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Posts posted by Stewartdeirdre

  1. During the dream, I was just kind of perplexed and confused. I couldn't understand how I was producing so much milk and yet I had never been pregnant before or had any children. In my dream I was just wracking my brain to understand how this was possible. I felt like something was wrong with me, but I couldn't figure out what it was. My breasts stood out to me and then I strarted noticing that they were shaped weird. As I stared longer I began to feel alarmed, but not scared, just confused.

  2. I never considered the cars representing my body or other people, but it makes so much sense that could be accurate for my particular dream. Yes, I have had a recent experience last year wear I was feeling exactly how I felt while trying to move forward, but never progressing, only falling backwards. There were clear boundary violations on my part as well. I realized my fault in the situation and finally stopped trying to advance any further in the situation. I have actually had no contact with that person since last year and there are no signs of reconciliation or restoration. We weren't particularly friends, it was just someone I worked with at the time. I've often wondered if the husband was a 2 fold symbol? One being God and His amazing abilities to transform any situation. As the name Michael means, "Who is like God?" And the other being a restoration of my relationship with my ex that was broken almost 7 years ago. I have had no contact with my ex in almost 4 years, so I'm not sure that's 100% accurate, but that's what always comes to mind when I think about it. Another insight is that I had this dream back in September of 2008. I used to write down my dreams all the time, but I got busy with life and stopped writing and tucked this journal away and kind of forgotten about the dreams, but it's crazy lately that during Christmas time last year, I felt compelled to revisit my dream journal and read over them and there are a handful that I can't get out of my spirit at this time in my life. Some of which I recenly posted to this forum and this being one of them. I'm not sure what God is doing, but now I feel is the time to seek insight into what God is doing and saying to me. Thank you sooooooo much for taking the time to read my entry and respond so thoughtfully. I appreciate it immensely!

  3. I Dreamed I was in front of my house surrounded by many cars that were all mine. I do not recall how many there were. The cars appeared to be white but the first part of my dream was mostly black and white. I was trying to park the cars in front of my house, but each time I parked one and got out of that car to go park another one, each one of the cars would start rolling backwards. None of the cars I attempted to park would stay put, but rather would roll down the street and crash into the neighbors cars and property. I felt soo frustrated in my dream because they kept going where I did not want them to go. One of the cars rolled back into my neighbors fence and destroyed it. The neighbor came out and was furious. He marched over to my house to tell my parents what I had done. I tried to run and stop him, but I couldn't run properly. I was moving in extreme slow motion and barely going forward. I was in the middle of the street in front of my house and I finally gave up trying to chase him. I eventually turned around to look at the damage my car caused to the neighbors fence, but when I turned around, the fence was no longer broken. It had been fixed like new. I looked and my neighbor was sitting peacefully in his backyard with a smile on his face.This part of the dream had vibrant color. I remember mostly the green grass in my neighbors yard and the new beige wood of the fence. I asked my neighbor how he fixed the fence so fast and he pointed across the street and said, "He helped me." The neighbor across the street took down his own fence and gave it to the one with the broken fence. As soon as I looked up to see the guy who helped my neighbor with his fence, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that was my husband . The husband I had waited my whole life to find. (In real life, I am not currently married). In my dream my husband ended up being an ex boyfriend of mine named Michael. In my dream, I remember thinking what the description of my husband was supposed to look like (because In real life, one of my pastors told me they had a dream that they were officiating my wedding and they gave me a description of what my husband would look like.) In my dream I remember thinking that although Michael did not match the description of the dream my pastor gave me in real life, I felt that was just a minor detail. In my heart I knew he was the one for me. I ran over to Michael and he picked me up in his arms and we kissed. I woke up feeling hopeful.

    Any insights? Please and thank you :)

  4. In my dream, Will Smith worked for the Secret Services and he took me to some underground hidden place. I was concerned that I wouldn't have cell phone access. He began explaining to me about a universal wifi code. so I would never have to be without phone access. He said the code at the time was 1403 but I kept repeating it in my head as 1043. I asked him if the number would be valid all the time in all locations. He told me that even if the number changed, he would always update me and my family of the new code. Then I woke up. What could these numbers mean? And what is the importance of the name Will?

  5. Dreamed I was in my bathroom looking at my naked breasts in the mirror. They felt odd 2 me so I was checking them out to see if anything was wrong and all of a sudden milk starts spilling from my left breast in abundance. It gushes out like a faucet and I cant control it. It spills all over my clothes and around me. The same thing happens with my right breast, however, as the milk flows, the skin on my right areola begins pealing off and hanging on by a thread. I try to hold it together, but it comes off. At first it looked raw underneath, but then, new skin begins to form in its place. Then I wake up. This dream was strange to me because I am not in any relationship, married or pregnant.

  6. I dreamed I was in the kitchen at my old house. It was night time and I wanted to cook something to eat. However, I was concerned because the sliding glass back door kept getting my attention. The door did not close all the way, but apparently, it didn't bother anyone else that the door did not close or lock. It remained ajar constantly. I was increasingly concerned about safety and protection from any unwanted intruders. I began fiddling with the door to try and fix it. It was as if the door was way too small for the space provided. There was a huge gap between the door post and the door itself. As I was trying to fix it, all of a sudden, there appeared a small white dog at the door. It was not my dog and I didn't know who's it was or where it came from. It was friendly, and was wagging its tail, but I didn't want it to come inside. I was trying to keep the dog out and doing everything I could to try and fix the door, but nothing worked and the dog kept coming inside. I finally gave up trying and then woke up.

    Thanks for your help and/or insight... Blessings!
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