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Posts posted by Vagabond

  1. Hi guys,

    So I want to give a little testimony of how faithful God is and the workings of the gifts of the spirit.
    I've been wanting to use the gifts of the spirit more, but have let doubt stop me from delivering words etc. previously not being 100% sure if it is from God or my soul.

    However, on the 19th of March I was praying for the Malaysian airline and the passengers, hoping there was a hope. At the end of my prayer, I felt dissatisfied so I asked the Holy Spirit: "What really did happen to that plane and where is it?" I then prayed for a minute or so in tongues and these two phrases popped up: "They are all dead" and "Indian Ocean".
    I was very sad when I heard it and prayed for their souls still, but somehow deep down in my heart I felt like it was true.
    So I said to the Holy Spirit that I'll test this word from you and wait to see the news in a few days.

    And today on the 24th of March I read the headlines that the Malaysian government is certain they have found pieces in the southern part of the Indian Ocean and that the plane crashed!

    I was pretty awestruck to say the least. I feel my faith has risen to a new level and trust in the Holy Spirit though. Sometimes we try and make it so complicated to hear from God, but the HS just told me right away, when I tuned in and listened.

    I also am very grateful because on the day the plane disappeared, I was just flying from Sydney, Australia back to my home country in Europe and didn't hear anything about this plane until I had completed my journey.
    Just feel like God protected me without me knowing it even and I didn't have to be worried when flying.

    Hope you are blessed.

  2. Hi,

    I would appreciate some help with a dream... Been praying for future direction and had many interesting dreams.
    Recently I dreamt that I was in an airport waiting for the flight to my home country.
    As I was waiting I noticed a thin metal cord sticking out of my right nostril. I started pulling it out. And it didn't hurt surprisingly. It was very long and I didn't finish getting it out before my flight was called.
    I had a very pleasant overseas flight and slept the whole time(which doesn't normally happen). When I was back home I dfound myself suddenly on board of a cruiseship with my best friend from childhood. We were walking through the ship and different rooms. It felt as if I was walking through rooms of the past. The ship was in good condition and people seemed happy. We decided to go to the cinema room and as we were walking down the corridor, a group of guys that I went to high school with stood there. In real life some of these guys had been very mean and bullied me in high school, so I was reluctant to walk past them. However, theymiled and seemed friendly, so we walked past them. I straightened my back and walked confidently ppast them. We sat down for the movie and the previews showed a movie abput WWII and nazis. The boys came to sit down in front of us, looking at us first. I felt so uncomfortable by the trailer that I went to the toilet, feeling like brushing my nose. I think more of the cord wanted ro come out.

    Dream ended here...

    Would be interested in meaning of cruiseships and the metal cord.


  3. This is an interesting vision!

    It's funny cause God has been speaking to me about England and London in the last months. I've had alot of encounters with British people on the street and in church where I live in AUS and they seemed like divine appointments, but I couldn't really say specifically what it was for.
    I thought God maybe wanted to send me there to live, but perhaps it's more in line with your vision and global. Anyhow, it is great to read of your vision and makes me think :)

  4. So,

    I had a dream of my recently deceased and beloved cat.
    He was swimming in a swimming pool in the kitchen of my childhood home.

    When I looked closely at the pool I thought: The water looks dirty compared to his white fur".

    The water wasn't really dirty, but a little brown like rain water.
    My cat has also always had a snow white fur, that for the 16 years he was alive always looked as good as new!

    What could this dream signify? Is it talking about my spiritual condition?

  5. Hi,

    Kind of new to dream interpretation, but I feel like God wants me to learn about this lately.
    I'm open to input from others, but also sense I need to be cautious.

    I have had a dream about a guy in church that I know who is, but don't really know as a person.
    I've had 3 dreams about him previously and been woken up at 5.00am each time, sensing an urge to pray over him in tongues.
    However, God has not revealed to me what it's all about yet and I don't have any specific word for this guy yet.

    So, I prayed to God what this was all about and had a dream that same night:

    'I was in church (my local church) worshipping and this man was playing keyboard on stage while also singing. I was on the side of the stage but facing forward still. I remember thinking in the dream that I must not look at him, because it is not right if I'm drawn to him. (He is a good looking man in real life...)
    The service ended and I walked up to the altar with a friend. The guy came walking towards me and my friend stopped him asking: 'Are you two together?' He smiled and said: 'All I know is that I went to Garage 5 and didn't expect to find Kristin there.'
    Upon which I replied feeling embarrassed: ' Not that I know of.' (I thought in the dream that God had not revealed it to me at least if it was so)
    He looked at me with kind, warm eyes and put his hand on my shoulder and then walked to the other side of the room to clean up some cables after the service. My eyes followed him, before I turned around and saw a book on the altar called 'Temptations'. And then it ended.

    I guess this may be a warning dream lol and should be very obvious with Temptations at the end?!
    One interpretation I think is that Garage 5 is representing ministry/outreach of grace?

    The overall mood and feel of the dream was positive and calm though. I also had a better impression of this man after the dream. I might have had a wrong impression of him as a person.... And somehow it felt like he represented Jesus.

    Anyhow, any thoughts?

    Thanks alot.
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