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Everything posted by Ericrb

  1. No. Only people titled "Admin" can do it. Even Mouf can't. Only Me, Sharok and Onion have the access to the Administration Panel.
  2. Shield, Hull, Armor? Cargo capacity, ammunition type, what tech and what slot. How many turret can you add? Skill requirement.
  3. Ericrb

    waccess ...

    Nothing at all Eric. Come get some HOT DICKINGS!! And then I'm off to eat some hickory smoked HORSE BUTT HOLES .. From a cup! You better share.
  4. Ericrb

    waccess ...

    Can you give me a free tour, plssssssss. I wud rely b glad u no. I'll give you a tour yeah I'LL GIVE YOU A TOUR TO MY BEDROOM HELL. o no i gun b ded? im so excite u no. i hop it stil free lul is hell ur bedrom?
  5. Ericrb

    my world Terra

    *eats golden throne* ...sometimes, I can be extremely random... hell, always
  6. Ericrb

    my world Terra

    :O!!!! I'LL AVENGE YOU!! AFRO ARMY GOOOO!!! Just... ressurect me... With your Lucy power.
  7. Ericrb

    waccess ...

    Can you give me a free tour, plssssssss. I wud rely b glad u no.
  8. Hahaha, no. You, RO, RO, OK. RO. RO, NO MC OK! NO MC, DO RO.
  9. Ericrb

    my world Terra

    The day Zhuge killed me. R.I.P 2/10/2011
  10. When Mouf is turned on, he posts picture of himself on the forum. You'll get used to it.
  11. You, you, you, if you promote Star again, I'll throw all my needles to you.
  12. apparently admins can multipy, grow, and breath fire! looks like im not gonna ever piss off sharok! Indeed wart YOU should never piss off eric or sharok..........canadians like their warts with a glass of red whine and some mayonaiseAnd some bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips!, bacon strips! and another BACON STRIP deep fried covered with bacon strips deep fried again.
  13. I know. I should ask his uncle to create a script that allow us to use more character in our signature so we could put this quote in. ok k k
  14. From stargatedestiny To Ericrb, Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:15 pm Btw Check below I lied completely to all of out there's no irc on it there only a simple relay script that when u download your server it comes with a hidden irc channel ok there explained now??? Or do I have to tell u where I'm located I have mountain timezone ok? I'm on a reallyfast network that's way more powerful then ull ever be on k got it yet or do I have to continue there was no hacking on a server I was just kidding k u don't have hummor do u!!! Wow u can't take a joke ok I'll say it I'm sorry for jk u guys I love that server I was going get 10 others to join it but I told them don't because u banned me and then they wanted another one I sent them to aplusfreebuild now they'll nvr join that server because u banned me and out the 10 2 of them were hardcore builders making giant skysrapers with very high detail so u lost out on that toobad buts it's to late there on my other server if u want link ask frog he has so ya the server is hidden from alllinthemined users because my uncle put that script in if u want in deal with him and I'll give u a chance to think it over when I was talking about irc and below that was a big joke k I swear i don't lie about those stuff I'm loyal to my server Some people will understand why I posted this private message
  15. Ericrb

    Moufisto's Away

    What's up Mouf? You didn't leave! I still see you in my heart. Ok, that's gay.
  16. Serial Killers : A. Ericrb B. Moufisto C. Zelda Famous Actors : A. Ericrb B. Ericrb C. Zhuge D. Ericrb I got those right huh? Sweet game bro.
  17. And after 2 months, when we'll get around 12 experts, we will promote more legends and when we'll hit 8 we will think the same way (legend getting worked up) and stuff. That's why there's a demote command. If an expert is going berserk mode, Onion can demote him and restore the map. What I said is totally useless if you guys thought of LOCKING the legend rank. Moding the mods, weird.
  18. That's the same thing for pupil, mason, adept and expert. You can't stop that. W/e happens, I want my /kick and /ban. That's the only thing that keeps me in the server, moderating.
  19. You can't overfill a rank. Woaw, we had 1500+ pupils before the wipe and we didn't add 150 ranks. Why 150? Cause you guys(people who wants more ranks) want to add a rank each time it hits 10. We should give a different rank for every single player! Who's with me!!!
  20. What's the point to have legend? If we lower Expert, we need to lower Adept and if we lower Adept we need to... Yeah you get it. It's a no for me. We have all the commands, I don't know why we should have legend.
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