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About jengirlie

  • Birthday 02/07/1966
  1. Sorry to hear about your family member... I'm going to have to run... my list is long and my time is short. Hope you all have a great day!
  2. Hey there Boo... We are thrilled to finally be able to give our boys our last name! Thanks for the compliment... This forum seems much cozier than the other one, so i decided to post a picture! I love when photographers capture the not so perfect posed shots! and thank you Zoonie and MyLady! (this modifying post feature is pretty cool!)
  3. We were waiting on some pictures we had taken of our family... now that we have officially adopted both of our children! Our first OFFICIAL family picture... The photographer did them very quickly, but I had to have time to put together our card, and print... my whole concept changed after I saw the pics! Now I'm scrambling! And my list keeps growing!
  4. Helloooo! Happy birthday to your OH! For some weird reason, I can't multi quote here?! Hey there Marlies... I'll tell OH you said Happy Birthday! He's like a little kid... he got some new games for the Wii! They never grow up!
  5. Hey there Smorkle.... and I see Zoonie and Bee... and Wish just left! I won't be able to stay long! I'm working on Christmas cards that should have been mailed LAST week...
  6. Hey guys... stopping by for a quick hello.... so very busy here right before the holidays, and today is my husband's birthday! Thought I would check out the new digs... it's different! I'm going to have to find some time to look around figure things out!
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