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Everything posted by mdavi71

  1. With that said, there's still Onion who didn't say a word. But for me, it's not a yes, not a no but gtfo of our stuff. Do I need to say "money whore"? This server is completly free. If you try to find a buisness in this stuff, you're totally out.[/quote] I have never, and never will plan on making money, i already make enough. EDIT: Why is there advertising then, if you are not for profit. Your reply about the website not attracting extra people is absolute rubbish, If the website is extremely appealing they will keep browsing through your site, and join the server. it will also make the browing experience much easier. If you have a website which is hard on the eyes, they will not find pleasure in just "browsing". Excuse me? The domain is available to be registered, you obviously dont know your way around domains/servers as such, because if i purchased this domain, it would mean absolutely nothing to your website, unless put in place. I Was incorrect in posting this, i meant to say, "In Public". Trust me, there is no luck in making a "business" out of this, Im just a website Dev. I get it, you dont trust me. Your Dont Know Me?. Why Should You Trust Me? The fact is, you dont have to. I was going to do something, to help the community. if you do not want this project to move ahead, thats fine with me. I was just trying to help. Once we recieve a reply from Onion, i will take the appropraite action, Whether is be Delete this topic/Move Forward. Sorry if i have offended anyone, in any way, or upset anyone. Ive been working since 5am. All the best, Mitch
  2. Hi, I'm Mitchell Davies. I'm from Gold Coast/QLD/AUS, and i am a Professional Website Designer/Audio-Video Technition. I'm currently working on a new Design, which i will propose to the Headmasters upon completion. I am absolutely in LOVE <3 with the server. There are some amazing people Moderating, and other individuals who are contributing greatly to the community, hopefully with a new website we can obtain a greater first impression upon our soon to be players, which will help the ALL IN THE MINED community grow. I will be posting all the latest updates on the design on this page. I might also be purchasing the www.allinthemined.com domain if it is available - EDIT: DOMAIN IS AVAILABLE WILL PURCHASE IT SHORTLY. NO DESIGNS CREATED FOR ALL IN THE MINED WILL BE DISTRIBUTED, THEY WILL BE PROTECTED WITH ANTI COPYRIGHT SCRIPTS IF USED COMMERCIALLY. THIS IS NOT OFFICIAL FOR THE MOMENT. BUT I HAVE HIGH HOPES FOR THIS PROJECT, AND I HOPE YOU WILL ALL SUPPORT ME.
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