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Posts posted by stormi77

  1. Hello everyone,

    I have several Hideeni costumes I would like to trade. I am looking for the following item the Hideeni Bunny Costume.

    This is what I have to trade:

    Hideeni Pineapple Costume
    Hideeni Astronaut Costume
    Hideeni Turkey Costume
    Hideeni Chicken Costume x2

    Thank you for looking. If I do not respond right away, I am off line. Please leave me a message. Thank you!!!

    natasha anne

  2. Hina,

    Thank you for your advice. I have noticed that people are trading them for the 5999 items, which at the present time seems to be only one of those. Not sure how much use I will have with that item. I usually do my trading using the 999 items. I do so appreciate your help!!!

    natasha anne

  3. Hello,

    I am new to the PSFC forum. I want to meet people that are happy and pleasant. People that love PS! And I am looking for honest traders.

    Since I am new if anyone can help me, I would truly appreciate it!! Thank you so much!


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