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Posts posted by BeiBei

  1. billbo baggings wrote:
    hi evey one ive done the post count and you could have stoped at page 8 lol i have poped the winners up wtg winners yay

    now im going to be nosy and reed all the pages of chat lol and try and remember how to pop my f/b link up lol

    ps yes i did count all the posts just to make shore... terns out its 15 posts per page i relised that once i had got to page 7 lol

    Many thanks for the toy robot, billbo baggings! :face:

  2. billbo baggings wrote:
    the rules are simple post lol

    please no swoopers winner need to have min of 5 posts to be able to clame their prize.... ( excluding the ist winner thay need to have 4 more by the 20th post lol)

    1 post ... robot toy
    15 ........ rmb
    30......... bmb
    45......... gmb
    60......... piano
    75......... pink fridge
    90......... love hart lava lamp

    sorry thay are not that exciting of prizes congratulations

    billbo baggings

    Who says these are not exciting prizes????

    Thanks for being so generous !
    Petname: Lin Beibei
    Level 25
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