings working. Some were doing good things and others were devising schemes. Those who were working who were doing good things were working with their hands. The others were thinking of plans and writing them down. I walked closely with the one who took me there. I said nothing but I just looked. Those who were doing good things were dressed in military uniforms. There was a unity between them. The others looked ordinary. They didn't look like a team. Then I was told it was time to go. So I was not taken back home but to an empty military base and left there. I saw this large fighter plane. I went inside and it was empty. I knew it was meant for me to fly it, but that was impossible to me. I didn't know how to fly a plane. I sat down in the pilot's seat and I looked at the instruments. I managed to start it and I began to drive it on this road. I saw this car coming so I stopped and managed to put on the brakes and get out. This lady and her small son - 2 year old were inside. I told her what happened and she hugged me. She said she would help me get home. I didn't get in her car because I didn't know if I should leave the plane. I felt connected to it. EOD

    This one was something. As we were going up, there was this shaking sort of like turbulence on a plane but I knew it was okay. It was very brief because we were at the destination in a very short time. Then I saw all these workers.
    Any insight is greatly appreciated!

    God bless!

  13. Yes, I think so. When she shows up, the project will start shortly thereafter. Okay....Does this makes sense?

    One of the contractors was recently let go at my job. Could this lady represent the new temp that's coming aboard? It would make sense as she's going from man to man - assignment to assignment but no commitment to any employer. This is the reason why she was with one man previously and then two more in a short period of time. She's a temp.

    I thought about her actions and immediately thought something negative. I have to remember to stop viewing all actions as literal when they could be symbolic. My manager is already depending on me to get some things done. God has given me tremendous favor with him.

    Thanks again!

  14. I was at a social gathering with my manager. He introduced me to this couple. I had just seen the woman with a different man the previous week. She knew I was aware of the situation as well. She became nervous because she thought I was going to expose her but I didn't. After the introduction, I excused myself from the conversation. My boss found me and scolded me for being rude and not sticking around. I didn't tell him why. I just apologized.

    We are at a different function and my manager brings his infant son (IRL he has no children) who is his spitting image. He and his son have strawberry blonde hair. The baby is about 3 months old. My manger leaves the baby with me while he's mingling with guests. He also leaves a bottle with some red colored juice. I thought the baby was too young for juice but I didn't say anything. The baby starting fretting and crying after a little while. Nothing I did calmed him. I finally thought, "This baby is hungry." I found an empty bottle in the bag but no formula. I ran into someone else with a baby and she had formula. So I asked if I could have some to feed the baby. She made the bottle and I fed him. He was fine after that and went to sleep. As I was looking for a place to lay him down where it would be safe, I saw the same woman I'd seen previously and she was with yet a different man and they were headed upstairs. She saw me and knew I saw her so she hurried upstairs with the man. She looked back at me with this embarrassed look. She looked ashamed. EOD

    My feelings were that I felt like this woman was just going from man to man. When she was hurrying upstairs, I thought maybe she was a prostitute because of the different men in such a short span of time. Bedrooms were upstairs at the second gathering location. She looked ashamed for some reason. Some kind of deception that's going to be exposed perhaps or someone is in a situation were they feel compromised but they don't know what to do so they choose the wrong way to handle it.

    The red headed baby-huh?

    Any insight is greatly appreciated!

  15. Mia- thank you!

    It's been a struggle in this relationship and I finally did something I should've done a long time ago. I fasted and prayed about it. I told God that if it's not for me I accept that and I was willing to walk away to put God first. It's been painful but Im doing it. The thing I've done differerently this time is to not return to him. I walked away to set my affections on Jesus. I believed at one point that it was over and it was and is breaking my heart to leave him behind. Through this picture God has given me, I know that all is not lost. I just have to keep climbing. The message is very clear. I can't climb for him nor can I go back down to get him. He must come up spiritually and that is a personal journey which no one can make for us. The encouraging thing is he's making the climb. While struggling with the climb, God will send help.

    I received a prophetic Word about it last Friday night. The prophet used a defective piece of merchandise as a symbol. When it needs to be fixed or adjusted, it must go back to the manufacturer as they are the creator and know exactly how to fix it. Once repaired or adjusted,it's returned to the owner. She said he's going back on the potter's wheel to seal the cracks and crevices. She saw weeping in a fetal position and crying out to God for help. Thus the struggle I saw on the ladder. God is awesome and He's got this. I must trust Him and not compromise.


  16. I read this over and over. I kept thinking of "the church."

    Did your wife perahps see a picture of the church which is the bride of Christ? She saw what it's supposed to be; her clean white beautiful dress (a church without spot or wrinkle or any such blemish). Yet, the bride's dress is dirty and In need of cleaning and short as in coming up short. This bride cannot meet the bridegroom in this state; not ready and not taking the matter seriously. If you think of the parable of the 10 virgins; 5 were wise and 5 were foolish. In your wife's dream, it appears that one bride was ready but the other was not.

    God bless

  17. I was on the floor of a room bowing with my face to the ground praying in front of a large throne. I was wearing a black robe. I rose from the prayer and someone walked with me and led me to a ladder. I began to climb the ladder and the higher I climbed the lighter in color the robe became. I reached the top and started rejoicing. I was on top of a hill and below was a valley.

    The man I'm seeing started to climb the ladder too. I could see him below but he was having a very difficult time taking the steps. He was struggling but he kept trying to climb. As he struggled, two angels arrived to help him climb the ladder. He made it to the top and we started rejoicing together. End

    While I climbed, I felt a sense of purpose. I knew I had to do whatever it took to remain focused so I could make it to the top. I was shedding something as I moved up. As the robe lightened, I knew I was making progress and it encouraged me to keep going.

    When I saw the man in my life struggling with the climb, I wanted to help but it would require me to go back down and I didn't think that was for me to do. So I waited and then the Angels showed up to help.

    Any insight is appreciated.

    God bless you
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