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Posts posted by NoOptions

  1. I believe this dream is speaking about God's desire to redeem dead dreams for your family. I think the parents dying and the car crash talk about unfulfilled dreams that were derailed by the "accidents of life". Specifically the mother in the dream had a very "painful" and "sad" emotional experience that's killed her hopes and dreams.

    The father is passing on to the boys the ethics of hard work (sweat pants) (which will be required to change the world). There's a specific field that at least 3/4 brothers will be involved in. The fourth brother is yet to be decided if he will be involved in it, though there's a call from God for him to be.

    Though the mother may not be "physically" involved in making this come to pass, her spirit (attitude) and counsel will be pivotal for its success.
    It sounds like God has a "family" call for you guys to take the corners of a field of influence.

    That's a great dream. At least that's my take on it, God bless you guys!

  2. I had this dream on the night of September 11, 2011

    I saw my ex Pastor and other people in a table with George W. Bush; he was speaking perfect Portuguese (I am a native portuguese speaker). I made a comment to him about how good his Portuguese was, and called him Mr. President (someone also made a comment about how he was a foreign language major in college).

    I then was with a royal woman in a private chamber; she was older, but yet very elegant and beautiful (with fair skin and bright colored eyes). I at first believed her to be the queen, but she then corrected me that she wasn’t; I asked her then what she wanted me to call her, and she said “my Lord”, which I immediately preceded in calling her. At some point in the midst of this I receive a phone call from Joel (an acquaintance) ; I felt as if he was a distraction and tried to get him off the phone; though he insisted in me meeting him somewhere. I told him I could not since I was busy with government dignitaries; he talked to me about the favor of the Lord, as I brushed him off and hung up the phone. I then lay down in bed with this woman, and I sleep (had sex) with her. (Very vivid dream)

  3. Pastor B- Pastor of a large church (I was part of this church originally and left to help plant Pastor T's church.)
    Pastor T- Pastor of a small church (I used to be part of this church, but had to leave because of a relational falling out)

    Dream- I saw Pastor B, Pastor T, and I inside of a fast food restaurant. The pastors were waiting for their order, while I was waiting to order. I saw the Pastors discussing church growth; it seemed to me (surprinsingly) that Pastor T was counseling Pastor B on church growth. In this dream, I felt as if Pastor T was getting religious; I was under such a heavy presence of God that when it came time for me to order, I couldn’t help but to break out into loud laughter.

  4. Hey Jasmine,

    I think one of the most important things to understand when attempting to "rekindle" relationship or "that fire" with Jesus, is to remember that He hasn't changed His opinion of you at all. He still loves you, and desires deep relationship with you.

    At times when we get caught up in the business of life (earthly things), it might feel like our hearts begin to dim or cool off so to speak. Remember that the bible describes our God as "a consuming fire". As you draw near to Him, your involuntary heart's response will be to "kindle" or to be "set ablaze".

    Practical Application-

    I'd recommend you to do something that you like, that doesn't take up your heart's/mind's attention. Like maybe go for a walk, go to beach, journal, something like this. The key is to slow down, and get at ease. Once there, just begin to share your heart with him in honesty; good, bad, or ugly. Then in the midst of that, begin to be thankful and mindful for the things that God has done, and is doing in your life, and in the life of those around you. I think that you will find great delight to realize you heart beginning to thaw out and open.

    God is in already within you; he is just waiting for you to open up to begin to flow out of you.

    Let me say a prayer for you:

    Father in Jesus name, I ask that you would continue to lead Jasmine into a deeper place of experience with You. Bless her pursuit of Your presence, Amen.

    I hope this helps you, remember that the key is not in the listening, but in the doing of the word.

    Bless you,

    - N.O

  5. My mother lives a very healthy lifestyle, so I'm thinking this isn't literal. This set of dreams was incredibly vivid, and it startles me, so looking for some help.

    All these dreams hapenned consecutively during the same night:

    1. I dreamed that my mother was sick with cancer. She was bedridden, and she had some bald spots. Not only was she losing some hair, but she also had aged a little bit, since her hair was whiter than usual. She kept complaining about it, and I had to tell her to stop doing that. I kept praying for her, for what felt like a couple of hours. I really believed that God would heal her. All of the sudden, I realized that there was a ball of puss in my armpit (at first I wondered it was a tumor). I popped one unto the bed (there turned out to be two of them). My mother told me that it was a "lete" (I don't know what that is), and then complained about how expensive the medicine was going to be.

    2. In this dream my mother was still sick, and I was telling a couple of people about it. A friend called me on the phone and I talked to him about believing for her healing. I then posted a quote on FB about it, asking people to be in prayer. Afterwards I wondered if that was a good idea, since I only wanted people of faith to be speaking about it. I didn't want any negative conversations to be going on about it.

    3. In this 3rd dream I'm in this youth group type of environment waiting on God. Still very mindful of what's going on with my mother. One of my brothers comes up to me and I'm crying to him about mother being in a wheelchair. This is a big deal, since my mother is a passionate jogger.

    Thanks in advance!
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